Add support for Hubspace by Afero

Thanks for the reply! That’s good to know, and it won’t be a problem for me. It’s 100% reliable in turning the outlets on/off, which is most important. Thanks again for your work on this!

Got this up and running - thanks! I’m new to HA, trying to set up an automation to turn the fan and/or light off, but I’m not quite sure how to go about it. Can anyone shed light on what I’m doing wrong? TIA!

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Use the automation editor GUI. Since you are just turning on/off the fan or light, you can use simple commands and do not need the special hubspace service. You only need the hubspace service if doing something complicated not supported by a normal light entity (like sending comfort-breeze or speed command to a fan). In the automation editor, for the action field, select “call service” then use “Light: Turn off” as the service and point to the entity light.mothership_fan . If you want to do the light attached to mothership, point it to light.mothership. The idiot who wrote the hubspace integration made everything look like “lights” even though they are not!

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Hey everyone. First let me say thank you to whoever got this going because these POS Hubspace lights have been nothing but a pain.

I’m very new to home assistant and have no experience or know how with yaml. Is it possible to integrate this via UI?

I tried using HACS to find the repository but nothing came back.

I have 13 RGB recessed lights outside on my porch. They are the only hubspace products I own. I built my home out using Hubitat and there was/is no integration for these.

I started using HA for my front end/dashboards with the Hubitat/HA integration and have been discovering that it is an amazing piece of software. My Hubitat has been rock solid but I kind of wish I would have started with HA from the jump so I would know some of this yaml jargon by now.

If there is no UI integration possible is there a template of some sort I can copy or something like that?

Appreciate your time, thank you.

You need to add the repo manually to HACS. Once your account information and light names are added via yaml, you can edit lights in the UI. The integration is still flakey, so don’t expect it to work as good as other lights with native support. PRs to the code are welcome to improve it. Read the documentation on github:

Thanks I’ve tried this but I don’t have the lights/fans showing when I try to add a device action in my automation. Again, apologies if I’m missing something as I’m totally new to HA.

Dumb question that I’m embarassed to ask: What URL do I reference to add this repo to homeassistant?

GitHub - jdeath/Hubspace-Homeassistant: Hubspace Integration for Home Assistant does not work :frowning:

Not dumb! I only figured it out a few days ago.

You can use - in a repo (like the one you linked) click the green Code button and you’ll see the correct URL.


Yes, that is the correct link (do not need the .git). But you need to add into HACS custom repo not as an Addon custom repo… that sometimes confuses new users.

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Evening all.

Quick question, maybe I’m missing something. I installed a Hampton Bay fan w/ Hubspace support yesterday, got the Hubspace app installed on my phone and got the fan paired up. Works great via my phone.

Now to get it working in HA. I added the customer HACS repo. Updated my config w/ username & password. Restarted HA. I now have a separate entity for the fan and the light. (light.ceiling_fan and light.ceiling_light).

The when I bring them up from the entities list the fan shows as a slider w/ an on/off toggle. The slider does not have any effect, though I can toggle the fan on and off. It will always just toggle on/off to the last speed setting that was set in the app or via the fan’s hardware remote.

The light shows as a simple toggle, but won’t control the light’s state in any way. No toggle on or off of any kind.

So I put a simple toggle card on my dashboard:

type: entities
  - entity: light.ceiling_fan
    name: Fan
  - entity: light.ceiling_light
    name: Light
title: Livingroom Fan and Light

Doesn’t get any more simple than that. Same results. If I toggle the fan off in the Hubspace app, the card reflects that pretty quickly. If I toggle it back on, it takes a little while (~45 seconds to a minute) to be reflected on the card. Faster response would be great, but at least it updates reliably. I can toggle the fan on and off using the toggle on the card as well. So we’re good there.

The light is a different story. I can toggle the light on w/ the app and the card updates pretty quickly. If I toggle it back off in the app the card takes quite a while to update (regularly over a minute). And the biggest issue, I can’t toggle the state of the light using the card. If the light is on and the card reflects that and I toggle it off, it will bounce back to on after a second or 2. The opposite is true if the light is off and I toggle it on, the card just bounces back to off.

I just wanted to get this basic on/off functionality working before I worry about getting sliders/dimmers working for the light level and fan speed.

Anyone run into anything similar?

It polls the Hubspace cloud for changes every 30s or so, so updates are slow.

Fans are hard to support because the API is not documented. Submit an issue on the github with the output of your (available on the repo), perhaps your model is not supported yet. That could be what the card does not toggle the light.

Will do. I’ll probably have a chance to get it done tomorrow.

I copied hubspace/ to custom_components/. When I select “Add Device” in the UI, and choose Hubspace, it says,

This device cannot be added from the UI

You can add this device by adding it to your ‘configuration.yaml’. See the documentation for more information.

But when I add hubspace: {} to configuration.yaml, it says

The hubspace integration does not support YAML setup, please remove it from your configuration

What gives?

See the installation section of the readme

Are there any step-by-step instructions on this? As a newb, I’ve been trying to make this work, but can’t figure out how to add the folder to the directory. Thanks!

Literally the post above your’s has the link to the step by step instructions! It is not the most newb friendly integration.

Hi, I don’t own any hubspace devices, but am considering.

When you say “it polls the hubspace cloud” does this mean that this integration still requires Hubspace cloud for initial device setup plus on-going HA control?

What I’m trying to determine is how reliant these products are on the cloud, and if they ever drop the cloud support how dead these products will become?

Yes. You need an active hubspace account to setup and use the devices with HA. If you can find another device that works for your needs, I would highly recommend doing so over Hubspace. The integration is meant to give basic functionality. They are not good devices for Home Assistant as it stands. If a good coder takes the integration over, maybe it could work better.

They are 100% reliant on the cloud for homeassistant. If they go out of business, they will be useless. Some devices have a Bluetooth fall back (many devices use a custom unflashable ESP32-based chip), which their app can control, but I have not been able to reverse engineer the BLE protocol. I think the bluetooth relies on the cloud in some manor to get encryption keys. Again, a better coder/BLE expert might figure it out. You could probably solder in your own ESP or ESP32 and use with ESPHome/Tasmota if you are skilled.


I have a single Hubspace fan+light with the following names defined in the app:

  • Product Name = GuestOfficeFan
  • Fan Name = CeilingFan
  • Light Name = CeilingLight
  • Room = GuestRoom

Should i start changing the names in the Hubspace app to simplify the setup?
Which of these names should i use in the fan code? (to replace light.ceilingfan_fan - entries)?

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Fan"
        value_template: "{{ states('light.ceilingfan_fan') }}"
        percentage_template: "{{ (state_attr('light.ceilingfan_fan', 'brightness') / 255 * 100) | int }}"
          service: homeassistant.turn_on
          entity_id: light.ceilingfan_fan
          service: homeassistant.turn_off
          entity_id: light.ceilingfan_fan
          service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.ceilingfan_fan
            brightness: "{{ ( percentage / 100 * 255) | int }}"
        speed_count: 4   

A couple fan/light combos work differently. Look in Home Assistant Settings->Device & Services->Entities Tab and search for GuestOfficeFan or CielingFan or CeilingLight in the search box. That will tell you what to use. Most likely, you will have light.GuestOfficeFan and light.GuestOfficeFan_fan, so you will use light.GuestOfficeFan_fan in the template. If you see light.cielingfan and light.ceilinglight, then use light.cielingfan in the template. I would not mess with the names in hubspace.

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