Add Integration for Niko Home Control 2

Did you copy the custom_component module on your HA installation ? If I remember correctly I also has to reboot the platform

Well, I copied the custom_components directory provided into /config
Rebooted and it doesn’t appear in the list of integrations.

Should I do something with the other files? hacs.json and ?
Thanks again for your help

Well, don’t know what happened but it works now, after 3 reboots, thx for your help @shaps

Strange :slight_smile: But good news !

I recommend to use the API inspite of touch screen profile. I’ve detected that after installing some change on the NHC, HA needs to reconnect to the screen profile (just like traditional smartphone). Seems to be not automatic

Well I chose to use the Hobby API and just entered the username ‘hobby’ and the password being the key issues in Niko Home Control portal, section ‘applications’, and everything works.

Now I have a strange thing with the “rolling blinds/shutters”, when I add the shutter to my dashboard, it looks like a shutter (icon is fine) but when I click on it, it closes the shutter, clicking again and the shutter doesn’t open. Strange. Are you using blinds/shutters too?


Yes, but not in HA :wink: Sorry

@Filip_Van_Ham, are you planning to continue this project? Still need some assistance?
I also have NHC2 and started using HA. I integrated your custom component and for lights it does work perfect already.
I would however like to add some features for motors, the motion sensors, thermostats etc. I have not so much HA knowledge yet, but I do have scripting experience and would like to assist in this project.

Let me know if you would still like to continue on this one.


Sounds good. Haven’t had much time lately, but if you want to help, that is more than welcome!

I’m still divided between HUE (all out) vs. NHC (traditional wiring setup)
I might end up with a mixture of both, which would mean controlling both through different apps which is no bueno.

So does anyone here run the NHC2 custom component with the Niko wireless hub? Or is there no difference in “controller” between the wired and wireless versions?

I’d use HUE where the switch on the wall is less important (toilets, storage room, hall way, etc.) and opt for NHC where I want the switch on the wall to dim the lights, so we are free to opt for more “special” designed LED lamps.

I have Wireless hub with NHC2 custom component. The wired controller uses bus communication, the wireless controller uses zigbee.

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Since my last question I already purchased the NHC2 (wireless hub). I still need to setup Home Assistant again in our new house and connect everything.

But I have a question about one of the options I’d have. We currently have a dumb garage door opener, the classic one, we all know with just RF remotes. Now there’s a connection to a wall switch (double wall switch, left side to control the garage door and right side to control the garage light)

Pressing the pulse switch, the door opens/closes. Pressing it again stops the current action. Pressing it again after that simply reverses the action that was ongoing. In their offering, Niko has a double connected switch (Connected double switch, 2 x 10 A (total max. 16 A))

However this switch is obviously intended for use with a light instead of a garage door. So I wonder how you would solve this?

My first idea would be to use a boolean that can be set to “closed” or “open”. That means there is no intermediate “stopped” step. But pressing button once goes from closed → open, pressing again however would mean “stopped” but would mean switching from open again to closed, which is incorrect.

Another option would be to use an additional door sensor on the garage door, and use that one to detect its state. I assume I can create a template for this, to know if the port is open/closed, and set the next action accordingly?

The documentation mentions how to implement Niko Home Control with lights, but has anyone managed to add NHC’s blinds/shutter ability?
Would love if HA could directly communicate with NHC, instead of going through webhooks to ask google assistant to close the blinds for example.

@Boullie this ?

I am looking for the integration of the P1 reader

Is there any difference between logging in via touchscreen vs hobby api, feature-wise?

I have rebooted 6 times now but can’t get past this screen.
it just keeps loading “for ever” (I gave up after 10m of loading)
tried on different computers with different browsers
anybody got an idea what could help?

Home Control 2 Hobby API isnt indefinite, you need to reactivate every year.

Did you manage to get this solved? I’m having the same issue, and already tried the solutions mentioned in not being able to install after update to HA 2021.6 · Issue #22 · filipvh/hass-nhc2 · GitHub, but those did not fix it for me.

@Dujith, don’t think this is related to the API key / reactivating it. Mine is still valid and have the same error message.

Yes I got it to work by installing it manually and adding the lines manually in configuration.yaml

i think this is a NHC function, with me there is a x sec delay. (length/time in setup blinds)
So if u close the blinds when u click again then it actualy stops and click again and then it opens again.

Guys, to bring this topic back to life!
First, the slack link is not working anymore, can someone make a new one?
Second, i want to help and test also, i have a setup to.
Third, who want’s to make a summary of al the info from above?