Access via windows-explorer

Since the latest update (I think to OS 10.1) the config folder is not accessible anymore from windows-Explorer.
How can this be restored?

@gerlof, I’m running OS 10.1 and see the config folder without issue on a Windows 11 machine.

Is it just the config folder that’s missing?

Hi Robert, I can see that too.
But I can’t open the config folder…

It will open all subfolders, except the config.

ooh… all of a sudden it works again… strange.

@gerlof , I’m able to open the folder and edit any files within.

In Explorer, Security properties for the folder are marked “Special Properties” for all users.

Using WinSCP to check on folder rights for the “Config”, I see it’s set at 0755.

Screenshot 2023-05-12 165223

Are your folder settings similar?

It is resolved already, thanks for offering support.