🔥 Advanced Heating Control

Hi @panhans

It is possible to integrate an Aggressive Mode for realy slow trv’s Like Better Thermostat? My trv’s are realy slow and without set hight Temperatur differences they dont work…

Calibration Mode from Better Thermostat:
Aggresive: In this mode the TRV internal temperature sensor is fixed by the external temperature sensor but set much lower/higher to get a quicker boost.

I don’t know what happens in background when enabling this option in better thermostat.
What I can imagine that they simply multiply the offset to give it some more weight. I can add a toggle. If on the offset gets multiplied with 2 or a slider where you can adjust the factor by yourself from passive over balanced to aggressive.

First of all, thank you very much for your work! It’s great that there are people like you who help other less experienced people.

— I don’t know what happens in the background when this option is activated in the better thermostat.

If this option is activated, Better Thermostat increases the temperature on the thermostat (also visible in the display) until the target temperature set in the Home Assistant is reached and then sets the thermostat back to the desired temperature. The value displayed in Home Assistant does not change.

– I imagine they simply multiply the offset to give it a bit more weight. I can add a switch. When the offset is enabled, it is multiplied by 2 or a slider that allows you to adjust the factor itself from passive to balanced to aggressive.

I think it’s a good option if it doesn’t cause any problems with the calibration of the external temperature sensor. Then I would personally be in favor of a slider that can be moved to the + or - range and then multiplies the offset. If possible.

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I also want to thank you for your work and ongoing development of this blueprint!

At the moment your blueprint is controlling

  1. Living Room with maxcube / 3*eq3 max TRVs (using costum maxcube integration)
  2. Another Room with 2x TuYa TS0601 TRVs (they needed to be in auto mode instead of heat mode - your switch that you added three days ago came just in the right moment for me)

I am also seeing that the Tuyas TRVs are pretty “slow” as David 883 mentioned. (at least in temperature range of 15-16 degrees Celsius) - still waiting for an external room temp sensor - maybe this will help also - otherwise a kind of “aggressive” mode would be welcomed.

running on 4.0_alpha4 of your blueprint

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I am still very excited about your automations!

Maybe it will be possible to add an countdown in the next version for the party mode?
If I change the temp at my valve the toggle of party mode (input_boolean.heizen_bad_manuell) change to on.
If there will be now a option in your automation that the party mode will go off after x minutes, it would be great!

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Just setup a timer in the helper section of home assistant and select it in blueprint settings instead of an input_boolean . :wink:

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Hi @panhans I’m currently testing Version : 4.0_alpha4 and I have noticed that when a Party timer ends my Comfort temperature input number helper resets to 12 C from the previous setting of 21 C.

I have the Static Comfort temperature set to 12 C and wondering if my input number is getting reset to this value? (I could run another test by changing the Static Comfort Temp).

I don’t have the switch for ‘Reset Comfort Temperature’ enabled.

Is this expected behaviour for this configuration?

Many thanks

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Thanks for report! Indeed I forgot some brackets in stable in test version. It’s fixed now.

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v4 test version provides an aggressive mode now. Your valves will be set to max or min depending on the difference between target and real temperature. If target and real temperature matches +/- 0.5°C the temperature will set to normal target.

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Thank you, I will test it asap

I think atm it will break generic calibration. Will test it later.

//EDIT: False alarm. Should work like this. :wink:

The static Minimum temp will currently Not taken in V4, he Takes the comfort temp, can you Check this ?

I run latest version. For me it works as expected. Can you share a trace log?

As i lowered the comfort Temp the temp was changed, so the comfort must be taken.

Could you check your scheduler configuration? There was a breaking change with switching to multiple schedulers. Have a look into the first post.

Holyday mode and the scheduler inputs have changed. So in your configuration no scheduler is selected.

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Ah thanks your right, only Holiday was selected in the blueprint, my mistake :see_no_evil:

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Hello Panhans,

when activating Physical Comfort Temperature Change, what isn’t working exactly?
My Wife often changes the temperatures using the valves, so when the script resets them the WAF drops below zero. :wink:

Thank you for aggressive Mode. Works great!

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The problem is a bug in home assistant. Atm it’s not possible to differentiate a change by device or automation. When changing comfort temperature using an automation the blueprint will handle it like a device based change.

The fix is ready to merge for days but it seems like this issue has no priority in ha development.

in my case our “calendar.get_events” script runs in a error “Unable to determine action @ data[0]”

  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /10
  - service: calendar.get_events
      start_date_time: "{{ now().replace(hour=0,minute=0,second=0,microsecond=0) }}"
      end_date_time: "{{ now().replace(hour=23,minute=59,second=59,microsecond=999999) }}"
        - calendar.xxxx_googlemail_com
        - calendar.feiertage
    response_variable: calendar_events_variable
  - name: Urlaub
    unique_id: Urlaub
    state: >-
      {{ ( calendar_events_variable['calendar.xxxx_googlemail_com'].events |
      regex_search('(Urlaub|Krank)', ignorecase=True) ) or 
      (calendar_events_variable['calendar.feiertage'].events | count > 0 ) }}

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