Ability to ignore repair issues

There needs to be a way to suppress/ignore repair issues. For example, I have this:

I don’t want someone in my house to accidentally click this, and now I always have a notification icon because of this. There is no way to ignore this, (and no I don’t want to uninstall it cause there is no alternative, VS Code does not work on Pi ). If anyone knows how to do it programmatically until it’s fixed I would love to hear.

Not a direct reply to your FR, but have you tried the Studio Code Addon (VSCode)?

It should be a capable replacement. Try it out. If you like it you can uninstall IDE. If you don’t you can keep using IDE until someone accidentally uninstalls it :slight_smile:, or your FR is addressed.

Studio Code addon is not compatible with any Raspberry Pis (I am on Pi4) which is the main platform of Home Assistant. Would love to set up an alternative…

A few years ago we were told that a replacement would be coming:
From Cloud9 Official Repo by Franck…

The Spook add on has an Action that allows you ignore all repairs…maybe that’ll do what you want…

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Yep, that worked. Thank you!

We should still be able to do it as part of the cour though :joy:

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