Adding support for Seneye Aquarium & Pond Sensors (removing the need for a Seneye Web Server)

I use a intel Compute stick with 2 Seneye connected, (pond and quarantine tank) and a USB ethernet adapter as my wifi isn’t so good around the koi pond.
Low power and cost

Hi can you give me some help with this, I did the inport in to node red and changed device id, User and password but get no results.
the seneye api request returns

are you sure that you using API correctly, API request need to be as following:
if it runs correctly you can pull data from node-red:

if you need a copy of the flow look in my previous posts, but first make sure you get correct data from API

Im pretty sure its the API data im receiving is incorrect, but checked over the API request format and it looks good[email protected]&pwd=xxxxxxxxx
I have 2 seneye devices but this returns the names of both “Pond” and “Quarantine”


  1. in the API request “V1” refers to the device firmware?
    2 have the seneye got to have a registered slide fitted for the API to work

Thank you

V1 is the version of API, they have V2, but it didn’t work for me
what message do you get from debuging node:

  1. no, it shall return many parameters (incl temperature) even with expired slide.

I tried V2 also that didn’t work for me, I’ll look at debuting mode when I get home.
I think the problem lies with the API request but for the moment the solution isn’t clear, maybe we can chat directly by email ?

try this in your browser (same wifi):

do you get similar?

OK, I don’t have a SWS, I got rid of that when I discovered I needed a second one to run another seneye device.
My setup has a Compute stick running windows 10 24/7, both seneye connect to from the pc
I assumed the API connected to seneye and not a SWS (after all the thread is about doing away with a SWS)

ah, I see in my case I use SWS, so part of the API is the SWS ID
when you log in to and then click on your tank I assume you don’t have device ID there?

perhaps, what I would do just write seneye and ask them how to use API v1 or v2 when sensor/s are connected directly to PC i/o SWS, once they will navigate you to XML readings we can start working on node-red to convert those to MQTT.

found http request without device id:************
it returns all parameters as well, just tested :wink:

one more thing, check this one: GitHub - Si-Hill/MMM-Seneye: MagicMirror Module for Seneye aquarium monitors - I love that one.

Yes I did that already when I realised you were using SWS
response from Seneye support (not very helpful)

Could you please specify what do you expect the API to return?

Perhaps you try access api from browser and you copy here a HTML- stripped version.

Browers usually send to the server to accept content-type header to indicate they accept XML (XML without tag a looks like your string)

If you want to see JSON just make request which the right http header - “Accept: application/json”

I will go ahead and mark this ticket as “Solved”, but if you have any other questions, please reply to this email and the case will re-open. :slight_smile:

I found this to, it brings back the same garbled information from my end

I was using the ID from the Seneye, I had no ID shown in dashboard but got the ID from the Seneye

Does anyone use the integration on homeassistant with the custom_components?
Am i the only one with this problem??


Hi, did you get this working with REST, I tried the Node Red version from Notovitch but couldn’t get it to work at all, even though I’m getting the correct API data

yeah i got it working

Would you mind sharing how you did it please

Off course mate !

Look here: