Hey @Brett_Adams - sorry for the delay.
Ive been playing with the unit and integration. here is what i have found.
- When My Auto is enabled in advantage air - an additional operation ’ auto’ appears in Home Assistant. It also shows as a defined state.
Config/API shows this:
"info": {
"aaAutoFanModeEnabled": true,
"activationCodeStatus": "noCode",
"airconErrorCode": "",
"cbFWRevMajor": 9,
"cbFWRevMinor": 42,
"cbType": 1,
"climateControlModeEnabled": false,
"climateControlModeIsRunning": false,
“constant1”: 5,
“constant2”: 3,
“constant3”: 0,
“countDownToOff”: 0,
“countDownToOn”: 0,
“dbFWRevMajor”: 17,
“dbFWRevMinor”: 22,
“fan”: “low”,
“filterCleanStatus”: 0,
“freshAirStatus”: “none”,
“mode”: “myauto”,
“myAutoCoolTargetTemp”: 24,
“myAutoHeatTargetTemp”: 17,
“myAutoModeCurrentSetMode”: “heat”,
"myAutoModeEnabled": true,
"myAutoModeIsRunning": true,
“myZone”: 4,
“name”: “AC”,
“noOfConstants”: 2,
“noOfZones”: 5,
“quietNightModeEnabled”: true,
“quietNightModeIsRunning”: false,
“rfFWRevMajor”: 4,
“rfSysID”: 0,
“setTemp”: 17.0,
“state”: “on”,
“uid”: “18323”,
“unitType”: 17
- When my auto is enabled in advantage air AND operation in Home Assistant is set as Heat, i think these is basically deactivating the auto feature and reverting back to the basic myzone. The Config/API shows this:
“info”: {
“aaAutoFanModeEnabled”: true,
“activationCodeStatus”: “noCode”,
“airconErrorCode”: “”,
“cbFWRevMajor”: 9,
“cbFWRevMinor”: 42,
“cbType”: 1,
"climateControlModeEnabled": false,
"climateControlModeIsRunning": false,
“constant1”: 5,
“constant2”: 3,
“constant3”: 0,
“countDownToOff”: 0,
“countDownToOn”: 0,
“dbFWRevMajor”: 17,
“dbFWRevMinor”: 22,
“fan”: “low”,
“filterCleanStatus”: 0,
“freshAirStatus”: “none”,
“mode”: “heat”,
"myAutoCoolTargetTemp": 24,
"myAutoHeatTargetTemp": 17,
"myAutoModeCurrentSetMode": “heat”,
"myAutoModeEnabled": true,
[u]“myAutoModeIsRunning”: false,[/u]
“myZone”: 4,
“name”: “AC”,
“noOfConstants”: 2,
“noOfZones”: 5,
“quietNightModeEnabled”: true,
“quietNightModeIsRunning”: false,
“rfFWRevMajor”: 4,
“rfSysID”: 0,
“setTemp”: 17.0,
“state”: “on”,
“uid”: “18323”,
“unitType”: 17
3) When switching to mytemp in advantage air, it essentially shows as disables the My Auto sections in the config/API. These conceals the my auto from showing up in Home Assistant as well.
“info”: {
“aaAutoFanModeEnabled”: true,
“activationCodeStatus”: “noCode”,
“airconErrorCode”: “”,
“cbFWRevMajor”: 9,
“cbFWRevMinor”: 42,
“cbType”: 1,
"climateControlModeEnabled": true,
"climateControlModeIsRunning": true,
“constant1”: 5,
“constant2”: 3,
“constant3”: 0,
“countDownToOff”: 0,
“countDownToOn”: 0,
“dbFWRevMajor”: 17,
“dbFWRevMinor”: 22,
“fan”: “low”,
“filterCleanStatus”: 0,
“freshAirStatus”: “none”,
“mode”: “heat”
“myAutoCoolTargetTemp”: 24,
“myAutoHeatTargetTemp”: 17,
“myAutoModeCurrentSetMode”: “heat”,
"myAutoModeEnabled": false,
"myAutoModeIsRunning": false,
“myZone”: 4,
“name”: “AC”,
“noOfConstants”: 2,
“noOfZones”: 5,
“quietNightModeEnabled”: true,
“quietNightModeIsRunning”: false,
“rfFWRevMajor”: 4,
“rfSysID”: 0,
“setTemp”: 17.0,
“state”: “on”,
“uid”: “18323”,
“unitType”: 17
- When switching to myzone in advantage air, the following appears:
“info”: {
“aaAutoFanModeEnabled”: true,
“activationCodeStatus”: “noCode”,
“airconErrorCode”: “”,
“cbFWRevMajor”: 9,
“cbFWRevMinor”: 42,
“cbType”: 1,
"climateControlModeEnabled": false,
"climateControlModeIsRunning": false,
“constant1”: 5,
“constant2”: 3,
“constant3”: 0,
“countDownToOff”: 0,
“countDownToOn”: 0,
“dbFWRevMajor”: 17,
“dbFWRevMinor”: 22,
“fan”: “low”,
“filterCleanStatus”: 0,
“freshAirStatus”: “none”,
“mode”: “heat”,
“myAutoCoolTargetTemp”: 24,
“myAutoHeatTargetTemp”: 17,
“myAutoModeCurrentSetMode”: “heat”,
"myAutoModeEnabled": false,
"myAutoModeIsRunning": false,
“myZone”: 4,
“name”: “AC”,
“noOfConstants”: 2,
“noOfZones”: 5,
“quietNightModeEnabled”: true,
“quietNightModeIsRunning”: false,
“rfFWRevMajor”: 4,
“rfSysID”: 0,
“setTemp”: 17.0,
“state”: “on”,
“uid”: “18323”,
“unitType”: 17
The good news is that the My Auto operation is available when its enabled in the source advantage air app.
That said Id still love to be able to toggle between to following modes from with Home Assistant:
My Auto - set →
"climateControlModeEnabled": false,
"climateControlModeIsRunning": false,
"myAutoModeEnabled": true,
"myAutoModeIsRunning": true,
My Temp - set →
"climateControlModeEnabled": true,
"climateControlModeIsRunning": true,
"myAutoModeEnabled": false,
"myAutoModeIsRunning": false,
My Zone - set →
"climateControlModeEnabled": false,
"climateControlModeIsRunning": false,
"myAutoModeEnabled": false,
"myAutoModeIsRunning": false,
I’d also love to be able to set the range of temps with these two variable:
"myAutoCoolTargetTemp": 24,
"myAutoHeatTargetTemp": 17,
Not sure how to implement the two new target temps, perhaps even a basic number helper could work.