Access from iOS device to instance no longer authorizing

Continuing the discussion from 2021.7: A new entity, trigger IDs and script debugging:

issue: can no longer authenticate to 1 of my instances on any iOS device. I can see and control it on Desktop.

My login/pw are correct (it doesn’t throw the red error of either being incorrect), and it very briefly accepts the credentials, after which it shows the above.

after that clicking RETRY, results in the same screen, but now a notification is being issued:

below are several snippets from the 2021.7.4 thread, where I left, since it apparently has nothing to do with the update to 2021.7.4, and which are necessary to make this stand alone:

relevant config:

   - type: homeassistant

and the http settings used:

ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
ip_ban_enabled: true
login_attempts_threshold: 10

as said, have been like this for ages, (and no reason to change this is there? given the trusted_proxies mentioned in the breaking changes are only for reversed proxies, and not for Added to that, my issue started after 2021.7.4, and this setting was for 2021.7 which worked perfectly up to now.

Would seriously appreciate any help here, I am completely lost…
thanks if you would have a look!

For reference, I was able to solve this using the next couple of steps, discussed with @cogneato on Discord Thank you very very much!

  • deleted the keys (fullchain.pem and privkey.pem) from the /ssl folder.

  • Once again deleted the certificate form keychain Mac os.

  • Uninstalled Duckdns. (myDesktop instance was still live while doing all of this).

  • re-installed Duckdns letting it re-create the keys.

  • After that, I could log back in without an issue.

Note to self:
certificates are stored in iCloud for all logged in iOS devices (never realized that, believed they were in HA somewhere…, or in the individual browser device settings)

of course the question remains why this happened in the first place, and why only on iOS devices, and not everywhere this false certificate was used…
o well. guess I got to count my blessings and not push my luck