🔥 Advanced Heating Control

Cheers @P6Dave all sorted thanks

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Happy Easter to all of you!

ok, there seems to be a problem with my boiler thermostat with the newest AHC version:

I want to set the comfort temp to let’s say 20+ degrees, and no matter which HVAC mode I set (auto or heat), AHC always sets 5 degrees:

HVAC auto mode: 179dd7d5 - { "trace": { "last_step": "action/5/default/7/if/conditio
HVAC heat mode: b558558e - { "trace": { "last_step": "action/5/default/7/if/conditio

The thermostat itself should use auto mode theoretically

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Did you check your outdoor temperature sensor? I don’t log the value atm but your threshold was set to 15°C. Maybe it was warmer today?

Thank you! It seems like I was wrong though. By setting an offset in the Netatmo App for the Indoor Module I could verify that the Meross Thermostat is getting an offset value in HA.

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yes, that was the case, thank you :smiley:

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:fire: AHCv4.2 :fire:

:new: away temperature - for person based heating combined with scheduler or presence sensors
:new: custom event with ahc data to react in other automations to variables or just visualize AHC-Data in the UI

You can setup a template sensor in your configuration.yaml like this:

  - trigger:
      - platform: event
        event_type: ahc_event
          automation: automation.ahc_v4 #CHANGE YOUR AUTOMATION ENTITY-ID HERE
      - name: "AHC Test Room Data" #SET A NAME FOR YOUR SENSOR
        unique_id: AHC Test Room #SET A UNIQUE ID
        state: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_comfort }}"
          automation: "{{ trigger.event.data.automation }}"
          target_temperature: "{{ trigger.event.data.target_temperature }}"
          comfort_temperature: "{{ trigger.event.data.comfort_temperature }}"
          eco_temperature: "{{ trigger.event.data.eco_temperature }}"
          mode: "{{ trigger.event.data.mode }}"
          is_comfort: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_comfort }}"
          is_away_temperature: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_away_temperature }}"
          is_somebody_on_way_home_state: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_somebody_on_way_home_state }}"
          is_party: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_party }}"
          is_guest: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_guest }}"
          is_window_open: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_window_open }}"
          active_scheduler: "{{ trigger.event.data.active_scheduler }}"
          state_scheduler: "{{ trigger.event.data.state_scheduler }}"
          is_person_based: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_person_based }}"
          is_anybody_home: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_anybody_home }}"
          state_presence_sensor: "{{ trigger.event.data.state_presence_sensor }}"
          state_presence_scheduler: "{{ trigger.event.data.state_presence_scheduler }}"
          is_presence_on: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_presence_on }}"
          is_frost_protection: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_frost_protection }}"
          last_temperature_change: "{{ iif(trigger.event.data.is_change,now(),this.attributes.last_calibration) }}"
          last_calibration: "{{ iif(trigger.event.data.is_calibration,now(),this.attributes.last_calibration) }}"
          state_presence_sensor_presence_scheduler_combined: "{{ trigger.event.data.state_presence_sensor_presence_scheduler_combined }}"
          is_presence_based: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_presence_based }}"
          is_force_max_temperature: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_force_max_temperature }}"


Works great Thank you. :+1:

Idea / Question. Make it sence to integrate a Helper, that shows the state of ADH.
For example he shows diretly in GUI (Comfort Temp, Eco Temp, Away Temp or no person @ home to visual direct which mode from ADH is activ) maybe this helps to analyze it easier by everyone.

Currently i have made templates for these, but this cant check all things

It’s a little tricky but possible. The automation has to fire a custom event with all this data. On the other side it needs an template sensor that listen to this kind of event and stores the data in different attributes. I will check this.

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Just have a look in the latest changelog. If you’re missing information just give some feedback.

//EDIT: just added some more information to template sensor (last_calibration & last_temperature_change)

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Eco Temp is missing :slight_smile:

Eco and Comfort temperature is also available now.

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im currently struggling a little bit with the configuration and understanding the ECO/ Comfort/ Away Functions.

I used before a mix of Integration and Automation, but I wasn’t happy with that because of the battery drain…

But in this combination it was possible for me to set a fixed away temp. This was used if nobody was at home (not linked to any schedule or so). Just plain nodody at home = Away temp ON.

When somebody is at home the eco temp was selected if nobody was in the room (presence detected). If presence was detected in the room, the comfort temp was applied.

Is this somehow possible? As im currently stuck of finding a good method to achieve this :frowning:

thanks in advance

Hi thank you for your feedback.

Currently the temperatures only switches between eco and comfort temperature. the away temperature is an offset subtracted from the comfort temperature. But your objection is justified: I will implement the away offset like you’d described if it’s set.

Nobody home → eco temp
Home but no presence detected → comfort temperature - away offset
Home and presence detected → real comfort temperature

Would this fits your needs?


hmm could be working yes, but how will then the schedule affect the behaviour?

Also wouldn’t it be better (maybe also easier) to change the name of Eco temp to away and use the eco temp for the room temp without presence?

In this setup the away temp will be then away from home and not “away from room”?

then also the scheduling would be quite easy as you can just schedule the comfort temp and otherwise the eco offset would be applied.

another question for understanding of the suggestion from you / in general.

currently it is necessary to use a schedule helper to “active” the away temp option and it is not possible to use the away temp just with the presence, isn’t it?

thanks, Martin

Same like the current implementation. Maybe it needs a switch for both cases.

The blueprint started with only two temperatures and this would be too much changes just for naming reasons. I also use the names in code and in the current state this monster has round about 2500 lines of code. So I will stay with comfort and eco and the away offset. Just to prevent unwanted reflection errors.

This would be part of the description of this modifier. In case of presence detection combined with persons no other combination make sense since it never can be activated if nobody is home.

Atm not, but with my local test version it is. :wink:

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is there a way also to have “is_eco_temperature” and “force_max” attributes?

if you need a second tester, please let me know :wink:

is_comfort is boolean and is also the state of the template sensor. so if it is on comfort ist set and if it’s off eco is set.

force_max → yes, i will add this.

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No, need. Just checkout the latest version.

@stephanschleichstr13 if you update check your away temperature configuration again. I just changed the input variable. you need to set it again and enable it for scheduling.

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looks like its working :smiley: Really great.

So now it is not needed for meta use any Schedule helper, as the automation is capable of doing some timings via the “Heating Schedule Adjustments”.

and I will get used to the ECO/ Away naming :wink:

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