🔥 Advanced Heating Control

You don’t need these helpers at all to keep automation running with a simple configuration.

But when it comes to this it’s maybe better to get some basics first before you start trying using it.

There are tons of tutorials out there and they are very specific, e.g.:

Not now. But it’s not a problem to implement. Could you also share a screenshot of your climate and calibration entity in the state overview with all their attributes, please?

Cheers, I appreciate the help

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It seems that there may be a few issues with controlling the heating. I’ve kept the blueprints as simple as possible simply adding a static temp and a heating schedule. The heating came on overnight when none should have been on. This may have been because one of the room was reporting being less than 12C which is the min set temp?
I’ve recalibrated the multi sensors (though I did this the other day and now appears a 2
C error again), so will see if that helps.
However one of the rooms is being heated that should be off. How am I supposed to set an individual room to off (i.e: this room is not in use so schedule not required, it is a guest room so only needed occasionally) - I presume this is where the winter setting comes in?

Here is an image of that section of the dashboard - I’ve turned it off for now but it keeps turning itself back on.

If you don’t want the room to be heat to minimum temperature you can enable the option off instead of minimum temperature.
But note that heat is only a mode. If climate set to heat and temperature is higher thanntarget temp the valve will not open until the current temperaturen falls under target.

Thanks, I can’t see an option for off. The minimum the slider offers is 4*C and I see no alternatives.

That being said the min temp was set to 12 and the room temp was reading 15 but the heating still turned on.

Heat means manual mode. Touch your radiators and you will feel they are not warm until room temperature is not lower target temperature.

Yes sure. I appreciate your help!
I hope that this screenshot is what you need.

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I have underfloor heating for most of the house. This takes longer to respond than radiators (though it is a thin screed system so not as long as standard UFH).

There are a few radiators left downstairs that have yet to be replaced and these are managed by a z-wave thermostat and boiler receiver.

Why would the zones be in manual mode if I haven’t done anything, what am I doing wrong here?

And here is the screenshot of the climate entity. Sorry for the separate posts.
I can’t post two pictures in a single post since I am a new user.

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Nothing wrong. Manual mode means that no internal schedule is active. It’s needed to be controlled by a third party app or automation like this.

It seems for me that the latest beta does not change the danfoss/hive/popp value:

The external_measured_room_sensor never get changed :frowning:

Here the last 3 traces:

This is my test config:

alias: AHCv4-Stube
description: ""
  path: panhans/heating_control_v4.yaml
      - climate.valve_livr_danfoss
    input_temperature_minimum_static: 17
    input_temperature_comfort_static: 21.5
      - binary_sensor.contact_livr_windright_contact
      - binary_sensor.contact_livr_balcdoor_contact
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 20
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 10
    input_temperature_sensor: sensor.ble_temperature_4XXXXXXXXX
    input_mode_outside_temperature: weather.homie

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I’ve found the off mode at the bottom of the blueprint now. Would it perhaps be better located next to the min temp?

I still don’t understand why it is in manual mode. The spare room should currently be off and there is a schedule set as for the other zones. I’ve added the off mode option so will see if that helps.

Thank you for reporting and sharing. I will have a look into this later.

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I am using Fahrenheit and not Celsius and I keep getting an error. Is there any way to adjust the heating control to be in Fahrenheit?

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Ok, understood, so the proximity distance should be a higher value, since starting to heat when i’m lets say 500meters from home kinda defeats the purpose.
I’ll set it to a 10KM radius and report back how it works.

I’m having some issues with some zones not heating when they should be and others heating when they shouldn’t.

On this image both the Hallway and Jess were scheduled to be heating. When I checked both were saying idle so I’ve moved the sliders up to initiate some heating.

The lounge in this image is still heating though it’s at temp and Molly was also idle.

In this one the spare room I’ve disabled as it kept turning on when the zone was meant to be off (I only set it to away, I’ve not yet added the winter mode).

Please advise on what could be going on here, thanks.

I will change the selectors of the constants temperatures. I think the rest should work as expected event with Fahrenheit. In the blueprint itself nothing is °C-dependent.

Yes, exactly. If your distance is set to 10km you have to be in that radius and you have to move towards your home for the duration you can set in blueprint settings.

It’s hard to me to debug this way. Just have a look in the intial post:

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Hi Panhans,
I’ve been through that post when I set the rooms up and twice again since.
Do you want me to post the yaml instead?
Some of the rooms didn’t heat again this morning despite being scheduled to do so and at a low temp. Everything is purely schedule based currently I’ve not added in any of the other features.

Just share a trace log. I’ve updated the instructions in the initial post.

I’ve set up all TRVs with the automation now (was testing with one TRV up until now).
I have 2 rooms with a schedule which should start heating when the schedule kicks in, but they don’t move.
I just set the schedule to 13:00, the automation fires, but the temperature stays at 17 degrees where it should be 20 degrees. I have an input number set for comfort temperature to be able to physically change the temperature at the TRVs which was set to 17 degrees at the time the automation fired.

Reset comfort temperature is active, the description says, that the comfort temp will be reset at the end of a schedule, but shouldn’t it also reset when the schedule begins?
Trace: https://controlc.com/6db64c9d

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