A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

Hello, I am using your code, but it seems different from yours and the color palette does not pop up a color selector. I am confused, how can I solve it?

@Adelina , have you updated HA?

1 Like

No, I haven’t updated it because the latest version of the physical status won’t be translated

hey i am following your theme and i have some problem with icon animation:

on the bottom left I have a menu button whose code looks like this:

          # MENU PARTER
          - type: conditional
              - entity: input_boolean.pietro
                state: "off"
              - entity: input_boolean.menu_parter
                  - podstawowy
                  - ikona_pietro
                  top: 84.5%
                  left: 9%
                type: custom:hui-element
                row_type: custom:button-card

the animation of the button itself works without a problem:

    - ustawienia
    - tilt
    - extra_styles
    state_on: >
      [[[ return ['on', 'home', 'cool', 'fan_only', 'playing', 'unlocked', 'cleaning'].indexOf(!entity || entity.state) !== -1; ]]]
    state_off: >
      [[[ return ['off', 'paused', 'docked'].indexOf(!entity || entity.state) !== -1; ]]]
  show_state: true
  show_icon: false
    ui_sound_tablet: |
        if (variables.state_off) {
            hass.callService('media_player', 'play_media', {
                entity_id: variables.entity_browser_mod,
                media_content_id: '/local/sound/on.m4a',
                media_content_type: 'music'
        if (variables.state_on) {
            hass.callService('media_player', 'play_media', {
                entity_id: variables.entity_browser_mod,
                media_content_id: '/local/sound/off.m4a',
                media_content_type: 'music'
    card_bounce: |
        // add animation
        if (this.getElementsByTagName("style").length === 0) {

            // phone condition
            let mq = window.matchMedia('(max-width: 800px)').matches;

            let style = document.createElement('style');

            style.innerHTML = `
                @keyframes card_bounce {
                    0%   { transform: scale(1); }
                    10%  { transform: scale(${ mq ? '0.92' : '0.94' }); }
                    25%  { transform: scale(1); }
                    30%  { transform: scale(${ mq ? '0.96' : '0.98' }); }
                    100% { transform: scale(1); }


        // duration
        let duration = 800;

        // animate
        this.style.animation = `card_bounce ${duration}ms cubic-bezier(0.22, 1, 0.36, 1)`;

        // reset
        window.setTimeout(() => { this.style.animation = "none"; }, duration + 100)
    action: toggle
      - grid-template-areas: |
          "icon  circle"
          "n     n"
          "s     s"
      - grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr)
      - grid-template-rows: auto repeat(2, min-content)
      - gap: 1.3%
      - align-items: start
      - will-change: transform
      - justify-self: start
      - line-height: 121%
      - justify-self: start
      - line-height: 115%
      - height: 165px
      - width: 150px
      - border-radius: var(--button-card-border-radius)
      - border-width: 0
      - -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0)
      - transition: none
      - --mdc-ripple-color: >
            return variables.state_on
                ? 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'
                : '#97989c';
      - color: >
            return variables.state_on
                ? '#4b5254'
                : '#97989c';
      - background-color: >
            return variables.state_on
                ? 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)'
                : 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)';

However, the animation of the icon does not want to work for me. Do you know why?

        - width: 100%
        - margin-left: -14%
        - margin-top: 1%
    icon: >
        let state = variables.state_on && variables.timeout < 2000 ? 'on' : null;
        return `
          <svg viewBox="0 0 128 128" width="64px" height="64px">
              @keyframes on {
                0% {
                  transform: scale(0.85);
                20% {
                  transform: scale(1.1);
                40% {
                  transform: scale(300);
                60% {
                  transform: scale(1.03);
                80% {
                  transform: scale(0.97);
                100% {
                  transform: scale(1);
              .on {
                animation: on 0.8s;
                transform-origin: center;
            <rect x="26.2" y="47.7" class="${state} light-color" width="42.8" height="52.3"/>
            <path fill="#9da0a2" d="M36.2,102.7h-10c-1.7,0-3-1.3-3-3v-72c0-1.7,1.3-3,3-3h43c1.7,0,3,1.3,3,3s-1.3,3-3,3h-40v66h7c1.7,0,3,1.3,3,3S37.9,102.7,36.2,102.7z"/>
            <path fill="#9da0a2" d="M103.2,102.7h-47c-1.7,0-3-1.3-3-3s1.3-3,3-3h44v-46h-31c-1.7,0-3-1.3-3-3s1.3-3,3-3h34c1.7,0,3,1.3,3,3v52C106.2,101.4,104.9,102.7,103.2,102.7z"/>
            <path fill="#9da0a2" d="M49.2,50.7h-23c-1.7,0-3-1.3-3-3s1.3-3,3-3h23c1.7,0,3,1.3,3,3S50.9,50.7,49.2,50.7z"/>
            <path fill="#9da0a2" d="M69.2,101.3c-1.7,0-3-1.3-3-3V64.8c0-1.7,1.3-3,3-3s3,1.3,3,3v33.5C72.2,99.9,70.9,101.3,69.2,101.3z"/>

transform: scale(300); - I use this value for the test to see the animation better, unfortunately nothing is animated


Hi Guys,
Does anybody know how i can achieve sound on button clicks like mattias has in the config?

I like your interface style. Can you share the complete code?

1 Like

Have you solved the translation problem? What should I do if I still haven’t been translated after adding language? Please help me, thank you

@Laffer @Mattias_Persson After upgrading to the new version, the physical state of the card will become English and cannot be translated into my native language. Do you know how to solve this problem? I have been stuck in the old version for this I’m confused

There’s an issue open for it on github: Entity State displays „raw“ Informations · Issue #685 · custom-cards/button-card · GitHub. It’s an issue with the button-card. Also see the latest comment on: 2023.1.0 broke entity state display in local language · Issue #646 · custom-cards/button-card · GitHub. Hopefully it will be fixed soon :slight_smile:

I put a remote finder button in the footer. The code for the button is

- type: custom:button-card
  entity: script.shield_remote_finder
  name: >
    <ha-icon icon="mdi:remote-tv"></ha-icon> Find Remote
    - footer
    action: toggle
    enabled: true
    duration: 10
    unlock: hold

But the lock is not covered on the whole button. It only covers the top half of the button. See the mouse icon in the two pictures below

Any idea how to solve this?

Thank you. I will continue to monitor the card updates until the issue is resolved and I am upgrading the system version.

1 Like

thanks, when I finish the whole project, I will share the whole code here on the forum :slight_smile:


Hi, guys.
I dont use yalm mode, so !include doesnt works at raw editor.
How can I integrate the button_card_templates with my dashboard?
Sorry for the stupid noob question.

found it for you, see this link GitHub - custom-cards/button-card: ❇️ Lovelace button-card for home assistant

This will centre aline the lock icon, but the lock will over lap the text if you button is small so watch out

- type: custom:button-card
  entity: script.shield_remote_finder
  name: >
    <ha-icon icon="mdi:remote-tv"></ha-icon> Find Remote
    - footer
    action: toggle
    enabled: true
    duration: 10
    unlock: hold
      - align-items: align-items
1 Like

Hi. Im trying to use a code from @fifty889 (only the TV part to show youtube, netflix, etc) implemented in my code (which is exactly like the original here). However, when I paste “state_display” line, the TV icon desappears from dashboard. Can you help me?

- type: custom:button-card
            entity: media_player.samsung_tv
            name: TV
            state_display: >
                if (states['media_player.samsung_tv'].state === 'playing') {
                  return '
                  <div style='display: flex;
                                      padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px;
                                      align-items: center;
                                      background: transparent;
                                      marquee-speed: slow
                                      animation: marquee 20s linear infinite;'>

                if (states['media_player.samsung_tv'].state === 'idle') {
                  return '
                  <div style='display: flex;
                                      padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px;
                                      align-items: center;
                                      background: transparent;
                                      marquee-speed: slow;'>
              c1: |
                  if (states['media_player.samsung_tv'].attributes.app_name === 'YouTube') {
                   return "<ha-icon icon='mdi:youtube'></ha-icon>";
                  if (states['media_player.samsung_tv'].attributes.app_name === 'Netflix') {
                   return "<ha-icon icon='mdi:netflix'></ha-icon>";
                  if (states['media_player.samsung_tv'].attributes.app_name === 'Disney+') {
                return '
                  <svg fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
                    <path d="M10.896 13.837c. 1.273-.315.048-.035.096-.085.097-.149.002-.129-.224-.208-.224-.208-.238-.099-.679-.148-.906-.166-.238-.021-.613-.051-.703-.065-.093-.013-.193-.032-.274-.068-.081-.036-.159-.118-.183-.208-.041-.163.011-.362.102-.492.237-.34.791-.469 1.204-.52.401-.05 1.048-.049 1.442. 13.837M8.074 11.722c0 0 .077-.116.142-.204.118-.16.331-.382.491-.519.049-.042.107-.089.107-.089s-.091.009-.142.02c-.122.024-.3.142-.389.219-.147.126-.309.331-.236.513C8.057 11.688 8.074 11.722 8.074 11.722M8.892 11.941c.232-.016.45-.083.653-.195.199-.111.491-.328.461-.583-.009-.083-.063-.145-.131-.174-.089-.038-.135-.032-.248.001-.082.024-.119.039-.197.083-.228.133-.551.416-.727.642-.041.053-.082.113-.114.154-.02.025-.036.048-.034.055C8.561 11.95 8.801 11.947 8.892 11.941M8.3 12.376c-.024.025-.049.087-.076.131-.014.024-.04.054-.057.066-.061.044-.112.047-.17-.005-.082-.072-.129-.185-.133-.294-.002-.048.006-.1-.003-.14-.015-.068-.083-.137-.119-.202-.043-.076-.078-.209-.082-.295-.015-.268.126-.514.31-.709.185-.197.426-.36.689-.471.248-.105.612-.176.885-. 12.381 8.303 12.372 8.3 12.376M8.617 12.924c. 1.2C8.988 14.617 8.992 14.805 9 14.994c. 13.017 8.539 12.909 8.617 12.924M3.067 13.641c0 0-.272.019-.458.04-.238.026-.685.103-.942.195-.077.028-.234.093-.248.173-. 13.913 3.067 13.641 3.067 13.641M8.046 13.851c.016.142-.021.411-.027.446-.012.082-.073.27-.083.293-.05.115-.099.208-.151.302-.089.16-.301.414-.426.523-.467.404-1.191.634-1.812.71-.421.051-.905.043-1.351-.039-.154-.028-.382-.081-.382-.081s.001.091-.007.156c-.004.029-.026.107-.038.132-.032.067-.086.102-.163.116-.094.017-.193.023-.279-.014-.142-.06-.193-.192-.218-.345-.02-.122-.041-.335-.041-.335s-.106-.05-.195-.094c-.272-.134-.53-.296-.756-.463-.063-.047-.331-.272-.391-.328-.166-.158-.316-.315-.43-.517-.089-.158-.114-.297-.047-.464.093-.233.426-.408.655-.508.168-.074.689-.244.905-.276.102-.015.261-.043.271-.049.004-.003.007-.006.01-.009C3.094 13 3.103 12.77 3.101 12.686c-.002-.083.061-.627.082-.742.011-.062.058-.302.106-.365.031-.042.087-.039.132-. 14.33 5.4 14.277 5.46 14.245c.03-.016.055-.034.078-.055.049-.044.094-.092.089-.148-.007-.073-.084-.118-.158-.147-.345-.137-1.035-.251-1.368-.271-.13-.008-.316-.014-.316-.014l.039 1.839c0 0 . 1.258-.038 1.803-.295C6.583 15.13 6.802 14.99 6.969 14.8c.219-.251.334-.595.304-.955-.033-.392-.309-.858-.53-1.142-.583-.749-1.582-1.366-2.46-1.727-.897-.369-1.784-.581-2.736-.616-.245-.009-.781.003-1.051.078-.039.011-.078.024-.113.032-.028.007-.073.026-.085.036-.007.005-.014.013-.014.013s. 1.067-.167.711-.027 1.384.097 2.072.307.394.119.91.319 1.288.501.271.131.698.371.938.528.076.05.518.375.587.433.143.117.331.286.467.421. 13.637 8.048 13.791 8.046 13.851M16.982 13.444c-.333.077-1.208.119-1.208.119l-.11.346c0 0 .437-.037.756-.004 0 0 .103-. 0-. 1.078-. 0 0-.275.018-.508-.354-.217-.354.082-1.025.082-1.025s-.137-.313-.038-.419c0 0 .059-.054.231-.066l.211-.436c0 0-.24.017-.383-.16-.133-.168-.144-.245-.042-.291.109-.054 1.11-.236 1.798-.213 0 0 .239-.023.447.392C17.052 13.236 17.152 13.404 16.982 13.444M14.392 15.122c-.088.208-.321.429-.611.291-.286-.138-.741-1.07-.741-1.07s-.173-.347-.206-.338c0 0-.037-.068-.06.312-.024.378.005 1.115-.146 1.231-.143.116-.316.07-.406-.066-.082-.134-.115-.452-.071-1.011.052-.56.182-1.156.349-1.341.166-.184.299-.05.351-.002 0 0 .222.201.588.792l.065.109c0 0 .333.558.367.557 0 0 . 0-.046-.128-.015-.249.031-.122.153-.065.153-.065s.47.237.699 1.002C14.634 14.222 14.482 14.913 14.392 15.122M19.455 14.664c-.214.374-.819 1.156-1.622.971-.265.643-.488 1.294-.616 2.268 0 0-.028.189-.185.124-.156-.055-.413-.314-.465-.672-.056-.471.154-1.267.582-2.18-.125-.203-.21-.493-.137-.907 0 0 .108-.767.878-1.459 0 0 .092-.08.146-. 1.323-1.875 1.893- 14.139 19.581 14.439 19.455 14.664M19.289 13.679c0 0-.032-.247-.273.025-.208.23-.583.66-.884 1.245.317-.036.622-.207.714-.295C18.995 14.521 19.345 14.16 19.289 13.679M23.88 13.623h-1.472c-.029-.5-.09-.988-.185-1.49-.01-.052-.055-.09-.108-.09h-.339c-.03 0-.058.013-.077.036-.019.024-.027.053-. 1.461H20.45c-.066 0-.12.053-.12.119v.306c0 . 0 .441-.019.805-.064 1.215-. 0 .112-.046.119-.107.043-.413.061-.781.061-1.231 0-.063-.001-.131-.002-.207h1.452c.066 0 .12-.054.12-.12v-.306C24 13.677 23.946 13.623 23.88 13.623M4.193 9.521C4.172 9.552 4.167 9.59 4.179 9.625 4.192 9.661 4.219 9.688 4.254 9.7l.264.089C4.534 9.794 4.55 9.797 4.565 9.797c.049 0 .095-.024.122-.065.865-1.27 2.035-2.328 3.384-3.058 1.393-.754 2.971-1.153 4.565-1.153 1.925 0 3.781.568 5.37 1.642 1.55 1.048 2.754 2.509 3.481 0 .07-.018.091-.049.021-.03.025-.069.011-.103-.75-1.847-2.019-3.421-3.669-4.552C16.674 5.612 14.693 5 12.636 5 9.234 5 6.078 6.69 4.193 9.521"/>
                  - top: '-5%'
                  - left: 55%
                  - width: 50%
                  - position: absolute

That type of behavior indicates some sort of syntax problem. Looking at the code, I wonder if you are using the wrong type of single-quote after each ‘return’ and before the ; try changing those to the back quote symbol that is usually in the far upper left corner of the keyboard.

Good luck!

Thanks for answering me. I tried the other ways too. It seems to me that this code does not go all in ui-lovelace. But I don’t know where it goes either. :confused:

Try of this work for you

type: custom:button-card
entity: media_player.samsung_tv
name: TV
state_display: |
    if (states['media_player.samsung_tv'].state === 'on') {
      return `
      <div style='display: flex;
                          padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px;
                          align-items: center;
                          background: transparent;
                          marquee-speed: slow
                          animation: marquee 20s linear infinite;'>

    if (states['media_player.samsung_tv'].state === 'off') {
      return `
      <div style='display: flex;
                          padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px;
                          align-items: center;
                          background: transparent;
                          marquee-speed: slow;'>
  c1: |
      if (states['media_player.samsung_tv'].attributes.media_title === 'YouTube') {
       return "<ha-icon icon='mdi:youtube'></ha-icon>";
      if (states['media_player.samsung_tv'].attributes.media_title === 'Netflix') {
       return "<ha-icon icon='mdi:netflix'></ha-icon>";
      if (states['media_player.samsung_tv'].attributes.media_title === 'Disney+') {
    return `
      <svg fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
        <path d="M10.896 13.837c. 1.273-.315.048-.035.096-.085.097-.149.002-.129-.224-.208-.224-.208-.238-.099-.679-.148-.906-.166-.238-.021-.613-.051-.703-.065-.093-.013-.193-.032-.274-.068-.081-.036-.159-.118-.183-.208-.041-.163.011-.362.102-.492.237-.34.791-.469 1.204-.52.401-.05 1.048-.049 1.442. 13.837M8.074 11.722c0 0 .077-.116.142-.204.118-.16.331-.382.491-.519.049-.042.107-.089.107-.089s-.091.009-.142.02c-.122.024-.3.142-.389.219-.147.126-.309.331-.236.513C8.057 11.688 8.074 11.722 8.074 11.722M8.892 11.941c.232-.016.45-.083.653-.195.199-.111.491-.328.461-.583-.009-.083-.063-.145-.131-.174-.089-.038-.135-.032-.248.001-.082.024-.119.039-.197.083-.228.133-.551.416-.727.642-.041.053-.082.113-.114.154-.02.025-.036.048-.034.055C8.561 11.95 8.801 11.947 8.892 11.941M8.3 12.376c-.024.025-.049.087-.076.131-.014.024-.04.054-.057.066-.061.044-.112.047-.17-.005-.082-.072-.129-.185-.133-.294-.002-.048.006-.1-.003-.14-.015-.068-.083-.137-.119-.202-.043-.076-.078-.209-.082-.295-.015-.268.126-.514.31-.709.185-.197.426-.36.689-.471.248-.105.612-.176.885-. 12.381 8.303 12.372 8.3 12.376M8.617 12.924c. 1.2C8.988 14.617 8.992 14.805 9 14.994c. 13.017 8.539 12.909 8.617 12.924M3.067 13.641c0 0-.272.019-.458.04-.238.026-.685.103-.942.195-.077.028-.234.093-.248.173-. 13.913 3.067 13.641 3.067 13.641M8.046 13.851c.016.142-.021.411-.027.446-.012.082-.073.27-.083.293-.05.115-.099.208-.151.302-.089.16-.301.414-.426.523-.467.404-1.191.634-1.812.71-.421.051-.905.043-1.351-.039-.154-.028-.382-.081-.382-.081s.001.091-.007.156c-.004.029-.026.107-.038.132-.032.067-.086.102-.163.116-.094.017-.193.023-.279-.014-.142-.06-.193-.192-.218-.345-.02-.122-.041-.335-.041-.335s-.106-.05-.195-.094c-.272-.134-.53-.296-.756-.463-.063-.047-.331-.272-.391-.328-.166-.158-.316-.315-.43-.517-.089-.158-.114-.297-.047-.464.093-.233.426-.408.655-.508.168-.074.689-.244.905-.276.102-.015.261-.043.271-.049.004-.003.007-.006.01-.009C3.094 13 3.103 12.77 3.101 12.686c-.002-.083.061-.627.082-.742.011-.062.058-.302.106-.365.031-.042.087-.039.132-. 14.33 5.4 14.277 5.46 14.245c.03-.016.055-.034.078-.055.049-.044.094-.092.089-.148-.007-.073-.084-.118-.158-.147-.345-.137-1.035-.251-1.368-.271-.13-.008-.316-.014-.316-.014l.039 1.839c0 0 . 1.258-.038 1.803-.295C6.583 15.13 6.802 14.99 6.969 14.8c.219-.251.334-.595.304-.955-.033-.392-.309-.858-.53-1.142-.583-.749-1.582-1.366-2.46-1.727-.897-.369-1.784-.581-2.736-.616-.245-.009-.781.003-1.051.078-.039.011-.078.024-.113.032-.028.007-.073.026-.085.036-.007.005-.014.013-.014.013s. 1.067-.167.711-.027 1.384.097 2.072.307.394.119.91.319 1.288.501.271.131.698.371.938.528.076.05.518.375.587.433.143.117.331.286.467.421. 13.637 8.048 13.791 8.046 13.851M16.982 13.444c-.333.077-1.208.119-1.208.119l-.11.346c0 0 .437-.037.756-.004 0 0 .103-. 0-. 1.078-. 0 0-.275.018-.508-.354-.217-.354.082-1.025.082-1.025s-.137-.313-.038-.419c0 0 .059-.054.231-.066l.211-.436c0 0-.24.017-.383-.16-.133-.168-.144-.245-.042-.291.109-.054 1.11-.236 1.798-.213 0 0 .239-.023.447.392C17.052 13.236 17.152 13.404 16.982 13.444M14.392 15.122c-.088.208-.321.429-.611.291-.286-.138-.741-1.07-.741-1.07s-.173-.347-.206-.338c0 0-.037-.068-.06.312-.024.378.005 1.115-.146 1.231-.143.116-.316.07-.406-.066-.082-.134-.115-.452-.071-1.011.052-.56.182-1.156.349-1.341.166-.184.299-.05.351-.002 0 0 .222.201.588.792l.065.109c0 0 .333.558.367.557 0 0 . 0-.046-.128-.015-.249.031-.122.153-.065.153-.065s.47.237.699 1.002C14.634 14.222 14.482 14.913 14.392 15.122M19.455 14.664c-.214.374-.819 1.156-1.622.971-.265.643-.488 1.294-.616 2.268 0 0-.028.189-.185.124-.156-.055-.413-.314-.465-.672-.056-.471.154-1.267.582-2.18-.125-.203-.21-.493-.137-.907 0 0 .108-.767.878-1.459 0 0 .092-.08.146-. 1.323-1.875 1.893- 14.139 19.581 14.439 19.455 14.664M19.289 13.679c0 0-.032-.247-.273.025-.208.23-.583.66-.884 1.245.317-.036.622-.207.714-.295C18.995 14.521 19.345 14.16 19.289 13.679M23.88 13.623h-1.472c-.029-.5-.09-.988-.185-1.49-.01-.052-.055-.09-.108-.09h-.339c-.03 0-.058.013-.077.036-.019.024-.027.053-. 1.461H20.45c-.066 0-.12.053-.12.119v.306c0 . 0 .441-.019.805-.064 1.215-. 0 .112-.046.119-.107.043-.413.061-.781.061-1.231 0-.063-.001-.131-.002-.207h1.452c.066 0 .12-.054.12-.12v-.306C24 13.677 23.946 13.623 23.88 13.623M4.193 9.521C4.172 9.552 4.167 9.59 4.179 9.625 4.192 9.661 4.219 9.688 4.254 9.7l.264.089C4.534 9.794 4.55 9.797 4.565 9.797c.049 0 .095-.024.122-.065.865-1.27 2.035-2.328 3.384-3.058 1.393-.754 2.971-1.153 4.565-1.153 1.925 0 3.781.568 5.37 1.642 1.55 1.048 2.754 2.509 3.481 0 .07-.018.091-.049.021-.03.025-.069.011-.103-.75-1.847-2.019-3.421-3.669-4.552C16.674 5.612 14.693 5 12.636 5 9.234 5 6.078 6.69 4.193 9.521"/>
      - top: '-5%'
      - left: 55%
      - width: 50%
      - position: absolute
  - base
  - icon_tv
  - loader
1 Like

Hi. Your card looks beautiful.
I was wondering if I could ask you how you managed to make the font size of the name and the font size of the state look different?

I thought I could modify the base in extra_styles.yaml, so I did, but it doesn’t work in my environment.

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* BASE *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

    #container {
      text-align: left !important;
      z-index: 1;

    #card {
      padding: 10.9% 9.9% 8.9% 10.9%;

    #state::first-letter {
      text-transform: uppercase;

      font-size: var(--button-card-font-size);
      font-weight: var(--button-card-font-weight);
      letter-spacing: var(--button-card-letter-spacing);
    #state, #label{
      font-size: calc(var(--button-card-font-size) * 0.6);
      font-weight: var(--button-card-font-weight);
      letter-spacing: calc(var(--button-card-letter-spacing) * 0.6);
    /* portrait */
    @media screen and (max-width: 1280px) {
      #name, #state, #label, #watt{
        font-size: calc(var(--button-card-font-size) * var(--card-portrait));
    /* phone */
    @media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
      #name, #state, #label, #watt{
        font-size: calc(var(--button-card-font-size) * var(--card-phone));

    ${variables.tilt_enable === true ? `

it did not work. But I found out that in theme if I change flex-wrap: nowrap to wrap, then it get fixed.

Thank you so much! It works.
Btw, Do you know how I can return an entity picture inside a circle instead of a mdi icon? My TV provides a picture address for each app.