Absolute Beginners guide to installing HA on Intel NUC using Docker

Do you use this command: sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

I’ve finished my install following these instruction on my new NUC 10 with Ubuntu 20.04. I’ve assigned and reserved a static IP for the NUC. Hass is up and running and I can access the Hass UI from the NUC’s browser.

I’m now setting up access to the NUC from my Windows desktop. I can SSH into Ubuntu. What I cannot do is pull up the Hass UI on my Windows browser. I can pull up another Hass instance on a Rpi4 from my Windows browser.

Any ideas what might be preventing me from pulling up Hass on my Windows machine?

If anything, I’d put this as a con. Having only used Home Assistant Core on Raspberry Pi so far, this is probably the only thing I’m not looking forward to about moving to an Intel NUC.

Otherwise, I’m keen to begin working through the guide!

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Great guide! Thank you!

I did a setup on a VM today using it (waiting for my NUC to be delivered) as rehersal.
I had to grant extra right to be able to install docker portainer.

sudo usermod -aG docker $US
sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock

Thanks for the great guide!
Hassio works well so far, but somehow it came without Supervisor and I have no idea how to install it… Am I doing something wrong and would just have to install it by myself or should the installer have done that and I would have to run it again?

(Ubuntu 20.04 Server on my NUC)

This installation method doesn’t install a supervisor. It is just for installing HA Core in Docker.

to install the full HA Supervised installation you will need to re-install using the correct script. You can’t install the supervisor later after you have already installed it this way.

Also the name is not Hassio. It’s Home Assistant. There are several ways to install it. two of those ways gives you the supervisor. Those are HA Supervised and HA OS.

You will have to decide which way you want to install it and then follow the instructions for those methods.

HA OS instructions can be found on the main HA site under “Getting Started”.

The other method instructions are in the community guide wiki post for that method.

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Thankyou. This is a great summary and article to get HA and docker running on ubuntu.
I went down the Pi path under docker but have up when HA kept corrupting itself on the sd card.
So have a core 5 intel desktop and will try using your guide to get it all installed. I especially liked your summary of the pros and cons of what to load as it cleared up the confusion with all the options so thankyou .

Great guide! Thank you!! :star_struck:

but i have problems with the install-guide:

docker create volume mosquitto_data

=> dont work. Error:
Unable to find image ‘volume:latest’ locally
Error response from daemon: pull access denied for volume

it works for me:

sudo docker volume create mosquitto_data

next Error is:

 sudo gedit /srv/homeautomation/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf

sudo: gedit: command not found

After install gedit:

sudo apt install gedit

Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
*(gedit:37387): Gtk-WARNING *: 15:55:55.247: cannot open display:

i missing the upgrade?!

sudo apt-get upgrade

 sudo nano /srv/homeautomation/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf

“nano” works fine for me, to edit the file.

The portainer is running in the version 1.24.1.
We need to Update for the portainer 2.0 ?

Thanks All!!

That’s because the portainer image is now portainer/portainer-ce

is that good or bad? :slight_smile:
i can update the portainer or i stay on the version 1.24.1 ?

What is the difference using Docker-compose instead of Docker in terms of procedure and Pro/Cons, please?
Thank you.

you should change. the old image is not supported any more. see below


maybe start with this

okay, mhh and can i update simple from 1.24.1 to the new 2.0 ?

yes, just change to image tag

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cool thanks. now it run 2.0.1 :slight_smile: :clap:

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The instructions are solid for getting HA running in Docker on Ubuntu.
But more info is required for this, including (but not limited to) replacing DuckDNS, AppDaemon, chrony, ESPHome, etc. These are all good and very popular add-ons.
For those of us who don’t know docker, but are willing to try this, make sure to include steps for replacing the other items. Getting my config files over to this install? No idea.
I can install hassio and ALL of these addons and use the power that I bought the NUC for as a deidcated Home Assistant box

Quite new to docker. I’ve installed docker and docker-compose on a NUC running Ubuntu, and have successfully got portainer, pihole and homeassistant up and running in their respective containers.
However, when I use

network_mode: host

in the docker-compose.yml file for Home Assistant, I can’t connect to HA using http://NUC-IP:8123… In order to connect, I need to comment it out and use instead:

      - "8123:8123/tcp"

Any idea why “network_mode” is not working, though this method seems to be the recommended one?

I don’t know if this helps at all, but I was running Home Assistant on a NUC with Ubuntu for about a year. Updates of Home Assistant began to fail because this combination was no longer an “approved” installation.

I know that my solution is expensive, but I bought a NUC i3 and installed the NUC image of HassOS. Restored from a snapshot and everything is working. (The NodeRed deploy in one second is nice, and restarting HassOS in ten seconds as well.)

Thanks for the nice tutorial.
Is there any reason you choose to use Ubuntu as platform in stead of Debian?