Adding a button in HA to send Serial Commands via an Elfin EW11A Serial to Wi-Fi converter

Hi all,

I stared a topic for sending and receiving serial commands to my Storkair WHR90 today.

I need some help as well for the integration with Home Assistant.

I’d like to add a button on my Home Screen in HA that can send a Serial Command via my Elfin EW11A to the Serial RS232 Connected Storkair. I’m having trouble finding how and where to add the commands?

I’m assuming I need to add a bit of code to my configurations .yaml file?

I found this:

  - platform: serial # arduinouno
    serial_port: /dev/ttyACM0
    name: usb3
    baudrate: 9600

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: usb sensor3
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.usb3') }}"

  temp_io1: /bin/bash -c "echo -n '{{ states.input_text.usbtext.state }}' >> /dev/ttyACM0"
  temp_io2: /bin/bash -c "echo -e -n '{{states('input_text.usbtext')}}'>> /dev/ttyACM0"

But this is USB. I need to send stuff over IP to my Elfin on port 8899.
The Elfin does also support Telnet on port 23 but when testing with a serial tool such as Extron DataViewer, I get successes on sending it to port 8899 so Like to take that approach.

Any suggestions to add the Elfin with a few lines of serial commands?

Example HEX commands I’m going to use:

Setting the Fan Speed to Low:


Reading the Firmware:


With the reading command above, I do need a way to present the outcome on my Home Assistant Dashboard. So help regarding adding something to both send the command and output the feedback would me more than welcome!

Hi Jeroen

Does this post contain something you can use?