Ability to rename z-wave devices

Currently I have 4 z-wave devices, 2 sensors (same model) and 2 lights (also same model). Current names are the following:

  • binary_sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_sensor_6
  • binary_sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_sensor_7
  • light.domitech_smart_led_retrofit_kit_ze27eu_level_4
  • light.domitech_smart_led_retrofit_kit_ze27eu_level_5

It would be great if I can rename sensors to easy identify them, like:

  • binary_sensor.kitchen_motion
  • binary_sensor.porch_motion
  • light.kitchen_light
  • light.porch_light


Take a look at .homeassistant/zwcfg…xml

IF you stop HA, then you can edit this file and add more meaningful names and locations

This now translates to light.kitchen_dimmer_level_9

You can also edit your devices names using OZWCP setup guide here, and either copy the zwcfg…xml into the .homeassistant directory, or be fancy and symlink them.

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Just found this in a sample config in the docs. Haven’t tested this myself yet, but might be what you’re looking for.

customize: switch.aeon_labs_smart_energy_switch_switch_2: friendly_name: Mac Switch-Meter

But then you can’t use switch.Mac_Switch-Meter as an entity ID.

You will want to use OZWCP or modify ozwcfg…xml in order to rename Z-Wave devices.

thanks guys, will take a look!

Please refer to this Z-wave door/window sensor configuration