A refreshed logo for Home Assistant!

I really dislike the new logo, sorry!

It would be nice to make it configurable with a setting. With all the complicated things that HA can do, I would think pointing to a different logo would be easy. It would make curmudgeons like me very happy.



I don’t see why there cannot be a configurable choice of logos, as long as they are not radically different.

BIG assumption that most users aren’t in houses.


Because it’s a brand logo, you either use it everywhere the same, or you just don’t use it. It’s called Corporate identity! :wink:

And btw. this isn’t a choice for you as a user to make. :wink: If every change would be asked and discussed and voted and some are against it - that simply doesn’t work for such a big project. I’m with you regarding the communication about such changes, but that’s all.

Let me just ask a question: do you really think, that anybody outside of the dev team has a say in this? Look at this thread. This is the 83rd post, even if I don’t count that some do double or tripple posts, that would be 83 out of 250000 installations => that’s 0,03% of users…

I honestly think, you’re overrating this. The majority will just take the new logo for what it is: a new logo - period. :wink:


That’s one perspective - but you fail to remember that even the previous logo was used in two versions, one for low res, one for high (so not everywhere) - so your assertion is fallacious! :wink:

Let me just ask a question: do you really think, that anybody outside of the dev team has a say in this?

No - that’s the trouble - I say that they should have a say - especially the ones who actually contribute to funding it.

The majority will just take the new logo for what it is

I have no doubt. If the majority had a say, a Kardashian would be in the White House.

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You are doing statistics wrong. But yeah.
How many of the 250000 are on this forum? How many of the one on this forum are active?
How many will so discover the new logo at the next upgrade?

We are talking about open source: anybody can contribute and open home. So, in the end, users are important. It is the community that is making HA such a success.

EDIT: Could have been a vote. A few logos, a poll and this is it. But anyway, whatever will be, will be. And I can keep the old logo on my phone


Exactly my point, if you don’t widen your point of view, you’ll likely get the idea, that only the people writing in this forum are valuable users, but all users are valuable. So yes, the math is correct, or are you suggesting not all users should be taken into account?! :wink: That a lot of people won’t even notice a difference can’t be the basis for the math, we need to use the complete data pool => all users.

Nobody said, you can’t do so, I was merely pointing out, that this will not work, as a suggestion in form of a PR is nothing binding. In the end, the decision is made inside a team of people, here the dev team. :wink: And this is in most cases a good decision. I know of a few FOSS projects, that got killed by exactly that - decision making process took to long, and in the end everybody want’s to have a say in it, but nobody want’s to be held accountable for it.

Every project needs leaders, and these leaders will have to make decisions, popular or not, to bring the project further.

But you can always fork HA and change whatever you like, and use that. But that will be a lot of work to do, as you’d need to practically update your code every day from the main repo.

What I don’t get is this: why do people think, open source means involvement in every decision that is made and everything has to be free? It’s quite the opposite! People can get involved in a project, and if they don’t like the way it is moving forward, they can build upon the basis and make their own project out of it. But nonetheless, nowhere is a guarantee to be involved in the decision making process.


Indeed but as long as they are aware of the change. Who don’t care is neither a go, neither a no go.
But we will follow the leader(s).

How did you create these symbols for living room and bedroom? Are these images from a Home Assistant instance?

Sorry I prefer the old logo. Its simplified too much. The new one would work well on my good old mechanical plug sockets, especially with the rip off USB logo.

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I personally prefer the previous logo, because it has more detail, more character. The new logo is just too simplified for my preferences. Quite possibly, provide a tiny bit more detail?


I don’t understand what you mean with ‘symbols’, but yes these are screenshots from cards in my own HA instance. All shown cards are created with the latest beta of my own Swiss Army Knife custom card.

The cards you refer to have identical display/interpretation of de states as the Awair app has.

Larger cards will also become available showing specific Awair Element visualizations.

Once released, layout templates will be available to create these cards in a view using yaml by specifying the template and the entities to be used.

Certainly NOT as most apartment house is central-heated, no “fire-stow” allowed, millions and more millions of houses are without Chimneys, even houses from the 60th

Note the lack of Brims aswell …

Right, who is taking it to the extreme ?

Sorry to hear that the new Icon/Brand-Logo, don’t “trigger” your imagination

In regards to your other “Icon”, good for you that you have found your choices, thou not my cup of tea.
But yes , i also tend to find icons to “resembles” the Function/Meaning to avoid unnecessary text

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Once again I find this conversation running circles and people taking stands against each other, not really explaining their reasoning. Of course there are few detailed posts on their feelings. Kudos to those. It also might be just a language barrier on my part.

I just find it strange that if someone says that they don’t like to new logo, some comments that people just complain because they are against change. You don’t have to be against change or a new look for not to like the new logo.

I for one don’t really like the new logo. I will definitely get used to it, and it just so small part that it’s quite irrelevant. But for me its two folded argument. I do understand the update on icon level. On my browsers tab it is easier to see. Making the design more simple and unified everywhere is also a sign of more focused and comprehensive design.

The other side is that icon itself, for me and just for me, looks unpolished. It looks unbalanced on my eyes and the so called antenna looks more like a wild bush or a tree. The weight is somehow on the lower part of the icon. With the HA text the problem gets even bigger for me. The text and logo are not somehow balanced.

But like I said, the logo is quite meaningless, for users at least. Yes it might be the most important part of the brand visual design, but hardly anyone stares at the logo, so everyone will forget the topic at some point. But for me, this wasn’t fully successful redesign.

I don’t know a lot about design, so the logo might be perfect according to many design guidelines and believes, but for me it just does not look great. It okay, but not great.

But hey, that’s just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own, hopefully without ridicule.


I get that the old logo was not suited for a lot of usecases but I still dislike the new one a lot.

  • The icon looks more like a greenhouse than a house
  • The antenna inside the house looks more like a single dandelion to me (I miss the dots that looked like soldering points)
    • The branching points are too low/close (it looks like they all branch from the same point)
    • Even tough the meaning of the antenna is adressed it looks less ‘tech’, less connected and in general too simple (looks like a smart home with one motion sensor and one light bulb)
  • The name needs to be lowered; it looks vertically centered to the whole house even though the roof runs together to a point and therefore is ‘lighter’ than the base

The house shape is ok but the name and the antenna really need some work.


Most of the design rationales and processes are detailed in the blog post, and it also includes a diagram showing the proportions for those who care, so here I will instead elaborate a little on the context, as in what branding is about so that at least we are talking about the same thing.

Any sort of rebranding comes with a set of goals, so it is not changing for the sake of changes. As stated above, there are practical and aesthetic rationales.

A brand usually encompasses two aspects: Symbolic meaning and aesthetics. For the former, it is never about whether a person can tell what something in a logo literally is - that would be an illustration, not a logo. I personally dislike corporate branding speak, but in short, branding is about what kind of emotions you want to evoke from the symbols.

Think of it as what a person wears, say, for a dinner date - they aren’t dressing up so that their date can tell that they literally are wearing a shirt. They are wearing a shirt because they want their date to think that they have everything in their life sorted and they are not a slob who just wears a t-shirt to a first date.

To test a brand, we asked these kinds of questions - what they saw, what they felt, what they felt in comparison to a competitor brand, etc. And we surveyed not only to current users, but also future potential users, which is what marketing is about. When you are able to judge the logo from the many different contexts and perspectives, the changes would make sense.

It is a common misconception that design is entirely subjective, when it is very much objective based on testing and established principles. While everyone can have different tastes, we can at least deduce what the common aesthetic preferences are given the demographics HA is serving. It’s not so much about who knows better than whom, but what the best decision that can be made given with what we are able to research and find out.

And it is especially true here since we got quite a few passionate folks here in this thread! The old logo evokes emotions, too, and it is totally valid that one would be attached to it. If you “really dislike” it, that’s ok! We can never just make you love something else overnight, and it’s great that you are loyal to something. Aesthetics and what we call ‘ugly’ also change over time, and we all come from different walks of life. There is no one-size-fits-all design option. We can allow choices to serve the most people, but there can only be one default, and that default needs to serve the needs of many.

Nonetheless, as it is stated above in the blog post, there are customization options to allow users to continue to use the old logos in various places (e.g. iOS app icon) if they want to.

And like I said in both the blog and the stream, this is only a tip of the iceberg. The Product and Design team has shipped the new onboarding experience, the new climate more-info dialogs, the Home Assistant Green, and a lot more in the last three months since we were established. Stay tuned for more. :smiley:


Looks very similar to Rachio icon.


Exactly, I meant your cards. These look great, I will take a closer look at your Swiss Army Knife custom card and wait for your new designs with great pleasure.

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The people working on Home Assistant definitely have a finer eye for design, and that’s part of why I adopted it back in 2019, but the overall aesthetics still always had that “engineered”, “open source” flavor to them. I remember when the only available logo was the big one with the intricate circuitry. It always felt too crowded. The small one that followed was better, but by the time it came out, the first-gen Material aesthetics were looking dated. I’m really glad someone with professional design skills joined the team and overhauled it, and I’m really happy with how elevated it looks now. I’m also getting really excited about a UI overhaul!

People with no experience in design do not understand how flatter, simpler shapes are better at communicating what a logo is about. Every time a business goes that way, they complain about how they are “boring”. But this is really a productive move. Design is communication, and the simpler your design, the more efficiently it communicates. The home shape couldn’t be any simpler, and yet we still understand its meaning. Same for the circuitry, which doubles as a network, without the need to represent PCB vias in detail. The colors choices are excellent too, as they allow the logo to stand out among the sea of icons in our browsers and home screens, unlike some (not pointing any fingers… Google). The simpler and the more recognizable a logo is, the better, and this one achieves both.

I hate upgrading HA because every time I do something inevitably breaks. But I’ll do it just for the new logo.

Fantastic work, Madelena. Thank you!


Only that it’s not. At least not with the crowd the HA devs are trying to cater to these days. 99.9% of the general population have no clue what a PCB is and what it looks like. They’d probably interpret the old logo as some kind of flower bush in a house. And even if they see the PCB design, that would most likely be counterproductive as it conveys these heavy ‘nerd-vibes’ so to speak - with all connotations that come with that stereotype, very technical, complex, expert-only, etc.

The new one is much more mass market compatible, while still maintaining a hint of the old PCB design. While their push for the mass market may be debatable, the new logo is a logical step towards that goal.


FWIW, Hubitat’s version of minimalism.

Hubitat Elevation