A refreshed logo for Home Assistant!

A life consists of millions of irrelevant things. It would be live without it.

Would this be considered a Frontend issue? Just set the entity picture and a dark background

Personally I believe this to be unexpected at least
I do seem to remember during the betas the update entities suffered this, and it was changed. This however is still happening, in a regular entities card with ( in this case) a device_tracker

Yeah it looks like a bug to me. How can it be reproduced?

with a simple customize:



      entity_picture: /local/home-assistant/icon.png

I did rename the icon, but thatā€™s all

If youā€™re using an image, then your image isnā€™t sized properly, you need to adjust the icon size in the image. I.e. change the canvas to a larger size and move the image in the center.

All the entity_picture does is place the full image in the center of the circle. I.e. not a bug.


well, itā€™s the official HA logo, (not an mdi icon, but a .png, well thatā€™s obvious from my yaml, sorry) and if itā€™s not a bug, itā€™s a side-effect of the designā€¦

also, as I said above, we had this on the update entities, and that has been fixed. Maybe that same fix could be applied here.
let us have Maddalena look what can be done

Itā€™s a side effect of you using an image where the object in the image is extended to the bounds of the canvas.

noā€¦ because picture_entities should expand the photo in question to fill the entire circle. You, yes you, need to modify the image so that it shows up the way you want it. Or you can just use the mdi icon and completely avoid this.

yeah, itā€™s the official HA logo in the official download format, looking ugly when used in the core way to set an entity_picture.

And if you make a picture yourself thatā€™s just a purple square, what would you expect that to look like with a circle overlay on top of it?

Or lets say you have an image of yourself. What would you expect that to look like with a circle overlay?

Hopefully you can see how this is spiralingā€¦ and youā€™ll just change your png.

e.g. your imageā€¦

with a circle overlay that HA applies when using picture_entity

results inā€¦

The image doesnā€™t fit, thatā€™s correct .

Right, so make it fit :wink: Thatā€™s what you do when putting images in entity_picture. You didnā€™t center the image so it fit in the circle. You just did a straight copy/paste which will get you a non centered odd looking image.

There are various variations of the logo depending on where it is used. If itā€™s going to be cropped in a circle, there is a special variation for such purpose. For example, we just fixed the avatar of the system account here in this forum.

This reminds me to update Home Assistant Design :sunglasses::thinking:


I redownloaded the set, and saw the social media files had been added, using that is ok now, so thanks for the nudge:

not sure if I can suggest/ask here, but since I use the icons to indicate home/away, I always manually make those in the greyed color when not provided. Would there be any chance the official pack would contain those at some point?

(I am aware the other color settings are available, but thats more to do with fitting in certain theming, not as much the purpose I am seeking. (and ofc I am aware of cards that can use filter settings, to take care of it. Not working I this case either)

I initially had no opinion about the change.

I must admit though I have come to quite like it. Itā€™s a lot easier to make out the icon on my phone.


Still not completely used to itā€¦but I do like the new dev logo for IOS


I was starting to get worried, I hadnā€™t seen any posts about the logo in a few days. Glad things are back. :upside_down_face:


Probably most of users simply do not care about a logo even if it looks like USB.

I do not care too ))).
Update: I do not care as long as a changed logo / icon do not make usersā€™ experience more difficult like it happened recently with Telegram - some users cannot recognize it, some cannot see it on a screen ))).
And this change was intended to be ā€œa move to be consistent with system icons, theyā€™re monochrome in modern appsā€. Sound familiarā€¦

Just to make it clear for you, my icons are standard icons on a Samsung phone. And isnā€™t this thread about giving feedback? If weā€™re only going to say the nice things about everything, than there might not be an honest feedback.
I used that word, because I didnā€™t find any more appropriate word for it. When Iā€™ve first seen it, it made me feel uncomfortable, weird and a bit childish when comparing to the first icon. It looks like if the original icon gave birth to a baby home assistant icon.
If you disagree with my opinion thatā€™s fine, others might like it, I donā€™t. I just gave an honest opinion about it and I wasnā€™t going to wrap my opinion into 5 layers of bubble wraps to not accidentally hurt anyoneā€™s feelings, because then it might loose itā€™s meaning