🆕[add-on] HassOS SSH port 22222 Configurator

how can i use this add-on on a esxi server? do i need to mount an additional hard disk? and then run it?

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
no sda1 config found
no sdb1 config found
no mmcblk0p1 config found
This Configurator did it's job. Perform a hard-power-off now. This configurator only works once and is no longer needed.

edit: tried adding a virtual hard disk, that didnt work, do i need to mount an USB drive maybe?
edit2 attached an USB disk to my vmhost, still the same issue? what am i doing wrong?

no sda1 config found
no sdb1 config found
no mmcblk0p1 config found

Disable protection mode? I just pushed an update.

There’s a problem with the methods used here. I raised an issue in Home Assistant Supervisor. https://github.com/home-assistant/supervisor/issues/2562

ok, will try out when i see the update :slight_smile:

reload the store and it should be there. image

yeah, but still not visible , it will come :slight_smile:

Looks like I didn’t push. Should be up now.

thats better!! :slight_smile:

creating authorized keys in sda1 !
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perfect, all working now!!

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Quick question, when we do a full reboot or / import from usb… The usb drive can be removed forever? Is that key stored somewhere? Or is it gone after a reboot or update of whatever?

The key is stored within the host operating system at ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. You can remove it from that file if you already have access. Otherwise after it’s been imported, you can remove the media/addon you used to install it.


Thanks for creating this! I’ve been struggling with this problem for some time now. However, I can’t manage to get this to work.

My setup is I’m running HA on a Proxmox VM. I followed the instructions (I think) including the host shutdown restart. I open Putty and set the destination to homeassistant.local port 2222 and browse to my private key file under SSH -> auth.

I get this when trying to connect via Putty:

My result from trying to ssh from within the terminal window:

Here is my configurator log output:
[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc…exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms…exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes…
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts…
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
creating authorized keys in sda1 !
no sdb1 config found
no mmcblk0p1 config found
This Configurator did it’s job. Perform a hard-power-off now. This configurator only works once and is no longer needed.
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts…
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.

Any suggestion you can offer for something for me to check here I’d appreciate it.


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Wait till next supervisor update, uninstall, reinstall.

It is port 22222 not 2222


That was it. Thanks @nickrout! I can’t believe I missed that.

I think the info screen of the add-on is incorrect and actually for the I2C addon:

Hit the start button and observe the logs. Perform 2 pull-the-plug reboots after running this. You may uninstall the Add-On when it tells you it found I2C.

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I’m clearly doing something wrong. I cannot, for the life of me, get it to work on my HassOS install.

I want to confirm what is the ip address I should be using? Is it then127.0.0.1 or is it my own ip address for my Raspberry Pi that is connected to my router via ethernet, or is it the ip address accessed via duckdns?

I have made sure that when i generate the key from inside Home Assistant ssh add-on that i copy it correctly, many times when i paste it pastes a different key. I had to copy-paste into notepad++ to ensure it was then copied into your program configuration correctly.

I keep getting the “coonection refused” error.

I am using the HA “Terminal and SSH” add-on.

Thank you for any suggestions.

Start by creating a new key and use the public key here. Then if that doesn’t work, I need logs from the addon.

I will do so and let you know.

A few more quick questions if I may.

What will accessing via port 22222 give me that accessing via port 22 won’t? I seemingly can already access via port 22, natively(?) just from installing the terminal and ssh add-on from the add-on store.

However, I am still unable to access all the files it seems, as I am not able to access a particular integration component that I need to, to edit a .py file so some of my devices will work. Will accessing via your add-on and using port 22222 allow me to access these “hidden(?)” files and folders on HassOS? Or do I need to install via the docker method to do this file alterations?

Ok, still didn’t work. Either I am doing something wrong or I am misunderstanding what this add-on allows me to do (see my other reply).

Some additional information.

Step 1 and Step 2 - I am performing from within my Home Assistant within the Terminal and SSH add-on (HassOS on RPi3B+). Is this correct or should I be doing it from the CMD line of my windows PC?
For Step 6 - I am using my Rpi3B+ ip address 192.168.1.***, and trying to access it from within the Home Assistant within the Terminal and SSH add-on (HassOS on RPi3B+). Is this correct?

Ok, I appeared to be able to get it to work on port 22222 … but just by enabling port 22222 in the Terminal and SSH add-on in Home Assistant … I’m really lost now as to what your add-on is meant to allow me to do? Is it just for accessing the Rpi via SSH from a remote PC? Is that all it’s doing? I’m trying to get, what I’ve been led to believe, some so-called deeper access to the files so I can edit one of the .py files.