Adaptive Mushroom

This is what I have for now. Itā€™s working good , but I can click only area where picture is. I canā€™t ( for some reason :man_shrugging:) use whole card transparent picture, or may be I am doing this wrong.

Itā€™s working much batter now. I edit my transparent picture with online tool and now itā€™s not visible like it was before and working great. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP AND SEGESTION.
Here is my code if anyone want to use it:

type: custom:stack-in-card
  - type: markdown
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: weather
        .: |
          ha-card {
             background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0) !important;
             box-shadow: none;

           ha-markdown-element:second-of-type h1 {
              background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
              color: var(--primary-text-color);
              font-weight: normal;
              font-size: 3px;
              line-height: 3px;
    content: >
      ###{% if now().hour  < 5 %} Good Night {{'\U0001F634'}} {% elif now().hour
      < 12 %} Good Morning {{'\u2615\uFE0F'}} {% elif now().hour < 18 %} Good
      Afternoon  {{'\U0001F44B\U0001F3FB'}} {% else %} Good Evening
      {{'\U0001F44B\U0001F3FB'}}{% endif %} ,  {{user}}.<br/>   Today is {{
      now().strftime('%A') }}, {{ now().strftime('%B') }} {% set suffix = ['st',
      'nd', 'rd'] %}{% set day = now().day %}{% set index = 3 if day // 10 == 1
      or day % 10 == 0 else (day % 10) - 1 %} {{ day~'th' if index > 2 else
      day~suffix[index] }} and it's {{ now().strftime('%-I:%M %p') }}. <br/> 
      Temperature   {{states('sensor.openweathermap_forecast_temperature') |
      int  }}Ā°C <br/>  {{states('sensor.openweathermap_condition') }}.
  - type: picture
    image: /local/MyPictures/OIP-removebg-preview.png
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: weather
      style: |
        ha-card { 
          background-color: transparent !important;
  style: |
    ha-card {
      height: 20em !important;
      background: linear-gradient(to top, transparent, rgba(var(--frog-rgb-{{states('sensor.weather_frog_status')}})) 10%), url({{states('sensor.weather_frog_image_wide')}});
      background-size: cover, 200% auto;
      background-position: bottom left {% if is_state("sensor.weather_frog_location", "field") %}20%{% elif is_state("sensor.weather_frog_location", "hills") %}40%{% else %}10%{% endif %};
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      background-blend-mode: saturation;
      font-size: 10px;

Long time no activity here. But I noticed that the navigation menu is not working for me. Itā€™s not sticky anymore. Iā€™m on the beta of HA, the release that comes today.

Probably something is changed what breaks it. But i donā€™t know what that could be.

@ArenaCloser , maybe you can take a look?

same behavior for me

Iā€™m still on 2024.2, so I canā€™t tell what has changed in 2024.6. Maybe someone else knows what changed? Or perhaps itā€™s been discussed in the Mushroom topic already? Otherwise Iā€™ll check it out myself when I upgrade.

Can you try this solution from the Mushroom thread? Changing the position from sticky or -webkit-sticky to fixed: Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily šŸ„ (Part 2) - #811 by LiQuid_cOOled

too bad, that is not working for me

Can you post your menu card code so we can see whatā€™s preventing the code from working?

Great work! Would you be kind enough to share your entire yaml code? I want to create exactly the same view and would be an amazing not to start from zero.

Much appreciated this fixed the Menu for me!

Does anyone has a fix for the blank page when you open the dashboard. I have a workaround, but would like to have it fixed. The work aroudn for me is to click on edit dash board - rawconfig-editor and close it again.

Not sure how i can fix this.

Hi, @ArenaCloser . Are you still using Frog weather background? Mine is stop working after last HA update and 2 sensors is shows unavailable. I try to find a solution, but no luck so far. Any idea what to do? Thank you

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I have the same problem and I really miss my weather frog! :sob:

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Hey @Zenia and @iPilla ! I may have a solution for you.
While setting up my dashboard inspired by @ArenaCloser I decided to have the pictures locally stored on my maschine.
I downloaded all weatherfrog images from github (Google-Weather-Frog/images/wide at master Ā· Senexis/Google-Weather-Frog Ā· GitHub) and slightly changed the code for the weather Frog Image.

I downloaded the pictures to my HA-Maschine (/www/froggy/*) and then changed the last line of the code to:

{{ '/local/froggy/' + dict[weather_status][frog_location] | default(other_location) }}

Now I donā€™t rely on downloading an image from gitup everytime the location or status changes.

Maybe this helps you guys with your problems as well.


Thank you. I will try to follow your suggestion tonight, when I will come from work. Will report as soon as I will try. TY

Edit: Did you upload all pictures or just a square or wide?

Just the wide

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To add, check if you use the following state "{% set rain = states(ā€œsensor.buienalarm_precipitationā€) | float %} " sensor.buienalarm_precipitation does not excist anymore, you should use sensor.openweathermap_rain.

@Bonzenpaule nice, works great.


Sorry for stupid question, but I confuse , what to change in my code?

  style: |
    ha-card {
      height: 20em !important;
      background: linear-gradient(to top, transparent, rgba(var(--frog-rgb-{{states('sensor.weather_frog_status')}})) 10%), url({{states('sensor.weather_frog_image_wide')}});
      background-size: cover, 200% auto;
      background-position: bottom left {% if is_state("sensor.weather_frog_location", "field") %}20%{% elif is_state("sensor.weather_frog_location", "hills") %}40%{% else %}10%{% endif %};
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      background-blend-mode: saturation;
      font-size: 10px;

Thank you

Itā€™s not a stupid question since I didnā€™t explain it very well.

This code should stay the same but you have to change the last line for your sensor ā€˜sensor.weather_frog_image_wideā€™

I think itā€™s in your configuration.yaml if you rebuild arenaclosers theme. Look at the screenshot. I marked the line you have to change.

I went a different route while building my dashboard and used helpers to create the sensors. But itā€™s essentially the same code. I can try to write my way up if you canā€™t fix the code by yourself.

Yes, now I remember where I did this ( templates)
I changed, but sensors still shows unavailable , even after HA restart

#################Weather Frog Sensors################

    - name: "Weather frog status"
      unique_id: ae7a82e0-0667-4e76-a96f-f0e5073a9b58
      state: >-
        {% set entity = states("sensor.openweathermap_condition") %} 
        {% set cloud = states("sensor.openweathermap_cloud_coverage")|int %}  
        {% set rain = states("sensor.openweathermap_forecast_rain")|float %} 
        {% if entity == "fog" %}
        {% elif entity == "hail" %}
        {% elif entity == "lightning" or entity == "lightning-rainy" or entity == "exceptional" %}
        {% elif entity == "snowy" or entity == "snowy-rainy" %}
        {% elif rain > 0 and rain <= 0.8 %}
        {% elif rain > 0.8 %}
        {% elif states("sun.sun") == "below_horizon" %}
        {% if cloud < 20 %}
        {% elif cloud < 40 %}
        {% elif cloud < 60 %}
        {% elif cloud < 80 %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %} {% else %}
        {% if cloud < 20 %}
        {% elif cloud < 40 %}
        {% elif cloud < 60 %}
        {% elif cloud < 80 %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %} {% endif %}
      icon: mdi:weather-partly-cloudy

    - name: "Weather frog image wide"
      unique_id: 27887eb5-afaa-4847-9852-3e27074c381d
      state: >
        {% set weather_status = states("sensor.weather_frog_status") %}
        {% set frog_location = states("sensor.weather_frog_location") %}
        {% set dict = {'sunny': {'beach':['01-sunny-beach-reading.png','01-sunny-beach-sandcastle.png','01-sunny-beach-sunscreen.png']|random(), 'city':['01-sunny-citypark-sunbathing.png','01-sunny-rooftop-pinacolada.png']|random(), 'creek':'01-sunny-creek-swimming.png', 'field':'01-sunny-field-kite.png', 'hills':'01-sunny-hills-sunbathing.png', 'home':'01-sunny-home-laundry.png', 'orchard':'01-sunny-orchard-picking.png'}, 
        'mostly-sunny': {'beach':['02-mostly-sunny-beach-reading.png','02-mostly-sunny-beach-sandcastle.png','02-mostly-sunny-beach-sunscreen.png']|random(), 'city':['02-mostly-sunny-citypark-picnic.png','02-mostly-sunny-rooftop-pinacolada.png']|random(), 'creek':'02-mostly-sunny-creek-swimming.png', 'field':'02-mostly-sunny-field-kite.png', 'hills':'02-mostly-sunny-hills-sunbathing.png', 'home':'02-mostly-sunny-home-laundry.png', 'orchard':'02-mostly-sunny-orchard-picking.png'}, 
        'partly-cloudy-day': {'beach':'03-partly-cloudy-day-beach-shells.png', 'city':'03-partly-cloudy-day-citypark-ukelele.png', 'creek':'03-partly-cloudy-day-creek-feet.png', 'field':['03-partly-cloudy-day-field-biking.png','03-partly-cloudy-day-field-hiking.png']|random(), 'hills':['03-partly-cloudy-day-hills-painting.png','03-partly-cloudy-day-hills-reading.png']|random(), 'home':'03-partly-cloudy-day-home-flowers.png', 'orchard':['03-partly-cloudy-day-orchard-butterflies.png','03-partly-cloudy-day-orchard-treeswing.png']|random()},
        'mostly-cloudy-day': {'beach':'04-mostly-cloudy-day-beach-shells.png', 'city':'04-mostly-cloudy-day-citypark-ukelele.png', 'creek':'04-mostly-cloudy-day-creek-feet.png', 'field':['04-mostly-cloudy-day-field-biking.png','04-mostly-cloudy-day-field-hiking.png']|random(), 'hills':['04-mostly-cloudy-day-hills-painting.png','04-mostly-cloudy-day-hills-reading.png']|random(), 'home':'04-mostly-cloudy-day-home-flowers.png', 'orchard':['04-mostly-cloudy-day-orchard-butterflies.png','04-mostly-cloudy-day-orchard-treeswing.png']|random()},
        'clear': {'city':'05-clear-home-lounging.png', 'creek':'05-clear-creek-stars.png', 'field':'05-clear-field-lanterns.png', 'hills':['05-clear-hills-camping.png','05-clear-hills-telescope.png']|random(), 'home':'05-clear-home-lounging.png', 'orchard':'05-clear-orchard-fireflies.png'},
        'mostly-clear': {'city':'06-mostly-clear-home-lounging.png', 'creek':'06-mostly-clear-creek-stars.png', 'field':'06-mostly-clear-field-lanterns.png', 'hills':['06-mostly-clear-hills-camping.png','06-mostly-clear-hills-telescope.png']|random(), 'home':'06-mostly-clear-home-lounging.png', 'orchard':'06-mostly-clear-orchard-fireflies.png'},
        'partly-cloudy-night': {'city':'07-partly-cloudy-night-home-inside.png', 'creek':'07-partly-cloudy-night-creek-fireflies.png', 'field':'07-partly-cloudy-night-field-fireflies.png', 'hills':'07-partly-cloudy-night-hills-smores.png', 'home':'07-partly-cloudy-night-home-inside.png', 'orchard':'07-partly-cloudy-night-orchard-eating.png'},
        'mostly-cloudy-night': {'city':'08-mostly-cloudy-night-home-inside.png', 'creek':'08-mostly-cloudy-night-creek-fireflies.png', 'field':'08-mostly-cloudy-night-field-fireflies.png', 'hills':'08-mostly-cloudy-night-hills-smores.png', 'home':'08-mostly-cloudy-night-home-inside.png', 'orchard':'08-mostly-cloudy-night-orchard-eating.png'},
        'cloudy': {'city':'26-haze-fog-dust-smoke-fruit-stand.png', 'creek':'26-haze-fog-dust-smoke-bridge.png', 'field':'26-haze-fog-dust-smoke-mountain.png', 'hills':'09-cloudy-hills-coffee.png', 'home':'09-cloudy-home-flowers.png', 'orchard':'09-cloudy-orchard-watching.png'},
        'drizzle': {'city':'10-drizzle-home-laundry.png', 'creek':'10-drizzle-creek-leaf.png', 'field':'10-drizzle-field-leaf.png', 'hills':'10-drizzle-hills-umbrella.png', 'home':'10-drizzle-home-laundry.png', 'orchard':'10-drizzle-orchard-reading.png'},
        'rainy': {'city':'12-heavy-rain-busstop-umbrella.png', 'creek':['11-rain-creek-leaf.png','12-heavy-rain-creek-leaf.png']|random(), 'field':'', 'hills':'11-rain-hills-umbrella.png', 'home':['11-rain-home-inside.png','11-rain-home-laundry.png']|random(), 'orchard':['11-rain-home-inside.png','11-rain-home-laundry.png']|random()},
        'snowy': {'city':['13-flurries-citypark-snowman.png','15-snow-showers-snow-citypark-snowman.png','20-rain-snow-wintry-mix-citypark-snowman.png']|random(), 'creek':['13-flurries-creek-iceskating.png','15-snow-showers-snow-creek-iceskating.png']|random(), 'field':'16-blowing-snow-field-snowman.png', 'home':'15-snow-showers-snow-home-shoveling.png'},
        'snow-storm': {'home':['17-heavy-snow-blizzard-home-inside.png','17-heavy-snow-blizzard-home-shoveling.png']|random(), 'field':'16-blowing-snow-field-snowman.png'},
        'hail': {'city':['19-mixed-rain-hail-rain-sleet-busstop-waiting.png','19-mixed-rain-hail-rain-sleet-cafe-entering.png']|random()},
        'lightning': {'city':'22-iso-thunderstorm-cafe-looking-outside.png', 'home':['22-iso-thunderstorms-home-inside.png','24-strong-thunderstorms-home-inside.png']|random()},
        'fog': {'city':['26-haze-fog-dust-smoke-busstop-waiting.png','26-haze-fog-dust-smoke-fruit-stand.png','26-haze-fog-dust-smoke-pier.png']|random(), 'creek':'26-haze-fog-dust-smoke-bridge.png', 'field':'26-haze-fog-dust-smoke-field-lantern.png', 'hills':'26-haze-fog-dust-smoke-hills-cocoa.png', 'home':'26-haze-fog-dust-smoke-rooftop.png', 'orchard':'26-haze-fog-dust-smoke-mountain.png'}} %}
        {% if weather_status == "snowy" %}
        {% set other_location = ['13-flurries-citypark-snowman.png', '15-snow-showers-snow-citypark-snowman.png', '20-rain-snow-wintry-mix-citypark-snowman.png', '13-flurries-creek-iceskating.png', '15-snow-showers-snow-creek-iceskating.png', '16-blowing-snow-field-snowman.png', '15-snow-showers-snow-home-shoveling.png'] | random() %}
        {% elif weather_status == "snow-storm" %}
        {% set other_location = ['17-heavy-snow-blizzard-home-inside.png', '17-heavy-snow-blizzard-home-shoveling.png', '16-blowing-snow-field-snowman.png'] | random() %}
        {% elif weather_status == "lightning" %}
        {% set other_location = ['22-iso-thunderstorm-cafe-looking-outside.png', '22-iso-thunderstorms-home-inside.png', '24-strong-thunderstorms-home-inside.png'] | random() %}
        {% elif weather_status == "hail" %}
        {% set other_location = ['19-mixed-rain-hail-rain-sleet-busstop-waiting.png','19-mixed-rain-hail-rain-sleet-cafe-entering.png'] | random() %}
        {% endif %}
        {{ '/local/froggy/' + dict[weather_status][frog_location] | default(other_location) }}
      icon: mdi:image



#######Weather Frog Trigger#############    
- trigger:
    - platform: time
      at: 04:00:00
    - name: "Weather frog location"
      state: '{{ ["city", "creek", "field", "hills", "home", "orchard"] | random()}}'  # ToDo: add "beach" location in summer time
      icon: mdi:map-marker
      unique_id: 0945366b-d5fd-45b3-a561-a87877349194


Mhhh itā€™s difficult to debug this error since I donā€™t have a error code or message. Whatā€™s your weather service? Did you notice the change for precipitation like @jeroenmetus said? Maybe thatā€™s what is missing for you?