Ability to export and import config entries via UI

I’ve been thinking, most people love YAML configuration for two main reasons: the ease of duplicating configurations and the ability to share (and use shared ones).

So I thought there might be a way to share settings even with the integration set up via the UI. Simply share your configuration input information and provide a way to import it.

I’m here presenting a sketch of the idea, I could be doing this in the architecture repository, but I don’t think I have the ability to implement this myself, so it’s nothing more than a feature request.

Exporting and sharing configuration entry information involves some care, as it may contain passwords, users, etc. So I thought about having a way to redact this information and enter it again. But leaving the decision to redact this information up to the users, as they may just want to export to import into a new instance of Home Assistant.

I drew what I was thinking about this in the form of a flowchart for better understanding:

I kinda want YAML to be the basis for everything (again), while the GUI being only a front layer upon a solid text-layer config.

But, at least import/export between GUI-YAML would be better than nothing :+1:

My (a bit smaller? easier to implement?) suggestion in this matter:

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Configuration via UI (config entries) is a reality that is difficult (not to say impossible) to be revised. There was an exception to keep the YAML config for helpers only. I believe that its management needs to be improved.

Your suggestion may be useful too…


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