🔥 Advanced Heating Control

:fire: Scheduler or Calendar :fire:

Hi together,

just planning a few things for the next major release.
A frequently asked feature was the ability to change comfort temperature over the day. In the current test version of v4 is something like this implemented.

Now someone came to me and asked for more than two schedulers because peoples work in time shifts or have other priorities that have influence to their heating requirements.

For me it’s no problem to implement multiple schedulers but maybe there is another solution I want to discuss:

I had the idea to drop the schedulers and go fully calendar based. Home Assistant provides local calendars but also integrations like google calendar are possible.
With calendars I could implement some more things like time based comfort temperature changes or putting calibration to sleep.

This could be an calendar entry for a day:

In the description you could define some attributes like the temperature.

So on the one hand there would be much more flexibility compared to schedulers and on the other it could be a pain to fill in the events in the calendar. I also could implement both styles but that blows up the blueprint and increases susceptibility to errors and support effort to me.

So I would like to ask you what you think about it. Maybe you have to figure out if filling a calendar for heating is an option for you first.

Let me know your thoughts! Thanks!

  • Stay with scheduler
  • Go with calendar
0 voters

Hi Panhans. I’m sure you busy but I’m struggling setting up heating with your Blueprint.
I’ve got it following an input_number where I have an automation that sets the input_number to various temperatures I want during the day.
But I want to be able to override the Target Temperature using the slider on the NSPanel. When I change the slider temperature, after a couple of seconds it gets reverted to what the input_number says it should be. So I thought an automation that changes the input_number to whatever the slider temp is changed to. Whilst the Trigger (which does firewhen I change the slider) can see my nsphall_thermostat entity and its Target temperature Attribute (autopopulated), I can’t access the Target temperature in Developer Tools/Templates (ie its value) …

{{state_attr("climate.nsphall_thermostat", "target_temperature")}}

This just comes up null. I’ve tried various permutations but nothing works and I cannot find the “proper” name of the attribute as opposed to what I assume is the friendly name “Target temperature”.
I might be going about this all wrong, but any help would be appreciated.

Edit: Solved. I had a look at the your yaml file and spotted answer - “temperature”! I then also saw it in the trace of the trigger which, as I said, was working.

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Hi @panhans quick question. I have 6 heating zones/rooms across the house each with 1 or more Tado TRVs. Would I need a calendar for each zone as I currently do with schedules?

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I already change the comfort temperature of several rooms based on calendar events (for instance if I work from from home, I set the office comfort temperature to 20, and when I go into work, I set it lower). It’s a very simple automation. I would prefer if you stay with schedulers.

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It would only need one calendar. The events for the individual rooms could be differentiated by a keyword, eg:

Name: Heating Bathroom
Start: 7AM 
End: 22PM
Description: Temp=22

Thanks @panhans that’s what I thought.

In previous versions it was still possible to deactivate party mode with a auto reset to the defined comfort temperature. Where the Button now?

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It’s only one option now. When you activate reset comfort temperature it will be reset after party, scheduler, presence ends but only if no heating is active anymore with this time.
I think I know the problem: You want to reset temperature exactly when timer ends. Atm the reset gets fired if no heating isn’t active. But let me change this tomorrow. The party timer needs priority.

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Resetting temperature after a party timer has priority now and will always be reset after timer ends and the corrosponding option is enabled.
In all other cases e.g. when a scheduler ends the temperature will only be reset if heating stops.

Perfekt jetzt klappt es wieder - Danke
Plant du noch eine Boost Funktion die alle Thermostate auch haben mit zu integrieren?

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My valves doesn’t support boost. Had some for testing here but they didn’t close my valves properly.
But boost is no mode, right? It’s implemented in ha as a switch and after an internal timer of the valve counts to zero it switches off automatically, right?
So I don’t know whats a good way to make use of boost:

  1. I could only provide an input which expects a button to trigger the boost for all valves.
  2. an option to enable boost when timer starts
  3. an option to enable boost after window got closed

Yes it is a switch, that open the Ventil complete, after that time finished the switch goes off and the comfort temp will be taken again.
I tried to do this with the party mode, but i hate to have so much new helpers (switch, flexible Timer, etc.) to realize that :sweat_smile: (that kills my overview :sweat_smile:)
Maybe i make a fix Timer for the boost than i need only 1 helper in combi with the party mode.

Or you create a switch that set the temp when activ to max °C for x minutes (minutes maybe settable in the automation)

There is already an option to force all valves to max temperature. It only accept input_booleans for now, but I can open it for timers or binary sensors as well. So instead of using party mode this option also can be used. But it’s also working if winter mode is turned off.
I need this when the chimney sweeper checks my boiler to prevent heat buildup.

But I would like it to integrate this in the logic like starting boost if window closed or if somebody is coming home. So I think it’s better to define use cases and providing a simple option in the blueprint.

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Better seems to be to use scheduler - together with a calendar for holidays.
It would be fine to have the possibility to switch the scheduler fast.
For holiday, for time shifts in work … etc

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Hi Panhans, first of all thank you very much for your terrific work - it fits to me best!

What I miss is a night reduction. It would be great in the simplest way to define 2 times (beginning - end) and a temperature.

I solved it now with a separate automation which set the climates off - but this is not very stable because AHC tends to switch the climate back on.

Reduction is when min temperature will be set. If you want to turn off your climates completely there is an option to turn off climates instead of setting them to min. But I think you only want to turn them off completely only at night, right?


In v4 generic valve calibration is implemented. So if your native calibration doesn’t work as expected or your valves don’t support calibration you can check out that feature.

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i have tried the new Dev Version, and see some problems.

  1. Can you declarate the Dev Version like “Advanced Heating Control Dev” please, better overview in the automations
  2. I’m not @ home and the offset temp (24,5°C) is setted, normally it should be 18°C
  3. it would be nice to see, when an offset is activ, is there a way to show this up?
  4. the offset calculating is wrong i think. my external temp is 21,7 the setted offset is 24.5 (to high i think)

offtopic mode on: wow can you please share de code for that card? it’s awesome

  1. added a new file for v4 (just reimport)
  2. my test climate has a step attribute. seems not every integration offers this. so now step size is by default 0.5. the missing of that attribute breaks the logic.
  3. I’ve added some logging information
  4. see 2.