🔥 Advanced Heating Control

removed the blueprint and started from scratch - applying the v5 must have messed it up.

Schedules are working but the Schedule selector (an input selector with exact matching entries to the schedules) doesn’t. If I deselect that and then set a single schedule all works ok, including adjustments again.

So just appears to be an issue with the schedule selector.

Attached is the trace from the 11:00am trigger (i.e. when the set schedule, "Summer Schedule’ should have triggered).


The presence sensor is a mm waved and pir based group. So there is quite some de bouncing happening. Presence can be on for hours indeed.
I looked this morning again.
It stays at away temp even during the heating scedhule is on and motion scedhule is off. I can’t get it to work then. :confused:

You have no schedules specified. Just the selector.

Just share your durations for your presence sensors and the history graph. Presence works flawlessly so it must be a configuration problem.

Okay. O noticed it has to do with away being on.
When I ze away to on for presence based heating, it stays at away temp. Even when when the normal schedule is on.
Presence :slight_smile:

As you can see it needs to be debounces. the sensor switches from on and off too often. The yellow parts in the graph should be solid without any spacing between. When using z2m some device have an option for this if not you have to fix this by e.g. wrapping it with a template sensor and some logic

Ah Okey,
I’ll work on that. Thank you ^^.! Template sensors are still scary for me but I’ll try.

Could you next to that help with the away temp vs eco temp when no person is home?

I just noticed a scene with “window” added at the end of the name was created, for one of the three rooms where i have set window sensors. not sure when, is this done automatically by your blueprint? It has never activated, and only created for this one room while i have more rooms with window sensors. Is this a left over from an old version?

I’m starting to go crazy here :frowning: (and the wife acceptance levels are reaching critical levels…)
I have a schedule set for the office-room, it should only turn on during the weekdays. But for some reasons today, Sunday, it is constantly turning on randomly. I have a presence sensor there as well, it looks like it’s reacting to some ghosts and detecting movement all the time. But even so why is it turning on my heating even though my schedule is set for only weekdays

The scenes will get destroyed with every home assistant restart. Could you share a trace log of your office room? (Would be great if you hit the point when comfort is set by the ghost detection)

I have also a problem with the input_scheduler_selector and AHC v5.
Everyday at 00.00 my holiday selector gets active by accidental, the eco temp will be set to 15C° and override everything else. I can’t remember that this was an issue with v4.
My config:

alias: Heizung Bad
description: ""
  path: panhans/advanced_heating_control.yaml
      - climate.thermo_bad
    input_temperature_sensor: sensor.meter_d755_bad_temp
    input_temperature_eco: input_number.bad_eco_temp_eingabe
    input_temperature_comfort_static: 20
    input_temperature_eco_static: 18
    input_temperature_comfort: input_number.bad_komfort_temp_eingabe
      - time: "09:00"
          - Mon
          - Tue
          - Wed
          - Thu
          - Fri
        comfort: "20.0"
        calibration: "on"
      - time: "10:00"
          - Sat
          - Sun
        comfort: "20.0"
        calibration: "on"
      - time: "20:00"
          - Mon
          - Tue
          - Wed
          - Thu
          - Fri
          - Sat
          - Sun
        eco: "18"
        calibration: "on"
      - time: "00:00"
          - Mon
          - Tue
          - Wed
          - Thu
          - Fri
          - Sat
          - Sun
        scheduler: schedule.24_7_urlaub
        eco: "15"
        calibration: "on"
    input_off_if_above_room_temperature: false
      - schedule.heizung_bad_komfort_temp
      - schedule.24_7_urlaub
    input_scheduler_selector: input_boolean.heizungs_urlaubs_temperatur
      - binary_sensor.fensterkontakt_bad_contact
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 20
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 5
      hours: 0
      minutes: 1
      seconds: 0
    input_calibration_delta: 0.2
    input_aggressive_mode_range: 0.1
    input_aggressive_mode_offset: 0.5
    input_aggressive_mode_calibration: true
    input_mode_winter: input_boolean.heizung_automation_an_aus
    input_mode_outside_temperature: sensor.berlin_tempelhof_temperatur
    input_mode_outside_temperature_threshold: 19
    input_hvac_mode: auto

I wrote the v5 config from scratch. Maybe something needs to be changed?

Are you on the latest version because I made some changes to the adjustments a few days ago?

I use 5.09 version. i will check if there is a new one.

Edit: Thanks for the hint. I will update to 5.1.2 . Hopefully you have fix it already :slight_smile:

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@panhans aha! This may be the problem, I incorrectly assumed if a selector was defined you didnt need to enter the schedule entities also, as they are defined in the input selector.

Makes sense! Trying again…

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Ah thanks. It was the schedule. Somehow I played with it and forgot to deactivate it

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First of all I would like to thank you for this fantastic blueprint :slight_smile:

After updating from 4.x to 5.1.2 I have a problem after restarting homeassistant.
The automation always sets the temperature from 18°C ​​(Eco temperature) to 5°C (Off / Minimum temperature).

Did you setup the uptime integration?

Hi, thanks for your answer.
Yes I did.

Could you reproduce this issue by restarting your ha instance and download and share a trace log when it’s set to 5°C?

Hi, yes I can reproduce it.
There are 5 traces of the automation after restarting ha.
I think this is the trace which changed the temperatur:
The others have “script_execution: failed_conditions”
Thanks and regards!

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I had the same issued. Do you have an (number) entity set for the temperatures? I noticed for me that caused the problem.