🔥 Advanced Heating Control

Shame on me! I double checked that part of code. Indeed there was a bug. Please check out latest version and have a test again!

triggered by time change or manual update …


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ups … you were faster … reimporting newest version … will be on the watch

BTW - i changed to generic calibration as the TuYa TRV seem to write calibration in flash memory with 100.000 write cycles max (calibrating every 10 minutes renders your TRV dead after approx. 2 years).
as stated here on the forum

EDIT: :star_struck: reimporting switched to Auto immediately

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Ok, but is there a reliable source? Fast google research didn’t gave me information about this.

//EDIT: The target temperature must be also stored in flash memory. So if it’s like this every change kill our TRVs more and more. Yes, it is but I am not sure if it’s so drastically as described. I have my TS0601 for round about 2,5 years now and changed temperatures and calibration values a lot. Until now they keep working fine. :smiley:

well, the guy is playing with oscilloscopes and firmwares in some of his posts … but maybe too drastic … wanted to be on the safe side … good to hear though, that yours are running fine (i am pretty :angry: with them)

this could be easily tested - set some crazy temp - remove batts - wait … (may try on some of the next days)

Hi guys,
I’ve had similar issues to @JamieMe with my SONOFF TRVZB thermostats. After updating Home Assistant to 2024.xx, the current temperature on the thermostats were jumping from -10 to 55 degree Celsius. I then discovered that the calibration started adjusting the thermostat temperatures based on my thermometer, using the offset function. The offset feature for my thermostats was introduced in the new version of Home Assistant. If anyone is facing similar issues (with SONOFF), I’ve managed to create a workaround using Version 4 of Advanced Heating Control.



Hello @Panhans, I have been able to test the aggressive mode for some time now and would like to suggest two improvements. The current state of the aggressive mode opens or closes the thermostatic valve completely. This means that if I have a difference of 0.5 C° between the desired and the actual state, the valve opens or closes completely again and thus high battery consumption, wear and constant noise from the thermostat valve. If I have a fluctuation due to rounding of the temperature value or a change in the room temperature in the 1 degree range, the thermostat constantly opens and closes again every few minutes. To optimize this behavior, it might be possible to specify two configurable values in the blueprint. 1. the 0.5 degrees should be changeable. 2. the number of degrees that the thermostat valve is opened or closed when the aggressive mode is activated so that the valve only opens/closes a little further and not completely. what do you think about it? Is that possible and does it make sense in your opinion?

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I was going to ask for proximity support and I see it is in V4.


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People, don’t hesitate to show some love to @panhans! I am simply amazed by his relentless dedication and support to all of us.

Some ways to do that:

  • buy him a coffee (see in the header),
  • like the answers (there is a rating in this forum based on the “like to post ratio”).
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This really looks great. I think this will finally replace Better Thermostat for me :slight_smile:

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Yes, I understand. My valves only support open/close completely. I will add something to make the adjustment more granular.

Here you are. Just give it a try. It’s hard for me to test since I am working mainly from home. :wink:


Hey @panhans,

thank a lot for you effort in making you automation better every day.

I stumbled upon a calibration error:

2024-01-11 20:57:02.422 DEBUG (MainThread) [blueprints.panhans.heatingcontrol] - state_mode_party: False  
  - state_mode_guest: False  
  - state_mode_winter: True  
  - state_force_max_temperature: False  
  - state_window: False  
  - state_presence_sensor: False  
  - state_temperature_comfort: 22  
  - state_mode_holiday: False  
  - mode: heat  
  - active_scheduler: schedule.heizung_pauline_schulzeit  
  - is_anybody_home: True  
  - is_mode_holiday_configured: False  
  - is_scheduler_on: False  
  - is_presence_sensor_defined: False  
  - is_presence_scheduler_defined: False  
  - is_presence: False  
  - temperature: 19  
  - valves: ['climate.heizung_pauline']  
  - valves_off_mode: ['climate.heizung_pauline']  
  - valves_without_off_mode: []  
  - valves_tado: []  
  - trvs_temp_not_set: []  
  - trvs_mode_not_set: []  
  - trvs_mode_and_temp_not_set: []  
  - trigger.id: calibration_trv_temp  
  - is_presence_heating: False  
  - is_presence_heating_with_scheduler: False  
  - is_presence_heating_without_persons: False  
  - is_presence_heating_with_persons: False  
  - is_no_presence_heating_or_presence_with_scheduler: True  
  - is_scheduled_heating: True  
  - is_scheduled_heating_without_persons: False  
  - is_scheduled_heating_with_persons: True  
  - no_person_is_defined: False  
  - input_persons_count: False
2024-01-11 20:57:02.470 DEBUG (MainThread) [blueprints.panhans.heatingcontrol] Calibration:   
  offset_old: 1.4   
  offset_new: 2.3000000000000003   
  step: 0.1  
  diff: 0.9000000000000004  
  delta: 0.2 full_rounding: "False"
2024-01-11 20:57:02.483 DEBUG (MainThread) [blueprints.panhans.heatingcontrol] Calibration set to:  2.3000000000000003 on number.heizung_pauline_local_temperature_calibration
2024-01-11 20:57:03.536 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.number] Invalid value for number.heizung_pauline_local_temperature_calibration: -390909132.7 (range -5.0 - 5.0)

Looks like a rounding issue. What do you think?

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Thank you so much for reporting this! Some users reported strange calibration values using z2m. This should be the reason. I just updated v4 to resolve this issue.


Sounds great. Fyi, i use the v3 and v4-beta. The issue is present in both versions.

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Hi Panhans,

Please can you explain a little more about the comfort temperature (optional) and winter modes please?
When I click on the entity boxes for those it says I have no matching entries so not sure what I’m supposed to do with them if I want to make use of them.

I looked through the documentation but couldn’t find specific reference to them and searching through this thread didn’t really help me sorry.

For me i would need something like this,
Name: Heating Bathroom
Start: 6AM
End: 7AM
Start: 3PM
End: 10PM
Description: Temp=22

Because i want heat when i get up, but not when at work.But it works very fine as it is for me, so no need for updates. I can set what i want in diffent schedules, It

I’ve added a custom action but it does not get triggered. Maybe it would make sense to be able to add some custom triggers?

I thought the description was sufficient.

For comfort temperature you can select and input_number / number helper to adjust the comfort temperature by UI or other automations. Furthermore some features need this entity because the current comfort temperature ist stored there.

Winter Mode can be any boolean entity. That simply blocks - if disabled - or avtivates - if enabled - the whole automation.

You should trigger the automation using the three dots menu in automation overview. Custom action gets fired every time the automation gets called. (except calibration or temp reset) Did you check your logs for errors? It runs pretty stable without problems for me.
You also can trigger the automation and share the trace log with me. (Have a look in the initial post if you need to know how to do this.)

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The thermostats, that I am using are inverted in terms of the offset.
If an external sensor is measuring 18 degrees and the thermostat is set to 20 degrees, the offset should be -2 degrees.
The blueprint currently sets +2 degrees.

Is there any way to invert this behaviour?

So sorry, but even what you said now doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

I’m absolutely new to this and trying to get up to speed with terminology and how things work. As I’ve found on more than one occasion the information offered depends on the person asking the question having a baseline of knowledge which I personally don’t have yet.

For example “input_number / number helper” means nothing to me. I’ve managed to find some info suggesting that I need to add a number via the helpers section. I’ve made a number helper with a range of 15 - 21 but unsure what that is supposed to do to help. I’ve added it to one of the rooms controlled by the blueprint.
I’m assuming that this is meant to display a temp control slider or equivalent that allows me to adjust the temp separate to the schedule? If so that shows for all of the rooms already and I’ve not added the number helper to anything else.

I understand that boolean will mean on or off but the winter mode is asking for an entity in there and I have no idea which entity to choose.

Again sorry for the questions, I appreciate they are at a basic level.