A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

Yup, I have fixed it, I’ll push today/tomorrow.


Nice setup. What did you use to develop the room plan view?

Sweet home 3d and a html image placing tool.

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Thanks! I have posted a version of it already somewhere in this thread A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

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Given all the changes and me not yet having upgraded browser_mod, I fear it makes more sense to start over than continue fixing my solution and deviating more and more from where @Mattias_Persson is going with this :confused:

It’s not that complex if you just search for deviceid this and start from there. Just did it this afternoon. Only the more info screen is left for me but still working now. @spudje


Not all Heroes wear capes.
Thanks, It was so simple.

Hey @Mattias_Persson
I have two problems after the last update :
The titles are small in the main screen
In the sidebar, the background image is in the middle of the area and the icons are small too

Maybe I miss something but I don’t know why. Thanks for your help !

CSS seems not to be applied

Wow, this is great, thanks!

Is it possible to color the flame only when my climate is on?
Nad can I show the temperature from an other sensor?

Hi Mat. How can i get the popup card to open at a specific location so i doesnt allways open center on the screen.

Thanks for your create contribution.

action: fire-dom-event
  command: popup
    $: |
      .mdc-dialog__surface {
        left: -80%;
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also seeing this from time to time, I’ve reverted the changes


ditch anchors

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Thanks for it. Where did you find that CSS code? I normally use this webpage but could not find it here.https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp

Thanks. and how to do up and down since those names doesnt work?


What is the problem with this?
Can’t figured out?

          - type: state-label
            entity: sensor.placeholder
            attribute: Lampen
              top: 9.15%
              left: 25.4%

<hui-warning-element label = "Lamps not available in: sensor.placeholder"> </hui-warning-element>


Thanks, that is what I missed.

Whats the best procedure of going about replacing my lovelace ui with this marvelous stuff?

I know coding, but i dont how to tackle it.

Hi @henrikrox
I started with ui-lovelace.yaml by adding my elements one after the others
First the sidebar : meteo, information messages, icons / popup
Then the main content

I picked the necessary code as I needed it