Add-on: Home Assistant Google Drive Backup

I re-installed and got this

It looks like you might have run into two problems?
What you’re seeing now is likely an issue in the latest version of Home Assistant on 32 bit platforms. I’ve posted some workarounds here and filed an issue with the supervisor, but until they fix it any backups over 2GB on 32 bit platforms can’t be downloaded through the UI or API.

Good point. I don’t know where HA gathers the data to be written to the backup. Or how much of it might need to be written temporarily to the local drive. I can confirm, however, that nothing gets created in the local backup folder during or after the backup, if you’ve set backups to go to Network Storage. This is the way I’d hoped it would work, so this is what I’ll be using from now on.

Home Assistant 23.6.1, Backup onto Synology NAS and Google Drive.
File is named according to pattern defined in AddOn settings on Google Drive.
File is shown named according to pattern defined in AddOn settings in HA - System - Backup.

However, file is named 372c91ce.tar at the location on Synology drive. (SMB)

Thats how home assistant does its backup filenames, its an internal identifier they call the “slug”. The “name” you give it is actually just part of the metadata stored inside the archive. Home Assistant names the files that way regardless of how they’re created (eg from this addon, through the api, in the web-ui, via a service call, etc). This addon doesn’t have control over how HA handles things internally, though it might be worthwhile to bring up in a place the HA team would see it since with shares the obtuse naming is more user visible. I think they name them that way on the filesystem to avoid duplicate backup names causing problems (just a guess).

So I’m running home assistant in a docker container. I appreciate that this is an add-on, but since it’s not the only way of doing things - is there any chance you’d consider porting this to create it as a HACS plugin? Or making it a docker container on it’s own with a few instructions on how to make it visible inside HA (I assume it’s a webpage exposed on a specific port)?

Appreciate it’s not a thing you may have time for! But if you don’t ask ya know. :wink:

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I know, that my question is only remotly related to your AddOn sabeechen, but I thought you might know something that could help. :slight_smile: Sorry! :wink:

Your AddOn is working great for years now (thanks again), but recently I ran into a problem because of the two new voice assistant AddOns, Piper and Whisper.

As they both use large language models, my backup size increased from 300MB to way more than 1GB. That not only uses a lot more space in GDrive, but it also takes time and is, in my eyes, unnecessary. The language models are nothing user specific, one can change these models, after downloading, from one to the other… And they are not needed to start the AddOn for the first time.

That being said, I’d be interested in your opinion. Do you know of a way to backup an AddOn partially? If not, would it be possible to implement this with an/your AddOn? Or would you advise to try a feature request with the core team? Or do you think I’m to nitpicking here? :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

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@Bergals The addon depends heavily on the supervisor (eg HAOS or a supervised install), there is no easy way to untangle the dependecy. Its on my radar to make something that only uses HA, but there are a number of challenges in the way. If it happens it won’t be soon and would likely be a new project.

@paddy0714 Look in the settings for “Partial Backup”, you can exclude specific addons from the backup and just reinstall them manually when you restore. Addon designers also have the ability to specify folders/files that shouldn’t be included in a backup, so it might be worthwhile to bring up the idea in that addon’s repo (eg in the piper Github config repo). They may have good technical reasons to include it in the backup.

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That’s what I’m doing now. :smiley: But it’s not perfect. If I don’t backup the AddOn at all, I loose my custom settings and other things, but with a full backup, I’m raising my backup to more than three times the usual size. :rofl:

Thanks, that’s what I was looking for. This is exactly the information to bring that up. I think I’ll just send Mike “The Voice” an email. :+1:

Thanks for your time and your input! Have a nice weekend! :wave:

Thanks for replying! I see the challenges, and if it does get into your sprint planning I’m keen to be a beta tester. :sweat_smile:

I saw the latest update was to allow the addon to backup to a nas as well as drive, but I just thought I would post that mine has been doing this since the release of nas storage without this update.

How does one even configure secure WAN NFS on some open-source Linux (e.g. not pressing a button on a NAS “product”)?

It looks like you literally are missing a manifest.json, which all integrations need. So, how can this possibly be an “integration”?

What is required to make this work on Home Assistant Core? Lots of other integrations just work fine by placing them in custom_components. What’s so special about this one that this doesn’t work?

Why would you not fix such obvious spelling errors? EXPECTED_VERISON_CHARS = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '.']

Can’t you just be quiet, lepton? You are one of the very, very few people on my igno list, and as soon as I unblock you, I can see that you still don’t get the point (of anything). :nauseated_face:

Your behaviour, as your manors, are rude, in most cases without any basis and mostly wrong. Why on earth didn’t you stay where you have been the last year? I mean you haven’t posted since Sept. '22, what has changed? Don’t answer, that was a purely rhetorical question.

For me, that means, you’re back on my igno list, and won’t get unblocked this time. Ever!

And for all others that read this, and find it rude, yes I know and I am sorry, but sometimes people really don’t understand the basics of human interaction. Just search the last posts from lepton, and you know what I’m talking about.

I sincerly wish you the best, but at least 5000 miles away from me.

PS. Don’t bother answering on my post, as I said you will be back on my igno list right away, so I won’t read whatever you post.

What is required to make this work on Home Assistant Core?

It can’t. Its an addon, not an integration. Addons need the supervisor to run and get installed through the addon store. you might want to check out the readme.

Why would you not fix such obvious spelling errors?

Its actually spelled correctly. Its a tribute to “Verismo” a style in Italian opera and “Son” referring to the symphony in French. Most if not all of the apparent misspellings in the codebase can be attributed to my love for the european classics. I just can’t help myself!


Apologies if answered. I hate to ask but would it be possible to have the same home assistant instance backed up to more than one Google account. Can somebody tell me if this is possible. It looks difficult to run multiple versions of the same addon

My reasons are I’m cheap and still want frequent off site back ups. As Google continues to degrade “free” services to enhance profit I would like to have every other back up to to the other account.


PS to the developer thank you for saving my as* on multiple occasions. I see many requests for multiple instances of HA to same Google account but not other way around…and I hope I’m not that annoying end user with a stupid use case :wink:

Multiple destinations aren’t really supported, but I know at least one person worked around it by adding the repo repository twice, once with a “/” at the end, ie you’d add both these repositories in the addon store:


You can then install and configure them separately with different accounts, though you might want to set one to use Days Between Backups=0 to prevent doubling up on backups. Its a bit hacky, but I don’t know of any reason it doesn’t work well.

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Hi .*,

Is there any way to stop debug/stop the tool always being stuck at Pending. For 2 weeks now whatever I do the tool is stuck in Pending state. I try to restart it, restart HA, un-istalled, re-installed it. Removed access for HA in google drive and tried to set it up clean, but nothing helped it is stuck in Pending. I check the system logs, but there is nothing I can see. Anybody any hints how to debug something like this?

Thank you!

I have added the repository 2 times now but not sure how to install it twice. Can somebody else maybe chime in. The addon only shows once in my addon store and just takes me to the previously installed addon webui

edit nvm a restart of HA was required

Some confusion now lol after all these years about how this works. I dont think I can stagger backups the way I thought I could. Essentially all backups I think are gonna get backed up to both accounts which is to say I cant divide the amount between the 2 google accounts.

Am I correct can somebody check my work haha