thank you so much, could I ask for step by step how to install this. is Rest something I need to enable/install ?
No just add the code
Hi guys, anyone still using the custom component? I have the seneye data coming down from the portal using node red but i’d love to go entirely local and get rid of the third party in the middle.
Edit - Got the custom component installed with a version string mod but same issue (device not found). Will dig into it tomorrow. Running on a new Pi4 with HassOS.
Do you guys actually like the Seneye sensor? The review on AMZN are highly mixed and basically says that the sensor is super inaccurate…
First a huge thank you to @notovich I would have no idea where to start unless I had your flow to work from.
I finally got this up and running, I am a bit of a newbie too all of this and it took me some time to work it out.
This dashboard displays continuously on a Google Home Hub sitting on my Fish tank, utilising a cloud_say node in another flow.
The graph cards are Lovelace Mini Graph Cards with colours set to change corresponding to the gauge values.
I have an Arlo Baby Camera providing the camera feed, this is placed against the glass.
The Node Red Flow below:
I have modified the originally provided flow as follows.
Critical test your API link and ensure it works https :// SWS CODE?IncludeState=1&user=USER_EMAIL&pwd=USER_PSWRD (Just paste it into a web browser as shown in an above post)
mqtt sensors work but I found it easier to use the ha-sensor node that is available after adding node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket which requires the Node Red Companion Integration
I only have a Seneye Home so I have deactivated the nodes I did not need.
Hi Guys,
I found this post and wanted to use it but it looks like it’s not working anymore?
For me already the test in the Webbrowser fails with Error “Method not supported”.
I used: AAAAAAAA ?IncludeState=1&user=BBBBBBBBB&pwd=CCCCCC and I´m pretty sure I filled it up with the right data.
I use an SWS.
Can you please comment if it is still working for you and what could be the problem?
I still tried to import the Flow in Node Red and it’s working. Strange.
Just coming to this and new to Home Assistant - I couldn’t get the RESTful sensor to work for a while, but it was because it needed an additional parameter for the GET request, and the value_json seems to now return a list rather than a dictionary, so you need the first item in the list.
Mine looks like this and is in a separate packages/seneye.yaml file which I refer to in configuration.yaml:
packages: !include_dir_named packages
here’s what’s in packages/seneye.yaml:
- resource: !secret seneye_resource
username: !secret seneye_username
password: !secret seneye_password
IncludeState: 1
scan_interval: 60
- name: Seneye Status
unique_id: seneye1_status
icon: mdi:fish
value_template: >-
{% if value_json[0].status.disconnected | int == 0 %}
{% elif value_json[0].status.disconnected | int != 0 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
json_attributes_path: $[0].status
- disconnected
- slide_serial
- slide_expires
- out_of_water
- wrong_slide
- last_experiment
- name: Seneye Temperature
unique_id: seneye1_temp
icon: mdi:water-thermometer
value_template: "{{ value_json[0].exps.temperature.curr }}"
device_class: temperature
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
json_attributes_path: $[0].exps.temperature
- trend
- critical_in
- avg
- status
- curr
- advises
- name: Seneye NH3
unique_id: seneye1_nh3
icon: mdi:water-alert
value_template: "{{ value_json[0].exps.nh3.curr }}"
unit_of_measurement: "mg/l"
json_attributes_path: $[0].exps.nh3
- trend
- critical_in
- avg
- status
- curr
- advises
- name: Seneye pH
unique_id: seneye1_pH
icon: mdi:water-alert
value_template: "{{ value_json[0] }}"
json_attributes_path: $[0]
- trend
- critical_in
- avg
- status
- curr
- advises
- name: Seneye Light
unique_id: seneye1_light
icon: mdi:lightbulb-on
value_template: "{{ value_json[0].exps.light.curr }} "
unit_of_measurement: "%"
json_attributes_path: $[0].exps.light
- curr
- max_value
- status
- advises
The secrets are referred to in secrets.yaml, and the seneye resource is the API endpoint of:{{device_id}}
The unique_ids I’ve actually given the Seneye device ID instead of seneye1, but the principal still works and this allows you to edit the friendly name in the UI.
I got my pond and fishtank sensors working with home-assistant. I couldn’t get the rest to work, but loved it to get my first experience with node-red. Thanks for this thread!
My end result?
- picture-elements card
- Most import data in one small card
- 2 icons that pop up when OutOfWater or Disconnected. (see printscreen for example)
- Icons (top right) that can be use to power-on lights, fountain…
- Clickable data to see graphs.
To do:
- Color the values (temperature, ph…) so it’s clear if it’s safe or not.
- Change background in case of error (eg slide expired, no data, outofwater…)
- Put the icons on the sensor, so it looks like more interactive?
Any suggestions are more than welcome!
I get the following error on HA 2023.10.2:
while scanning for the next token found character ‘%’ that cannot start any token in “/config/packages/seneye.yaml”, line 15, column 10
Can anyone tell me how to start installation. I connect the Seneye via USB.
And I know there is an explanation on, but I don’t really understand it, what should I install first, with which software (terminal?), which steps, etc.
My English isn’t that good either, but it’s more about the steps I have to take first where I’m more stuck.