🔥 Advanced Heating Control

Yeah, but the min temperature is different between daylight and night (for me).

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I have to think about it… :wink:

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Thank you for your blueprint. :grinning:
I’m trying to understand how to use it at the best.
I’m transitionning from jeedom to home assistant. For now homme assistant access my trvs trough mqtt. Jeedom holds the Z2m gateway.
From what i understand from the holiday mode, temperature is set to minimum when holiday scheduler is on and this is the same temperature when presence is not detected.
If so i would make a suggestion.
In my previous system i had 3 target temp.
confort : generally around 20°C for when we are at home during the day and in the evening.
eco: generally around 18°C for the night when we are at home and for short absences.
holiday: generally around 10-12°C for longer absences.
For short absences or during the night it’s much more effective to lower temperature by 2 or 3 °C max. But for longer absence like holidays (1 or more week) you can lower the temperature for cost savings.
Can it be done with your blueprint ?

In my previous system i also started to use a scheduler for holidays but i regularly forgot to update it. So i ended with a simple switch more easily used (can set it with siri when driving :laughing:)
Could you think about it ?

i found my issue for this post.
The Offset is added to the minimal temp too, also when this temp is lower as the thermostat.

Example: Minimal temp: 18, Thermostat Temp 22, so the minimal takes 22°C with offset little bit strange when you dont think on it ^^ (maybe it should stop the offset calculation when the temp is lower?)

Can you add a feature that stop heating when the outside-temp is higher than X, i dont need heating when outside is for example 18°C (this feature had better thermostat for example)

Can you explane a little bit this “Comfort Heating Plan” feature, priority or different to the scheduler etc.

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Great, thanks. I’ll have a look.

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How often is the Blueprint executed? In Better Thermostat, for example, the TRV is switched off immediately as soon as the associated window is opened - here it is only switched off when the Blueprint is active…

If something changed in you setup. Door, Presence Sensor, Scheduler… But service calls only get executed if needed.

You can set the reaction time in blueprint settings. If you like immediately or after a specific time.

This is also just a blueprint to offer some features based on tools that comes with home assistants by default.

Better Thermostat is a custom integration written in python and is in no way competitive to this blueprint.

My main idea behind this blueprint is providing dynamic individual heating plans based on scheduler and presence. Everything else is nice to have.


Will add it to feature list for v4. I just toggle it with winter mode. Think I will open it for sensor and weather entities.

ATM it only changes the value of your comfort temperature entity. Nothing will be overwritter. It’s like you change comfort temperature manually or by an automation. So if heating is off nothing will happen.

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All right, thanks for the info! I’ll give the V4 a try - unfortunately my FRITZ!DECT 302 heating thermostats don’t support calibration and the V4 still offers the connection of an external temperature sensor with generic calibration - I’ve been using Better Thermostat for a long time but since a few versions it feels like there are more and more problems and errors and the Blueprint actually offers everything I need…

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Holiday mode is just a 2nd scheduler. Let’s say another heating plan.

Changing temperatures by time and keeping blueprint clean is a little challenging with the limited tools of home assistant but I am working on it for the next major version.

Atm only two (min & comfort) temperatures are supported. Comfort can be set using an entity or in current test version also by time. When setting winter mode to off valves also set to off.

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Give it a try if you like and if you experience some issues just give a small feedback. Thanks!

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Hello Panhans,

is it possible to choose the heating mode your automation uses?

It switches my TRVs to heat which means valve fully open, even if the target temperature is reached. It should stay on auto, so it closes the valve when reaching the desired temperature. Better thermostat has a switch for this:

“If auto means heat for your TRV and you want to swap it. Some climates in HA used the mode auto for default heating, and a boost when mode is heat. This isn’t what we want, so if this is the case for you, check this option.”

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Hi Appox,

thank you for your suggestion.

Atm there is no option for this, but it shouldn’t be a problem to implement. I will do that change later this day.

Thank you!

//EDIT: it’s implemented in v4 test version now.

I just tried it. It works now as intended. Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

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I would like the heating to use a lower temperature if the person is not home rather than not coming on at all.

Is there a way this can be achieved?

(I am currently using V4)

Thank you for your reply and for engaging with my question.

This is just my opinion, but it is arbitrary to allow the user to use input helpers to manage the comfort temperature, and other settings in your blueprint, but then insist that the minimum temperature be hard coded in the automation.

As for having a recommended temperature setting for mould prevention, again this is just my opinion, but this is a decision that should be left to the user to manage for themselves in their own climate.

Perhaps you have already made this change (I’m still on v2.9.1 of your blueprint) but I’d like to make the request again for v4 to allow the min temperature to be set with an input number.

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Available in v4 now.

I’ve updated v4 to make minimum temperature configurable. With current test version you could provide an input_number helper for the minimum temperature.
With a 2nd automation that gets triggered by people not home for a specific time you can achieve this.
But I want to integrate something like this in future. But at least there is this workaround.


I have so far switched three of my 5 FRITZ!DECT 302 Thermos from Better Thermostat to the V4 Blueprint and so far no problems - in contrast to Better Thermostat, the Generic Calibration also really shuts down the heating when the room temperature is reached… I will switch the remaining two Thermos in the next few days, then Better Thermostat can be uninstalled.

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I’ve implemented frost protection mode in latest test version.

You can specify a frost protection temperature and a duration when it should be set instead of the minimum temperature.

Frost protection takes place when presence sensor wasn’t active or a person wasn’t home for a specific duration. (also customizable)

how shut it down? Is this a blueprint Setting?
Normal every Thermostat stop heating when the temp is reached, also Better Thermostat