A refreshed logo for Home Assistant!

One can hardly say, weā€™re talking about quantity right now, it is one logo, that weā€™re talking here. If someone comes up with a second new logo, I might be tempted to talk about output, but for now, this is just not the point. :slight_smile:

Measuring these numbers is something, that we as users canā€™t do, but Iā€™m very sure, that HA, or better NabuCasa, will do that. It could start by measuring the difference in sold hardware. In this case, HA Green vs. Yello vs. Blue, combined with a metric to account for differences in why people are buying the Green, times have gone further, so more users buy and all these things. Next thing would be some kind of survey with new users, to check for the profitability of the HA brand. And there are much more metrics, you can set especially in marketing and overall experience.

I just realize, that Iā€™m really bad in describing this, so Iet me just make up an example (all made up numbers!):

  • in 2020 there were 500 Blues sold
  • in 2021 there were 1000 Yellows sold
  • in 2022 there were 1500 Yellows sold
  • in 2023 there were 500 Yellows sold and 2500 Greens

Following these numbers, you would assume, that in 2023 there would be around 2000 sold devices (500->1000->1500->2000). You would now set the estimated number (2000) in connection with the real number (3000), so you can see a not estimated growth of 1000 additionally sold devices. This would be one way to measure such things. As I said, made up numbers, but you get the idea.

All these data will come in over time, and weā€™ll see, how much good it will bring. For now, we as users can watch the statistics data, where you could get some kind of estimate, what real numbers are running, see here (board types):

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Nicer UX = more user = more subs @ nabucasa = more money for coders. :slight_smile: New logo is a part of a nicer UI/UX


You added a rooftop again, and a chimney.

The new logo looks more like a cut-off rounded hexagon than a house, just like the Dutch AH (HA reversed :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: ) logo:

I do miss the rooftop the most. If I look at the logo below (just found it on the internet), the rooftop makes the house for me. And of course, the three sensors / PCB are the unique part of the HA logoā€¦

We will get used to it I guess!

The HA logo is now shape-wise about identical to the Google Home Logo:


If youā€™re used to that, the new HA logo wonā€™t be a problem.


Yes, this is what I was trying to express. Youā€™re right. It is the delimitation between the wall and the roof that is bugging me. We will get used to it, sure. But this is what was making the home assistant icon a house, not a weird pentagon, youā€™re right.


I love the new logo, beautiful, well thought out, and so clean.


Is it just me, or doesnā€™t it(your brim example) just look like ā€œa short/fat Arrowā€ pointing upwards, rather than a house ? :thinking:


Thanks. Thatā€™s precisely what I was looking for.
But it would be much nicer if this feature comes by default, though!

Now itā€™s much clearer:

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Yes, the missing rooftop is the main regression I see here.

We loose the ā€œHomeā€ effect in this logo and that is disturbing. From a home icon, we have now an arrow going upā€¦ The interior symbol seems also strange, like not at the right level, because of thatā€¦


Looking through other house-shaped logos on the Google app store and F-Droid, it seems to be an even split between with overhang vs. without overhang, so itā€™s not like the change makes HA stand outā€¦

I know itā€™s just a logo and Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get used to it, but every time I look at it my fist thought is a baseball ā€œhomeā€ plate, and my second thought is ā€œThat house is going to have issuesā€¦ā€. Overhangs on pitched roofs have been a a consistent feature for centuries because they shed water away from the walls and foundation, protecting structure and maintaining stability.


Why did you copy the USB logo?


If weā€™re allowed to pick nits, the kerning between the H and o is a bit off. Iā€™d try decreasing the size of the text so the weight of the typeface matches the tree branches. Understatement can project competence.

I agree on moving it, but since there are no descenders, it might look good lowering it to the same level as the base of the logoā€“particularly if all is white on a blue background.

TBH, I was fine with the old logo. There are many examples of rebranding gone wrong. X anyone lately?


I like it!! Simple and recognizable!

Iā€™m in two minds, I think the bottom left branch of the antenna array should start a little higher. But really, Whatever icon/logo you like, it is of little consequence to day to day users.

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I would say, itā€™s a barn now rather than an arrow. Some of my colleagues sitting next to me said it looks like a tent


Sorry to say that, but I donā€™t like the new one. Itā€™s oversimplified.
The old was just great. No doubts it was a home and these PCB paths. Excellent way to show what is it about. The new one barely shows itā€™s a home and the white stripes or nodes do not resemble a PCB at all. Shame.
The old one was very readable, stylish and modern. The new one just sucks


Thatā€™s the beauty of it all, ā€œDifferent Viewsā€ , in fact why should it be ā€œa Houseā€ ? , probably most HA users live in an apartment ( Sure many of those might dream of a House ) , But most ā€œBrandsā€ uses the the word ā€œHomeā€ Google home, HomeAssistant etc.
So why not just look at the ā€œBrand-Logoā€ as a ā€œFrameā€ for our Home-Automation System ā€¦ People who live in an Apartment would probably not ā€œloveā€ a ā€œSquare Boxā€ ( No Roof-Top, Neighbors upstairs! ) defining their ā€œHomeā€

PS: Brims and Chimneys have never popped up in my mind, and nothing i associate with a ā€œHomeAutomationā€ system


I do not generally like Googleā€™s approach to logos, but I must admit Google Home logo looks way better that the new HA logo.

Simplification may be ok, but only if itā€™s done right.

I would just get rid of the chimney to indicate a modern, eco trends without smoke emission and apply the new font already used. Thatā€™s it. A subtle refresh.

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The point is that a ā€œhomeā€ resembles a house in most cases. Even an apartment has a rooftop and a chimney.

I think no one will see the following figures as a ā€œhomeā€ or ā€œhouseā€ā€¦


Icons are very important to recognize things: we still have a floppy disk as the ā€œsaveā€ button, because - even ppl who have never seen a floppy disk in real life - know that that is the ā€œsaveā€ button!

Icons are used everywhere in HA, and help with the interpretation of the cards and the data:

If you know the icons meaning, you donā€™t have to add text anymore to ā€œknowā€ what is temperature, humidity, CO2, chemicals and PM2.5:



I think losing the eaves (roof overhang) and chimney makes it no longer look like a house. It just looks like a pointy thing now.


My guess is they got rid of the chimney because of the CO2 narrative.

A house without a chimney is in serious trouble when the power is disrupted. Likewise for Gas boilers.

I really dislike this new trend of ā€œwe know better than youā€ and design decisions just get imposed on people.

How hard would it have been to have put this decision to a vote?

(e.g. Every version of Windows Iā€™ve had since 7 has kept the standard taskbar and quick launch)