Absolute Beginners guide to installing HA on Intel NUC using Docker

If you just use the normal hassio install on Linux you have access to all the add-ons.

I want to keep my options open for adding applications to the nuc not directly supported by add-ons.

If you install the “SSH & Web Terminal” and “Samba” addon, both will be installed as containers.

Just read your last comment, you can try to see if they exist in DockerHub and then integrate it in HA and other stuff.

OK, I have docker-ce and portainer installed. You’re suggesting I execute this next?

curl -sL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/home-assistant/hassio-build/master/install/hassio_install" | bash -s

Again, if you use the GENERIC LINUX INSTALL instructions located on the installation page, you will be installing hassio in docker. You don’t change the host OS and you have full control.


No. It’s right there on the installation page.

OK. Sorry. It is “Absolute Beginners…” Thank you for your patience.

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You’re not strictly limited to add-ons even with a HassOS installation. You can install any regular Docker container as well. There’s a Portainer add-on to help with that so you don’t even need host access. However, you will basically be limited to Docker containers and may run into issues if they require special host functionality that isn’t available with HassOS. I haven’t run into that though.

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Spot on. Once you have docker installed you can have hassio + other containers.
IMO its easier to use hassio vs docker if there is a choice for a application that is supported as an addon (eg. portainer, mosquitto, samba)

Success. Two containers, homeassistant and hassio_supervisor running. Use the add-on store to add samba, community ssh, etc?

Yes. You will have to change the port the ssh add-on is listening on in the config for it.

I’ve run into “no network interface found” for samba. using “eth0” for interface. I’m hardwired.

Dont miss adding the community addons repo:

This has got stacks of good addons.

Try with


and restart the addon

When I restart, config settings return to default.

Have you saved?

Otherwise, you can uninstall and reinstall, leaving


I went the hassio installation route running ubuntu 18.04 on hyperv, everything seems to of worked on the snapshot I took from the pi. However if I reboot or shutdown my instance of linux I can no longer access my addons from home assistant.
The addons do still work I just get a error in hassio addons page when clicking on them, says error loading addon but if you do sudo docker stats I can see them running. Any ideas if I’m over looking something stupid?

I get a “not valid value for dictionary value @ data['options]” error when I cange any field of the config.

When I save, values return to default.

I was getting some of that in the configuration.yaml file when I upgraded hass to the newest version, it said something about they had changed some of the formatting. Not sure If that’s the place your referring to. I am still really new with home assistant as well so I am no expert by any means.