Add on store does not show in front-end

ok so you need to create an authorized_keys file and put it on a USB stick with the volume label CONFIG and restart the pi. Then you can ssh in and update to 0.75.2 which fixes it
Unless you already have the ssh addon configured?

It is configured, but doesn´t start on boot

well then you need to do the debug via the usb stick as above…

I´ll try it and update the post

Actually that link is for ResinOS I just noticed.

For HassOS you still need that authorized_keys file but you put it in the root of a USB flash drive. The volume label of the USB MUST BE CONFIG in uppercase and then you restart the Pi with the USB plugged in and you should then be able to run ssh on port 22222 and update

I get "No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)

so you created the authorized_keys file, copied to usb stick (CONFIG label) and rebooted the Pi?
You will need to configure putty to use the username root in the connection settings.
You might want to flick over to discord chat to get help with this as at this posting rate in this thread it might take a month to fix this

Hi all, I installed hass using RaspBian instruction.
I’m running hass on a rpi2 B together with OMV (I’m looking if I could use hass to do “hass stuff” and also the few features I’m using from OMV.

I followed the guide but no AddOns show in home page.
I checked inside /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml using homeassistant user but no “” section in yaml

Home Assistant

Hass addons are only available if you install Hassio

So I cannot add addOns menu if I installed hass via command line?

If you didn’t install, then you don’t get the menu. is an installation method for getting Home Assistant, and you followed the manual Raspbian instructions.

ok, I understand.
Due the fact that is a way to install home assistant I suppose there is a manual way to get the same Home Assistant instance manually?
If I understood correctly Home Assistant support addons, so basically I need to add addOns repo to Home Assistant, isn’t it?

No. If you want to use addons and the addon store for Hassio, you must install Hassio.

ok,so no way.

Can I use Home Assistant via on a raspberry without erasing the whole microSD?
I want to have both HomeAssistant and others custom services running.

It’s probably possible using docker but most people with a Pi and HA running hassio do it vis HassOS - the Pi will struggle if you load it up with other stuff.

Get another Pi for other stuff you want, or just run Hassbian… what addons do you think you need that don’t have other normal options in Raspbian?

I think that all addOns has below the hood a normal “feature” from raspbian.
What I want to achieve is to avoid command line configuration for stuff like FTP, samba and maybe IPCam, media center.
I know that everything is made above script and command line stuff

And what else apart from HA are you determined to run on the same Pi?

OMV together with HA.
nas stuff from OMV (FTP,Plex,Jdownloader). For HA I’m interested in IPCAM integration, SonOff integration and I see that my LG Wireless Speaker and SmartTVs are automacally recognized by HA

Then I’m afraid that you probably need to rebuild with Of course, then you’re limited to using the available add-ons unless you can develop your own.

4 posts were split to a new topic: on Orange Pi