A problem with a display that the system is not in the English language

I have a strange problem, could be a coding problem or something like that,
As soon as I configure the HA system to the English language it works well, if I return the language to the Hebrew language the problem returns. Maybe someone knows this problem?
The problem exists on a Iphone device
I am attaching 2 photos.

  1. Picture that it looks normal in English
  2. Picture that doesn’t look right in Hebrew




Regarding fold-entity-row - there is a registered issue in this card’s github repo (created by you I believe).
You may try fixing this glitch by card-mod. Go to the main card-mod thread for details if needed, you may use provided examples for fold-entity-row as a starting point.

As for other cards you are using (apexcharts?) - check a corr. repo, may be there are registered issues as well; register them by yourself if not done yet…

card-mod fix for fold-entity-row

1 Like

thanks man, maybe you can help with 2 other cards?

Are these apexcharts?
I am not using them ((((((
Suggest you to ask in the main apexcharts thread.

Ok I will ask there.
and the last one its bar-card

Post a SHORT SIMPLE code reproducing the issue.