🔥 Advanced Heating Control

since the update from 5.0.9 to the new 5.1 i got several errors like that:

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.ahc_maria
Quelle: components/automation/init.py:689
Integration: Automatisierung (Dokumentation, Probleme)
Erstmals aufgetreten: 18:00:00 (3 Vorkommnisse)
Zuletzt protokolliert: 19:57:57

Error rendering variables: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: ‘str’ and ‘float’

There is no trace i can show!

Did you change something in the “heating adjustment” section? i think the problem is there!

- time: "07:30"
  eco: "18"
  calibration: "on"
- time: "18:00"
  eco: "15.5"
  calibration: "on"

should there be a . or a , at the eco at 18:00??

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I’d put this on my list.

Yes, entity ids are possible now like:

- time: "07:30"
  eco: "input_number.another_number_entity"

But I’d just tested your adjustments and can not recreate this warning. I also use heating adjustments but can’t see such an error.

mmhh…i have 3 automations with this settings and 7 without, and only this 3 creates this error! the problem is, that the automation didn’t trigger and still run at comfort temp instead of eco temp! I will try one with the entity id, one with , and one with .

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15.5 also works for me. strange…

//EDIT: error found. sry :stuck_out_tongue:

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :rofl: …i will test it

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- time: "6:30"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
  scheduler: Winter Schedule
  comfort: "20"
- time: "11:00"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
    - Sun
  scheduler: Winter Schedule
  comfort: "23"
- time: "14:00"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
    - Sun
  scheduler: Winter Schedule
  comfort: "19"
- time: "18:00"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
    - Sun
  scheduler: Winter Schedule
  comfort: "22"
- time: "21:00"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
    - Sun
  scheduler: Winter Schedule
  comfort: "21"
- time: "6:30"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
  comfort: "21"
  scheduler: Shoulder Schedule
- time: "11:00"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
    - Sun
  scheduler: Shoulder Schedule
  comfort: "22"
- time: "14:00"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
    - Sun
  scheduler: Shoulder Schedule
  comfort: "21"
- time: "18:00"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
    - Sun
  scheduler: Shoulder Schedule
  comfort: "21"
- time: "21:00"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
    - Sun
  scheduler: Shoulder Schedule
  comfort: "20"
- time: "6:30"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
  scheduler: Summer Schedule
  comfort: "24"
- time: "11:00"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
    - Sun
  scheduler: Summer Schedule
  comfort: "21"
- time: "14:00"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
    - Sun
  scheduler: Summer Schedule
  comfort: "23"
- time: "18:00"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
    - Sun
  scheduler: Summer Schedule
  comfort: "23"
- time: "21:00"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
    - Sun
  scheduler: Summer Schedule
  comfort: "23"

Apologies, forgot to do that! Since I’ve adopted the v5 blueprint, the schedules arent working at all now… :frowning:

Can’t confirm this. Schedules are working fine since they are a base element of this blueprint.

I did some changes to the adjustments. Hopefully your issue is fixed now.

looks like its working now :slight_smile:

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Ok so i am looking for a way to control my trvs and my heater .
Found this blueprint and read alot thrue these post but i dont really understand how this works ,
i tried the blueprint entered my thermostat (nest thermostat that controls the heater pump) and a temp sensor i saved the blueprint and now i got an automation .

Do i add my trv’s as thermostats ? how do i control them then ?
First time using a blueprint so go easy on me :slight_smile:

What i want to do is use the trv’s to set the room temp and when a trv goes to heating it should activate the heater via the nest thermostat .

Is there maybe a youtube vid i can watch ?

Or is this not possible with the blueprint ?

Thank you for your continous work!
Did you have time to look ath the presence part.
I’m testing it out with a toggle helper now, and it only seems to work when I select it to use the away (with or without) ignore people offset instead of the eco temp.

Could you enable your presence entity and share a trace log with me? And could you explain your problem again or link to your post where you did this? Sry, to many unmanaged issues. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Problem is, the blueprint doesn’t run when I don’t select the away options so there is no trace to share with the issue. This is the trace with away on (but then with lower temp then the eco setting. "
Tracelog Vic automation toggle with away on - Pastebin.com

For em words like people and presence also mix easily. Presence I’d say is more location based in house, movement is more room based but I’m not sure. I get that wording is tough ^^. Again thank you so much!

Your presence scheduler is on, but your presence sensor is off so the automation sets the away mode.

What do you want to achieve?

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as far as I understood from how presence is explained is that it should be set to eco, not away as long as someone is home in the house, just not in the room.

Specify the duration for which the presence sensor must not detect any presence so that the eco temperature is set.

When persons aren’t ignored and someone is home:

Presence schedule on + presence on → comfort
Presence schedule on + presence off → away temp (comfort - away offset)
Presence schedule off → eco

//EDIT: Maybe you better explain your needs. I don’t get what heating behavior you expect. And then I could check your configuration to provide a better support.

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Wait, presence schedule as in teh one for the motion sensor? Or which schedule?
I don’t get this. As in, how it corresponse with the text of teh explanation.
How can I:
Someone home, presence in the room & inside heating schedule (scheduling option) & inside motion schedule > comfort
Someone home, & inside heating schedule on, no one in the room and motion schedule is used > eco
Someone home, inside heating schedule on & motion schedule is off so presence is ignored > comfort
someone home, inside heating schedule is off (everything else should be then ignored right?) > eco

or maybe this just doesn’t make sense to want hahah ^^

I’m flexible I’m just trying to understand for now how it works :slight_smile:

Cause I can imagien for example that during work days I’m usaully not in my bedroom, so I want the heating to remain low, but if I stay in my room for more than 10 minutes I do want the heating to turn on and remain on till I’m gone back to the livingroom for a while. But only if it is daytime. During the evening I want it to follow the "scheduled"heating pattern of warming up during the evening etc

Explanation added. We had the same thought. I’m sorry and thanks again!


Looks to me the same.

Get rid of any away temperature configuration first.

Setup your persons and heating schedules:
home + schedule on → comfort
nobody is home → eco

Setup your presence sensors without presence schedule:
presence on → comfort
presence off → eco

You can white list time windows with help of the presence schedule when presence kicks in:
presence schedule on + presence on → comfort
presence schedule off (presence sensor will be ignored) → eco

Comfort always kicks in if your schedule configuration OR presence configuration reports comfort


For my living room I’d defined the persons and a schedule from 8 to 20 o’clock. So comfort is set if somebody is at home in this time window.
I use my lights as presence sensor and whitelist them from 00:00 - 08:00 and 20:00-24:00 o’clock. So when somebody is early in the morning heating starts dynamically and heating stops when I turn the lights off and getting to bed.

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how do I get rid of the away temps? :slight_smile:
you are sure it is an or with schedule or presence? I just tried selecting everyone being away but moved the presence toggle to on but it stayed in eco mode.

I seem to be unable to make it work like:

  • Someone is home, but no one is in the room(presence) inside the heating and motion schedule, set the temp to eco.

edit: I love what you do especially at the end of teh day, that is what I’d want in my livingroom, adn the reverse for in my bedroom.

It seems like you just want to heat up the room when presence is detected and the presence schedule allow this. So just delete the persons and the heating schedule and you’re good to go.

Don’t explain when eco should kicks in (it’s the default mode) but when comfort should be set.

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