Ability to customize UI/ Frontend design

Please provide the ability to customize the user interface/frontend design. At least able to customize the color.

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I would also like to associate certain groups under one group. If you look at my code for example:

group: Living_Room_Lights: name: Floor Lamps entities: - light.living_room_left - light.living_room_right Living_Room_Devices: name: Entertainment entities: - media_player.shield Living_Room: view: yes name: Living Room entities: - group.Living_Room_Lights - group.Living_Room_Devices Bedroom_Lamps: name: Bedroom Lamps entities: - light.bedroom_lamp_l - light.bedroom_lamp_r Bedroom: view: yes name: Bedroom entities: - group.Bedroom_Lamps

I have three tabs: Home, Living Room, and Bedroom.

The groups that are all spread out in the Home tab looks like this:

Floor Lamps
Bedroom Lamps
Media Player

The Light and Media Player section are not part of the Living Room and Bedroom Group. Floor Lamps and Entertainment group are in the Living Room tab and Bedroom Lamps are in the Bedroom tab. What if I have two rooms that that have two pairs of floor lamps and I named the group, “Floor Lamps?” Let’s just say that I have an office.

Living Room

“Living_Room_Lights” and “Office_Lights” will have a name “Floor Lamps.” In order to solve the problem, I have to change the view property to “no.” Thus, the Living Room and Bedroom shows up as expected with no tabs, but then there will be duplicates with different names for lights:

[code]group: Living_Room_Lights: name: Floor Lamps entities: - light.living_room_left - light.living_room_right Living_Room_Devices: name: Entertainment entities: - media_player.shield Living_Room: view: yes name: Living Room entities: - group.Living_Room_Lights - group.Living_Room_Devices Office_Lights: name: Floor Lamps entities: - light.living_room_left - light.living_room_right Office: view: yes name: Office entities: - group.Office_Lights

Wouldn’t it be possible to have subgroups be listed under the groups heading? In this case:

I’m excited to see the introduction of custom frontend in version 0.25.

However, I’m still at lost on how to get this started. I’m sorry, it seems too complicated for a newbie.

For example, refering to the documentation, the sample codes are very vague. It doesn’t explain what each lines mean.

Lovelace supports this