Code here. GitHub - skenderh/AirconKeypad (I just uploaded it). Considering that we are in winter now, not much of temp change, not sure how it will go during summer, as the device is in the attic. So far stable anyway.
Thanks. I’m currently getting drift between morning and afternoon once the house heats up a bit. It’s also in an enclosure in the roof space. I will get a DS18b20 also and add it to my circuit so I can try compensate later if need be.
Just ordered the parts to try this on my Accent Air system (It uses the same wall controller as the Actron).
Looks like a few people are having issues with the transistor drift with temperature.
Would it be possible to program the unit with a set value from the transistor eg; then program all of the key presses as a percentage of that set value. Then every press would be a function of the transistors moving output.