Add-on: Home Assistant Google Drive Backup

Working fine until I have set NGINX SSL addons to reach HASSIO with HTTP on local network and HTTPS outside of my network. Now I have 401 Not Authorized from internal network and running fine from internet.
Any help ?

Its likely you’re seeing this browser issue. If not, check your supervisor logs after getting the 401 and file an issue on Github.

It working now after a server reboot.
Thank you for your fast response.

I found out tonight that I’ve cut and pasted to start every entry in the config.yaml. I need to exclude the media folder as I’m running an NVR but really don’t know how to start an entry for HAGDB. Could someone provide an example or better yet - A link where I can read about what the section name is referenced to? Thanks

Is there a option to exclude folders inside the /share/ folder?
I have Nextcloud Add-on and the data is stored in /share/nextcloud/

I want exclude this folder in the backup…

@MickPB and @poudenes
You can exclude folders in the “Partial Backups” section of settings of the addon’s web-ui. You can exclude whole folders that Home Assistant uses (/share, /ssl, /share, /etc) but you can’t exclude specific subfolders or files within them. This is a supervisor limitation.

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to bad but thanks for the information. I will check what I can do!


How did you install this on a Synology NAS?

I’m not familiar with how Synology works but the addon needs the supervisor to run. If you have HA running with the supervisor then you install it through the addon store. If you only use Home Assistant core without the supervisor then there is no way to run this addon.

I have a curious situation; I wonder if anyone else has come across it.

HA core-2021.12.9 on an Intel NUC.

I only recently discovered this addon, installed it yesterday. I did a Full Backup after deleting any previous backups, snapshots and other stuff sat in the file system that might bloat a baseline full backup. That backup came across to Google Drive at almost 30Gb! Hmmm…

I downloaded it back to my PC, unpacked it and the data payload is a shade under 3Gb. Something in there is packing out 27+Gb with empty space.

I used to have the motioneye addon running for my cctv system but hadn’t used it in a while. I had already cleared out all my cctv video and images but when I unpacked the full backup, that .tar file has a 0 bytes size. That peaked my interest.

I fired up Glances addon and looked at my File Sys size - 47Gb and change, which isn’t anywhere close to what I’m using. I deleted the motioneye addon and behold, the File Sys size dropped to 16Gb.

Something in the motioneye addon is holding a stack of empty space without actually reporting it as used space. Bear that in mind if you are seeing massive backup file sizes that you do noyt expect.

I have a question: When I restore a backup, all of my addons are not installed yet. Is that correct? I did a fully backup.
Thanks in advance!

Yes it should restore everything. Unfortunately restoring some parts can fail and Home Assistant doesn’t always surface the error. You can check the supervisor logs after an attempt to restore to see if anything failed(Configuration > Supervisor > System in the Home Assistant UI). You can still restore just the add-ons or only some of the add-ons from your full backup by telling Home Assistant to restore it as a “Partial Backup”. Checking the supervisor logs for errors is the first thing I do after restoring a snapshot for this very reason, very often one or more add-ons will fail to restore and it’s only sometimes actually my fault.

You need to reinstall the add ons, but the config files will persist.

Love the addon, feels good to have a backup in the cloud :slight_smile:

Anybody having an issue with mariaDB? everytime there’s a backup, mariaDB locks, which is to be expected, but then disk storage starts rising, sensors stop reacting and flatlinening and I need to reboot the core to get everything working again.
I have an automation to reboot 30 mins after the backup finished but kind of feels like a workaround…

I think the solution was to have this addon ‘stop’ MariaDB before taking a backup. There’s an option for that in the settings.

Thanks moto for the idea. Tried that but it didn’t work for me. it didn’t start mariadb after the backup.

Are you including the DB in the backup? I also use the Maria DB but I don’t include the Maria DB add-on in my backup. I haven’t had a single corruption yet.

Hmm that’s weird. Mine restarts after a backup every time. Maybe you need to have the ‘start on boot’ and ‘watchdog’ options enabled

Good idea, didn’t think about this. Is flatlining the reason you exclude mariadb from a backup?