Nothing to do for you. I will add a trigger to the blueprint.
Great thanks!
i was on Version 5.1.1! Now i changed to 5.1.2
its the same entity i used for the eco_temp input in the blueprint!
short test with 5.1.2:
- time: "23:07"
eco: "19"
calibration: "on"
- time: "18:00"
eco: input_number.eco_wz
calibration: "on"
as u can see the Input_number.eco_wz was set from this heating adjustment at 23:07! In my eyes this shouldn’t happend!
I think you misunderstand this feature. If you set a temperature using the adjustments your input number entities will be set to this value.
In your case at 23:07 your eco number entity will be set to 19°. Instead of a number you can provide an independent entity. If there is no number the automation read out the value of this number entity and set this as the value of your eco temperature entity.
So in your case at 18:00 the automation read out the same entity that gets set by the automation. It reads 19° (the change from 23:07) and sets the same value of the same entity.
ok, but if the automation triggers at 13:30 to go from eco to comfort the eco-temp goes back to the old value! Is this the static eco value? But what is the sense of this feature, when the input_number i set will change automatically?
I mean i set a fixed value at a given time and a random value (input number) at another time, but than the the fixed number will overwrite the random one!..
I think i’m not getting warm with that feature :D…
If you don’t want this behavior you can simply disable reset temperature. The sense of this feature is when I am for example in eco mode but I want a higher temperature for this moment I increase the thermostat target temperature. If there isn’t that reset the temperature will stay on this increased value the next time eco kicks in. But usually I want my base eco temperature to save energy.
Don’t use it and stay with fixed values. This was a feature request of a user who wants to control the temp in the adjustments more dynamically with help of a third number entity. @Mar1us
I saw that you implement this . Thank you!
Till now i didn´t had a chance to test this but i will give a feedback asap.
so than i have a silly question: What is the best way to define a third/normal temperature?
I have:
comfort 21 (morning/evening) with input_number
eco 15 (night) with input_number
normal 18 (day)
I have a sheduler which is on (comfort) from 6 to 8 and 14 to 20. During the night (20-6) the eco should set and between 8 and 14 the normal temp should set!
So i thought i can do that with the adjustment and the eco temp, but than the will be changed and the night temp will be the same than the day temp!
Set comfort to 21 and eco to 15 and let them toggle by your heating schedule.
And for the adjustments:
- time: "08:00"
eco: "18"
- time: "14:00"
eco: "15"
So basically this just raises the eco temperature to 18° from 8 to 14 o’clock.
yep that makes sence.
Would it be possible to replace both temperatures with 2 new input_numbers, for example input_number.night and
Than it would be more flexible!
Sure! Just replace the 18 with your day entity and the 15 with your night entity. But be sure you dont set this entities else where in the blueprint so they are decoupled from any automatism.
Hi there,
I am using this awesome blueprint and love it.
Theres only one thing I don’t understand if it is possible:
When I set the Temperature to 22°C and then open a window, the routine sets the Temperature to 0°C - which is good so far.
But if I close the Window again, the Temperature goes to the Static Eco Temperature instead of the previous one.
Is it possible to change it to go back to previous Temp?
Did you enable legacy restore in the window door or Force Comfort/Eco Mode section?
No, both are off
It’s a Sonoff TRVZB btw.
Usually the fallback to the static temps only happen when a schedule or a presence change happens, lets say when a switch from comfort to eco happens, when windows are open. Could this be the case?
Hello @panhans,
Thanks for this great Blueprint!!
I need a little help, how can i do this?
Home + presence : comfort
Home + not presence: eco
Not Home: Off
Nobody can help a little ?
You need one automation (ie blueprint) for each room you want to control. I have 7 rooms I want to control the heating in, so I went through the blueprint 7 times adding the relevant trvs etc then naming it as heating control for that room.
I’m sorry but I’m still totally unable to get presence to work. It definitely is an user error but I can’t trouble shoot it.
The motion sensor group is on. There is a person home as well.
The motion sensor schedule is on.
The heating schedule is off.
I don’t get it
And the away part:
I want away only o happen if no one is home and no motion is detected.
When motion is detected I want comfort to be set.
Same goes for when the normal heating schedule (so not motion) is on and someone is home. It should jump to comfort till the heating schedule goes off and motion schedule kicks in (wotj someone home) then it should go to eco
Motion sensors are unlike presence sensors and its higly recommended to b
Oh, I think this needs another tweak. Will implement this these days.
This is not part of the blueprint but can be solved with a template sensor:
- platform: template
value_template: >
{% set climates = ['climate.TADO_THERMOSTAT_1',
'climate.TADO_THERMOSTAT_N'] %}
{% set climates_heating = climates | expand | selectattr('state','in',['heat','auto']) | map(attribute='entity_id') | list %}
{% set heat = climates_heating | count > 0 %}
{% set result = namespace(r=none) %}
{% for climate in climates_heating %}
{% if result.r == none %}
{% set result.r = state_attr(climate,'temperature') > state_attr(climate,'current_temperature') %}
{% else %}
{% set result.r = result.r or state_attr(climate,'temperature') > state_attr(climate,'current_temperature') %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ heat and result.r }}
service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.YOUR_HEATER
service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.YOUR_HEATER
Just edit you climates / thermostat in the first part. Maybe you need to expand the array and set your heater entity id in the lower part. The template sensor checks your thermostat if they are heating and if the target temperature is higher than the current temperature. If this is the case the heater turns on, if not it will be turned off.
But wait? How is the nest thermostat integrated? Is this a climate entity, too?
Could you share a screenshot of the history of your presence sensor? Mostly motion sensors needs to be debounced and wrapped by a template sensor. They have too much disadvantage compared to real presence mmwave sensors, e.g.:
- reset to off after a certain duration
- only detect motion but not seated or lying persons