Add support for Tesla Powerwall

Did home assistant update 2023.6 break the set reserve function?

has an action that calls an unknown service: tesla_gateway.set_reserve

Looks like you are using the ā€œold methodā€ of controlling your PW?

If you install the newer method from

Then the new commands are in my post above, but specifically for the reserve level:

service: number.set_value
              value: "100"
              entity_id: number.home_energy_gateway_backup_reserve

I am using the old method still and I can confirm the latest update broke it. I took a snapshot so was able to revert back. It looks like I will have to move to the new method now which I will do at some point before I try updating home assistant again.

The new method is by far better, just a pain to change over and update your automatonsā€¦

Yeah it looks much better, I just havenā€™t had any issues with the old method apart from the latest HA update so I never moved across. I will now update at some point and change all my automations!

Thank you Chris
And pnut whom confirmed

All fixed and I am back controlling my powerwalls.

Does the Tesla Powerwall API provide information about Severe Weather Alerts?

Iā€™m asking because I had an alert a few days ago and a grid blip happened to occur right as my EV started to charge (non-Tesla). As a result, it pulled more than the max 10kW and caused one of my circuits to lose power. Iā€™ve already got automations built out for grid offline, but Iā€™m trying to figure out a way to automatically reduce a few heavy consumption devices when under a Severe Weather Alert. Is this possible?

Hi there,

Yesterday I updated my HA installation from the September last build ot the October Supervisor. Now Im on Supervisor 2023.10.0 nd OS 10.5.

Since then my TESLA Custom integratino refuses to connect to the Tesla API with the following error:

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: teslajsonpy.controller
Source: custom_components/tesla_custom/
Integration: Tesla Custom Integration (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 15:59:45 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 15:59:45

Unable to get battery data during setup, battery will still be added. 410: UNKNOWN_ERROR_410

I have tred removing the Integration and readding after a restart of HA with my email address and the Access Token but still get the same error. As I help manage a friends HA installation I checked his and with the same OS and Supervisor upgrade his Tesla Custom integration works fine.

Im at a bit of a loss right now and my HA solar control system is heavily dependant on the Tesla custom controls. Any assistance greatfully received!

Than kyou.

Itā€™s an upstream issue with the Tesla cloud API :frowning:

One of the benefits of using an undocumented API is that it breaks now and then :frowning:

The localAPI is still functional which can give you access to monitoring but not control modes, I have lots of conditional statements to switch between the two:

    - name: APF House Entity
      device_class: power
      state_class: measurement
      unit_of_measurement: W
      state: >
        {% if has_value('sensor.home_energy_gateway_load_power') %}
          {{states('sensor.home_energy_gateway_load_power')|int(0) }}
        {% else %}
          {{ (states('sensor.powerwall_load_now')|float(0)*1000)|int(0) }}
        {% endif %}
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Thanx Mark,

Oh no! what is the likely outcome? will it get fixed by Tesla, is it something that we can report to them to get fixed any quicker?

Wonā€™t get resolved by Tesla as it is an undocumented API.

Will need some folks to help with the reverse engineering of the new API.

If you can assist, follow along with the issue report above.

Thanx again Mark,

Why is the API only broken for some poeple and not others? I updated my friends HA and he still has Tesla Custom Integration functionality. Updated my system and I lost controlā€¦

Unsure, as we donā€™t really know what has broken.

I posted a workaround to the issue where you can get your Tesla vehicles back online, but not powerwall as far as Iā€™m aware.

Thanx Mark,

I just checked my friends HA and we can still control his PW from the original setup. So maybe it is something to d owith the initial API hand shake. Possibly mine got broken and now can not re establish. BUt my frieds system is connected and working as it always has done. So although Im not knowledgeable in these things. I would sat the API still works to control and monitor, but it can not pass the itinial handshake to gain accessā€¦would that make any sense?

Further testing on my friends system that is still logged in to the Tesla API:

From HA to Telsa App:
Backup Resever: WORKS
Operational Mode: Does not work
Grid Charging: WORKS

From the Tesla App to HA:
Backup Resever: Does not change HA
Operational Mode: Does not change HA
Grid Charging: Does not change HA

This issue is resolved with the Tesla custom integration v3.18.0 which you can download from HACS.

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Amazing, thank you so much Mark!

Awesome work Mark !

Hi guys, a quick questionā€¦has anyone else noticed that their power wall does not charge at the previous kWh rates that it used to? About a week ago my powerwall stopped charging overnight to the programmed SOC that HA set using the Solacast predictions. Itā€™s taken me a while to work through all the different HA options that might have caused thisā€¦I ended up finding that I could now achieve the highest charging rate when in the ā€œTime-Based Controlā€ move, but that obviously now limits me to charging only during the off peak times.

From my memory I used to get the following charging rates:

Backup: 3.2kWh
Self-Powered: 1.7~2.2kWh

The old integrations ā€œAutonomousā€: 3.6kWh

In the past week I have only achieved the following:
Backup: 2.5kWh
Self-Powered: 1.5kWh
Time-Based Control: 3.7kWh

Iā€™m just wondering if Tesla have pushed any software updates in this part 7-10 days?

Iā€™m in the UK and running on Octopus Go with single phase setup.

I have never managed to get to a 5kWh charging rate since the PW was installed some 2 years ago. If there is any installer on here that could check my screen shots of my PW installer web pages or let me know what could stop a full 5kWh charging rate I would love to hear from you.

I also have an EV with a Zappi and so the maximum grid pull that I typically see is 7.2kWh on the Zappi, 3.2-3.7kWh on the PW and anywhere around 400w to 1.8kWh for the house demand (at the OctopusGo cheap rate time slot

Thanx Chris.

My experience is

  • Set BackupReserve > SOC I get about 1.8 kW, six months ago it was 1.7 kW
  • Backup Mode I get about 3.7 kW
  • TBC with Off-Peak/ Super-Peak I get 5 kW

Iā€™m currently on firmware 23.28.2, what firmware are you on?

There are variables for maximum discharge rate you can query through the localAPI:

Have a look at max_discharge_power, I have 3x Powerwall so I have 15,000

  "command_source": "Schedule",
  "battery_target_power": 4981,
  "battery_target_reactive_power": 0,
  "nominal_full_pack_energy": 42050,
  "nominal_energy_remaining": 12184,
  "max_power_energy_remaining": 0,
  "max_power_energy_to_be_charged": 0,
  "max_charge_power": 15000,
  "max_discharge_power": 15000,
  "max_apparent_power": 15000,
  "instantaneous_max_discharge_power": 27890,
  "instantaneous_max_charge_power": 21000,
  "instantaneous_max_apparent_power": 16500,
  "hardware_capability_charge_power": 0,
  "hardware_capability_discharge_power": 0,
  "grid_services_power": -5184.81233272255,
  "system_island_state": "SystemGridConnected",
  "available_blocks": 3,
  "available_charger_blocks": 0
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Hi and thanx Mark,

Yes Iā€™m on the same software version 23.28.2. Discharging power has never been a problem on my side, only the PW charging rates. I have struggled with charging above 3.2kWh and only that when in ā€œBackupā€ mode. 1.7kWh when in ā€œSelf-Poweredā€. Someone else that I help manage his HA system has single phase and his PW charges at 5kWh.

I joined my home network and attempted to use the old web log in but seems that Tesla discontinued that access method, so I was unabl to try the Local-ip/api/system_status method that you shared. I now get the below screen when trying to log in via the Local IP: