A refreshed logo for Home Assistant!

I dont dislike the new logo but the proportions and centering are triggering my OCD so much.

Also, should I throw away my ā€œBlueā€ aluminium cover as it dosent represent HA anymore? :wink:


It is fixed in Home Assistant 2023.10


good to know, thanks!

The more I see it the less I feel it does justice to HA. The old one was ā€œsmartā€ as in good thinking by the designer to make it a home but also a tree and also a kind of node system.
The new one seems simple in a negative way.


I donā€™t often criticise the project or the maintainers, because Iā€™m immensely grateful for the work being done and I try to contribute to itā€™s success, however small, but for an open source project with such a large community, I believe greater community involvement wouldā€™ve been great. I work in IT and software, so I understand the complexities and that you absolutely cannot ask everyone for input, but users of HA, I believe, associate strongly with the brand/product ā€” and the logo is a critical part of the brand/product. I think many valid points has been raised here. One cannot respond here by saying: ā€œsubmit a changeā€. This is effectively a singleton.

I currently like the previous logo more (for many of the reasons already mentioned), but if we can iterate on the current design, that would be great too.


I liked the old logo more. The blue square with white house is nearly ok, but the blue house without square looks like some part at the bottom is truncated. No, honestly it looks strange, especially when its in a round icon. Somehow not finished.

However, I love homeassistant. Happy anniversary.


Iā€™m at the acceptance stage, lol (so dumb over an icon). Just curious, is Nabu Casa known to go back on major decisions like this? Or is everyone screaming into the void, metaphorically of course.

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TBH, I miss the old logoā€¦ I think it was better.


The old logo was not bad
But I like the new simpler one even more. It works much better in small size.
Good work. And congratulations with the 10 years

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Strange discussion about a logoā€¦

HA is free and open source. And does anyone use HA because of the logo?

Btw.: Happy birthday and I like the logo :+1: (keep it simple)


I dont really use anything for itā€™s logoā€¦ but since weā€™re on the subject of open sourceā€¦ How would I go about reverting the logo?


Exactly! House, tree, complexity, rabbit hole. Now itā€™s like the bonbon you can buy in every shop and connect it as USB

How can I replace the logo with the old one?

The new logo just looks blunt and primitive, like a piece of junc designed by a 10 year old.
The old logo with the tree of soldering points was a lot more delicate, complex and nice to look at, and a lot more reflective of what HA is.

So how can I get back the old logo in the App, the Dashboard, and all the other places that ugly thing now shows up?


I was a fan of the old logo but I also like this one and it is a matter of getting used to it. What I really wanted is more debates and threads about actual and future features and the voice of the community being listened and considered in the development plan.
That said, thank you HA for all the work in the last 10 years and also thanks for all contributors, moderators and members.

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Iā€™m just a passing by low effort user.
I have the feeling that something is missing in the top part of the icon. Thereā€™s too much void.
I think there should be the chimney. I knowā€¦ itā€™s the reminiscence of a carbon emission past we should move on from blablablaā€¦ whateverā€¦


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Look maā€™! More carbon neutral!!!



Looks like aā€™lightā€™ version of the previous one.
Not a fan.

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I donā€™t think anybody uses HA for one particular reason. Not for a logo, not for one single integration.
But the sum of parts does make a difference. The logo being a tiny one, but imagine opening you app and everytime you do, you think ā€œwhat a disgustingly ugly, pathetic logoā€. You would enjoy the app less.

This is not the case here, but everytime I click on my forum shortcut or on my app icon I do think ā€œnah, the new one just does not look goodā€.

So no, nobody expects the logo to be changed back and we all congratulate to a new chapter, but it is also valid to say ā€œyour old logo was cool and perfectly fitting the product, the new one no longer doesā€. Itā€™s a compliment to the old one :slight_smile:


Took me a second till my brain spilled out ā€œboah Kartoffeldruckā€. means ā€œups, potato print techologyā€

But perhaps this was pure intent, to signal that HA is dead easy for beginners.

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I Love the new logo!!!