A section that will help serve HA by other home owners

A smart home should have a section where it would be possible to place electrical wiring diagrams, diagrams of interaction with MQTT devices, where it would be possible to indicate on the 3D plan where smart sockets and Zigbee devices are located. We need to make the modification of smart homes very simple. So that it was not just a toy for geeks, but the new owner would figure everything out himself

Do you mean like a documentation or wiki page

It will be nice, if HA became such a constructor for creating documentation. So HA keeps the information for documentation in his database, and at the output the user can choose the format that he likes best, PDF or 3D models. But I understand that such tools are too heavy for the Home Assistant core, so I also suggest making an app store so that this can be downloaded as a plug-in We need offical store for addons for HA core

I have set up wiki documentation for my instance of HA using Miraheze. You can then use a webpage card to embed the wiki on a dashboard.

Having said that, I’m not sure wiki is the way to go - OK to remind myself about what I set up two years ago, but pretty opaque to a stranger buying the house, I should think. :rofl:

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What new owner?
You’re not selling a home with all the smart stuff are you?
I bet the new owner won’t bother with any manuals and just call you as soon as anything happens.

I have written countless manuals for people at work, even manuals that was requested by the same person, just to a few days later get a phone call about something that is in the manual.
Sometimes they say they didn’t know there is a manual and the person who requested a manual at least is honest enough to say he doesn’t want to read it.
So why request one?

I have 0 hopes on something as complex as a smart home will be read through a manual or drawings.