🔥 Advanced Heating Control

Ah I like the last sentence, good point!!

Almost, I want heating to start at 6 am till 9 in the livingroom when someone is home. It should stay on after 9 when presence (motion) is detected till like 7 (19) pm. HEating should comence then with or without presence (motion) in the room till like 9 (21). If motion is detected it should stay on, otherwise, let it go to eco.

GEtting away work to work won’t work I guess?
EDit: okey I got it to work, the key sentence was teh eco part you mentioned ;).
Last thing,
In bedroom: If I’m not home, I want the away to happen (not the eco) regardless if there is presence or not.
But I don’t want the away offset to kick in in other moments.

okey edit 2: It seems that the motion snesor group doesn’t work but the helepr does.

Set your persons and a heating schedule for this time window.

Add your presence sensor and a presence schedule for this time window. Also add a time window for the end of the day.

This is a little bit tricky. I would recommend to manipulate the eco temperature with help of the adjustments. You can set a static temperature in the level of your comfort temperature or just set the entity id of your comfort temperature entity. Don’t forget to reset the eco temperature like:

- time: "19:00"
  eco: "input_number.YOUR_COFORT_ENTITY"
- time: "21:00"
  eco: "18"

Sure it just depends on the rest of your configuration. But I would recommend to add the features step by step with testing.

I don’t get this right:
Home → comfort
Not Home → away temp
??? → eco

Sure, you need to create a binary sensor group in the helper section. It creates another binary sensor you can set in the blueprint.

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Sorry guys, a little bit of topic. But I still hope someone could point me in the right direction or has a solution.

My heating system what I’d like to control (getting rid of EIB) is basically a 3 valve mixer and a pump.
The forward temperature is controlled just by the outside temperature. This outside temp is then used with a heating curve and this curve “translates” it to the flow temperature (Vorlauftemperatur).
Every card, blueprint etc. etc. needs a target temperature so I need to develop this curve. Anyone is having an idea how to get it?


So you need an entity that provides the flow temperature depending on the outside temperature?

Yes, thanks

Put this in your template editor and play around with level and inclination. Edit the room and outside temp and have a look if it fits to your current values to simulate some situations.

If level and inclination fits for you just let me know. Then I add the climates to get the highest target temperature and integrate the outside temperature.

Then you just have to create a template sensor based on this code.

{% set t_room_target = 24 %}
{% set t_outside = 1 %}

{% set level = 1 %}
{% set inclination = 1 %}

{% set dar = t_outside - t_room_target | float %}

{{ (t_room_target + inclination - (level * dar * (1.4347 + float(0.021) * dar + float(247.9) * float(10**-6) * dar**2))) | int }}


did chatgpt bring this up? :innocent:

interesting approach, but not sure this will be working, most likely not for any system. what are these constants in that formula?

usually one’s setting at least 3 value pairs for a heating curve. here’s an example how most heat pumps are implementing such in UI:

(neglect the boost/normal/red)

on Y it’s the return temperature (“Rücklauf”) of the heating system, on X it’s the outside temperature. by setting the Y for these 3 points of X to the value needed to achieve the desired indoor temperature you set the heating curve (i guess they’ve just been too lazy to implement the actual curve in the gui, or might even be using the linear values for real :man_shrugging:)

for sure might be interesting to have in your blueprint (which i just discovered)


The formular I’ve posted is the original viessmann formular. Have a look into the source. It’s way too offtopic, I think. Please create another thread for this. Thanks!

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sers, let’s take this over here :wink:

don’t know anything about your system, but i guesstimate that you’ll probably will be better off implementing a temperature sensor on the return pipe of your “mixed circuit” … “Rücklaufgeführt” is the magic word :innocent:

yes, adjusting for the outside temperature might be interesting either, but - again, just guesstimating about your system - mostly that’s less needed than one thinks if one’s looking at what is coming back from it…

Well, that worked. Apparently it needed to cycle thorugh the different values of the motion group for the heating schedule to work normally. WHich it does now.
Thank you!
Now time for me to figure out how to set away mode when no motion is detected or person is present but schedules are active.

Could you explain when exactly comfort, eco and away temp should be set? That is not really clear to me.

ok - misunderstood, thought you were just asking the prior user to test and you planned on implementing this.

yes, this viessmann-formula is coming up regularly, as it seems to be the only one published anywhere, but it’s for a gas-burning heating system (>120°), and well, they know the constants in their systems :innocent:

Hehe, good idea to implement several formulars in the blueprint and provide this in the sensor. But in this case I have a lack of knowledge. If there is someone who provides the formulars and the needed inputs/variables including an explanation it wouldn’t be a problem.

But maybe this something for another template based blueprint.


Thanks for helping me … highly appreciated! The formula is not working for me (I have to adopt it) but thanks I hope I can adopt it to my needs.
Why is not working, just to give you an example:
With an outside temp of 5 degree and inside temp of 25 I’m getting a flow temp of 48 which is much to much for my underfloor heating the max. max should never ever exceed 35 degrees. The formular is most likely for a radiator heading.

Thanks and best

Yes, thats why you have to play around with the other two variables to lower the curve. :wink:

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short question about the heating adjustment. I set it like this:

- time: "07:30"
  eco: "18"
  calibration: "on"
- time: "18:00"
  eco: input_number.eco_laeti
  calibration: "on"

the “input_number.eco_laeti” is set to 15.5

Today i figuered out, that at 7:30 when the eco-temp is set to 18 also the input_number was set to 18! Is that normal?

I am using this awesome blueprint with Tado. I have following schedule

- time: "00:00"
  comfort: "19"
- time: "07:00"
  comfort: "22"

Today morning I’ve noticed temperature is still stuck at 19 degrees. I have noticed that living room heating became unavailable for some reason and stayed unavailable at the time it was supposed to be set to 22 degrees. Later I changed this manually.

Other rooms were fine. I don’t know why this happened, the Tado bridge is also in the living room, so it should not be bad signal reception.

Anyway, is there a way to make AHC apply the schedule as soon as the thermostat becomes available? Or any plans on implementing this?

Hi dude,
Recently, the presence detection has been causing problems.
The room is turning on but the blueprint doesn’t adjust the heating accordingly.
I’ve noticed this since version 5.1.
The same thing is happening now after a Blueprint update.

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Are you on the latest version?

- time: "18:51"
  eco: "input_number.temp_temp"

This for example worked flawlessly for me. But hopefully this is not the same input_number entity you used as eco temperature input for the blueprint.

I think it may need another trigger when a device became available again.

What exactly didn’t work for you? Could you share a trace log in the moment when the issue appeared?

Is it a trigger I am supposed to put somewhere or something that needs to be added to the blueprint?