🔥 Advanced Heating Control

Thanks for your feedback. Are all valves used in the same automation? Be sure there is no other automation which make use of your valves and could it be that your two valves are using an internal schedule?

If you can recreate that issue feel free to download the trace log of your automation of the moment the temperatures will set.

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Hello Dude,

First of all → Nice work! Works really great.
However, I am a bit confused since yesterday. What is the latest version of the blueprint?
The first post says 3.6.2
But in post 358 it says version 3.7 :smiley:

Oh and I wanted to test your V4, but the link leads me back to version 3.6.2.
Without calibration would be almost better for my purpose, Better Thermostat does that for me.

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Thank you for reporting! The link to v4 should work now.
Current stable is the one in first post. Version 3.7 is in dev branch for now, but it runs pretty stable for me I think I will merge it into the main branch tomorrow. Then I will also update the v4 with the v3 base.

v3.7 will be the last stable version of v3. It’s time to move on with v4 and some more features. :smiley:

//EDIT: and yes, there is no need for calibration if you setup calibration with better thermostat.

Hi, The problem I found with Better Thermostat was that although calibration was immediate and spot on accurate, it was calibrating too frequently. I use Tado TRVs and I was worried about battery drain because they open and close the valve every time they calibrate. I have TRVs in all the bedrooms and although not overly noisy in a normal environment, it was disturbing when it started calibrating while falling asleep.

Does anyone have a solution to disable calibration during certain timeframes either in this Blueprint or Better Thermostat. At the moment I have 2 automations one with external temperature sensor and one without. I then have another automation that switches between the 2 at certain times of the evening and the back in the morning (far from ideal).

Not sure if something could be integrated into future releases of the blueprint.

Anyway thanks for the continued work on this @panhans

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Just an idea: in v4 there is the comfort temperature plan implemented. You can provide time stamps and temperatures in order to change the comfort temperature over the day.
Maybe I can add a 2nd option in order to enable/disable calibration in the same way.



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I’m trying to understand what’s going on overnight with my heating.

I’ll point out that as far as we can tell, everything is working well and as it should.

I’m just curious to understand what is going on overnight.

I have this trace below. The schedule turns the heating off at 9:30pm and on again at 6:30am. Comfort temperature is set to 18oC, min temp is 12oC. A presence sensor is set with an on and off time of 5 mins, but no-one is in this area overnight.

So what are the frequent spikes down to 0 in the target temp and should I be concerned?

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Thank you for your feedback. This spikes occour frequently. I don’t think it has something todo with this blueprint since this blueprint isn’t time based but state based.
Could you simply disable the automation for an hour and and check the graph again?
Are you using other automations / integrations (better thermostat) or maybe a valve internal scheduler is active? If the there are no spikes when disabling the automation: Do you setup calibration? If yes, drop the external temp sensor in the automation setup and check the graph again after some time. Which type of valve do you use?

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@sben pleas check out the latest version. There is no need anymore to define a dummy person. If you setup an guest mode entity this gets handled like a person.

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Just updated and seems to work, will keep an eye on it and report any issues!

So in the end, guest mode now works exactly like any person, but it is just another type of sensor? Wasn’t able to figure out how to template a person sensor, that’s where the guest mode came in handy.

Yes, if an entity for guest mode is defined it’s like you defined a person. If the entity is on it’s like that person is home.

So now you can setup a template sensor or an automation which toggles an input_boolean. For example you can combine lights (on/off), media players (playing/idle) or end devices (in the network or based on states).
You need some devices that switch states only if somebody is home. In the evening it can be some lights. (group them in the helper section of home assistant) Maybe you have some door sensors in the house / appartement in order to track some movement. Maybe you have an alarm system: if alarm is away → guest mode off.

I can help if you need to. :wink:

Thank you! I had set up the guest mode sensor with some logics already before and it worked with a dummy_away person, now it does so without.
I’m just not so familiar with the whole “person” thing as the other kinds of sensors seem to be more flexible: I can get any kind of logic via template for e.g. an input_boolean, but not for a “person” :person_shrugging:

As I said the guest mode entity is treaten like a person. It’s combinable like the persons with presence detection, too. So you can focus all logic to you guest mode entity.

If you decide to go with persons, you need to setup them and bind them on an end device. Persons are simply user accounts in home assistant (settings/people)

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It’s a Tado system, and I think that’s what’s causing it. The min temp is 5oC in the Tado app and I can see the heating regularly switching between heat (controlled by this blueprint) and auto (controlled by Tado). The regular spikes are switching between the blueprint min temp of 12oC and the Tado min temp of 5oC.If I completely turn off the system in the Tado app, will this blueprint continue to run the heating?

Okay, so I tried turning “all off” in the Tado app, but something just turns everything back on again (this blueprint?). I have no other heating related automations running in Home Assistant. Do I need to now set the min temp in Tado to 12oC to match the blueprint, or is there a way of reducing the min temp in the blueprint to 5oC to match Tado?


There should be some kind of manual mode. Maybe this is what you’re looking for:


Especially: Until you resume schedule

Not sure if this edit got missed in the crossover of your reply?

Turning “all off” should keep everything off. That’s what we use in summer to keep the heating off.


Perhaps I’ve had a light bulb moment, so to speak.

All my rooms were set to return to schedule on a 5 min timer rather than “until you resume schedule”. I’ve changed them all to the latter now. My light bulb moment is that I suspect the blueprint is effectively “manual control”, so every time the blueprint triggered, Tado resumed control 5 minutes later.

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The Tado app has a feature called Early Start which is designed to ensure that the desired temperature is reached at the scheduled time and the Tado integration exposes a sensor e.g. binary_sensor.living_room_early_start

What are the possibilities to include something similar in the Blueprint?

When Early Start is enabled, Tado calculates the time it takes for the heating system to reach the set temperature and starts heating in advance to achieve the desired temperature by the scheduled time. This can be useful in ensuring that the home is at a comfortable temperature when needed without having to wait for the system to heat up.

Cracked it. This is the trace for the same room overnight last night. No spikes.

My confusion with the Tado app was that the room tiles were showing that heating was on after I turned it off in Tado. I mistook the heating being on for Tado being in control, when in fact all the app was showing was that, well, the heating was on. The fact that the app said Resume Schedule All Rooms was the giveaway.

Thanks for the assist!

Hi @panhans I’m currently testing v4 however I am struggling to understand how the Comfort Heating Plan works.

Does the input_number mentioned in the instruction refer to the Comfort Temperature helper if so what should this be set? Also if I use this feature do I not need a scheduler?

Yes, I mean the comfort temperature input_number. Maybe I revise that later. A scheduler is not needed.
You just provide a list with times and temperatures and when a time matches the current timestamp the adequate temperature will be set.

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