Add-on: Home Assistant Google Drive Backup

Thats correct, I don’t know of a way to split backups between 2 accounts.

I did find a way, delete the backup file that has failed/stuck and restart HA…

Typically stuck in pending is caused by one of these:

  • A backup is taking a really long time to make
  • If you use a network share, the share is unavailable

For annoying reasons, both scenarios (and some less common ones) look the same to the add-on. You can tell which one by looking at the supervisor logs (see the “Weird Errors” part at the bottom of the faq here GitHub - sabeechen/hassio-google-drive-backup: Automatically create and sync Home Assistant backups into Google Drive)

First, I’ve been using this amazing addon and it’s been working flawlessly for the past year or so.
I just noticed there was a log screen in the addon webui but when I click on it i get this. This is not an issue per se as I can download the logs but I just wanted to make sure it’s not working because of an issue I have on my instance and not something known not to be working. Please advise.

Great Add-on! New user here, still learning the ropes.

After having installed it, I now have a need to change the G-drive account that it’s linked to. No way to change it in the Settings tab? I haven’t found how to reset and authenticate it now that it’s already installed.


A “homeassistant_exclude_database” option have been added the the latest HA Supervisor update (10.1), when performing a full/partial backup. Is this something you guys could add as an option to the plugin?

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I presume that would just exclude history but not settings? Either way the more configuration options you can add, the better!

Yup, I’ll add in an option for that soon

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If you got to “Actions” > “Reauthorize…” you can just click the link on that page and authorize with a different Google account.

I am new to Home assistant and all the stuff, so please dont use the techy terms.
I have installed the backup and it says its running and the logs are
11-06 21:43:29 INFO Starting server on port 8099
11-06 21:43:29 INFO Server started
11-06 21:43:29 INFO Syncing Backups
However in the sidebar menu I have backup appear but when I go in there I get
401: Unauthorized
I have turned off my protection sttuff in chrome and still the same. I have copied the location to another window and after loggin in again I get the same error message
What am I doing wrong please?

Hi guys, Is there a possibility to make different types of backups with different frequencies?
What I am trying to do is to only keep 1 full backup and then a daily partial backup which has everything except the mariaDB database.

This is to basically have a daily backup with config changes etc / and if need be there would also be 1 full backup with the data included in case of a complete failure.

Any help please how this would be possible?

thank you for this cool add-on :+1:

never mind, thanks for this great add on :slight_smile:

Great Add-On. I’ve been using it for over a year now, but my backups are growing and now each is 12GB and with my measly upload speed they take over a day to upload into Google Drive. With that duration there is a greater chance of things going wrong during the upload. I had one situation where the master backup was on a NAS drive and the upload kept failing at around 96% causing lots of other things within HA to not function and I had to do a Safe Mode restart to get things going again. I think the master file in this case was corrupt. I’ve deleted it now and waiting to see if the current upload (at 26% now and the first full backup since i deleted the corrupt one!) completes successfully.
Anyway it got me thinking - Is there anyway I can get this Add-On to upload to my local network (eg. a second NAS device) as opposed to my Google Drive?

Right now and for the foreseeable future this addon is Google Drive only. It would be great to support more backup destinations, but I have very limited time right now to work on new features.

That being said, I don’t think it would be very difficult for you to “roll your own” version of what you describe:

  1. In this addon, disable Google Drive Upload in the settings. This will make is just create backups and delete old backups in NAS_1
  2. Configure NAS_2 to automatically sync the contents of the backup directory in NAS_1.

Pretty much every NAS frontend I’ve ever encountered has some built in functionality for syncing a directory from somewhere else (eg using rsync or whatever), since thats such a common use case.

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lately the add-on seems to have stopped creating the 2 sensor entities indication the state/staleness, no are can I do this because of that

                 content: |
                    {%- for bu in state_attr('sensor.backup_state','backups') %}
                    - Name: {{}}
                      Date: {{as_timestamp(,none)|timestamp_custom('%d %b: %X',default=none)}}
                      State: {{bu.state}}
                      Size: {{bu.size}}<br>
                    {%- endfor %}

When I check my Google drive the backups are there, and the Addon UI seems to shoe them also…

it is not a matter of time and wait for the sensors to settle. On the contrary…

where this is shown on startup

after some time those 2 entities go unavailable completely.

I am at a loss really so would appreciate some guidance. Before you ask: yes I did restart/boot most anything I can think of

Clicking the Open Drive Backups action works as expected and brings me to my Drive drive…

Could you see if there are any errors present when click “LOGS” at the top right of the addon’s web-ui? If not, also check the Home Assisant logs at “Settings” > “System” > “Logs”. It still not, does anything happen when you restart the addon?

No thats the thing, there is nothing…
in the add-on config

in add-on itself

12-11 14:08:20 INFO [backup.ui.uiserver] Starting server on port 8099
12-11 14:08:20 INFO [backup.ui.uiserver] Server started
12-11 14:08:20 DEBUG [backup.model.syncer] Sync requested by Coordinator
12-11 14:08:20 INFO [backup.model.coordinator] Syncing Backups
12-11 14:08:20 DEBUG [] Requesting refreshed Google Drive credentials

and as stated before, Ive restarted the add-on already yes, no change. it’s still waiting :wink:

Supervisor logs are all green and show no error at all

somehow it all came back… no clue as to the why’s

Just wanted to say thanks for the great Add-On. Works great and the UI is extremely user-friendly.
I am a programmer myself, but with 2 kids and a demanding wife :slight_smile: I’ve got no time to code much.
Just sponsored you on Github btw :slight_smile:

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