🔥 Advanced Heating Control

Reset comfort temperature is disabled in your configuration.

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Aaahh, thanks, great.
I switched v3 to V4 maybe i forgot these setting

It’s same like in v3. It changes some months ago but I don’t know if I communicate it. So, sry for that.

I had these setting activ, but maybe only in the dev, i switched Last week manuell V4 to your v3 offical. (I dont like to create new automations) ^^ - my mistake
You have read my weather wish, about the Main switch for Heating? Whats your oppinion about these?

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Yes, I will separate these two options but if winter mode is not defined but weather/outside temp sensor it will work like the current setup. So both will be possible.

Perfekt great, Party Mode also disabled with this Main switch?
Currently he is Heating

Pete, how do you make sure Tado service does not interfere with the automations you put together? I have seen no way to delete the schedules in Tado app. How have you configured Tado app?

Also (Cc: @sourdistorne) could any of you double-click on how you are interacting with your TRV through HomeKit? It would be great if you walked me through your implementation, if you have some time to spare. Happy to create a new thread in order to ensure we keep the discussion in this thread within the original scope.


Please help me confirm I understand the implications of this: does this mean that when interacting with the TRVs through HomeKit, one can’t use an external temperature sensor?

This feature is indeed interesting! So, for the time being, how should we go about populating our Heating Plans, right in the automation itself or how do we get to passing our preferences from the frontend if an entity is not expected?

Your answer actually triggers further questions. If I have, say, my heating plan with 4 different target temperatures depending on the time of the day (I intentionally avoid using confort temperature as to avoid creating further confusion), what role does confort and minimum temperature play?

could you be a bit more specific on that custom action suggestion?

Allow me to confirm this: Party mode will, regardless of even winter mode or winter mode threshold, start heating my home?

Oh, wow, I’m confused. I still perceive this as a setting that overlaps with Party Mode. Could you help me understand this a bit more?

This is how I had configured my automation, based on the text hints, but reading your answer above I doubt I’ve done it correctly. Scheduler (optional) feels mandatory when Scheduler Selectoris used? If you check my previous message you will see that I have defined 3 different schedules using Home Assistant Helpers. What information should I put in Scheduler (optional)?

Thanks for the insight!!


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I have a Tado system too and have set everything to manual control until ended by user.


Settings > Rooms & Devices > Room Name > Manual Control on tado devices until ended by user


That is correct, if you are using the HomeKit integration the TRVs will not calibrate to the external temperature sensor.

For this reason, as a temporary measure, I have switched to using the Tado integration. I am moving to Tado temperature sensors where I have Tado TRVs, this solution negates the need for calibration altogether which itself has the additional downside of battery drain.

Interesting. I did not know this. How did you confirm this was the case?

Also -

What Tado integration are you using? I’ve searched both the native HA integrations and the HACS and can’t find a Tado integration :man_shrugging:

@P6Dave and @kitus something else I have noticed when going the HomeKit route is that the Not Heat But Auto option in the blueprint doesn’t appear to work - at least the auto mode button is not available as it is when using the Tado integration.

Interesting. @sourdistorne how do you interact with your TRV through HomeKit? Are you using iOS shortcuts?? I don’t any TRV entity populated by my HomeKit integration…

OK it sounds like you have run up against the Apple HomeKit issue that won’t let you have the TRV’s in the Home App and in Home Assistant at the same time.

Without deleting the Tado integration in the Apple Home App you need to delete the TRVs from the Home App and they will start to appear in Home Assistant in the HomeKit Integration.

How often: it depends… how you like it. Until v3 the only possibility is to change the comfort with help of an additional automation that changes the value of the comfort temperature entity. I think this is the most common way tot do it. That text input could be daunting and at first glance complicated.
2nd approach is let the user control the values using a simple calendar. But that’s not planed for v4.

That has historical reasons. Blueprint startet with only two temperatures (min & comfort) So this fitted in my use case. With time people asked about different comfort temperatures so it needed a solution without blowing up this automation.
For most cases I use only the two temperatures. And as I said the only way to change comfort was manually or by using a 2nd automation.
The minimum temperature is just a fallback if nobody is home. If you gonna heat fully timebased you can leave minimum temperature behind and regulate everything by manipulating comfort. There are several ways to adapt everything to your purposes.

For example this can do the trick:

No, winter mode must be enabled (if defined) to make party work.

If enabled this will this will override everything regardless any blockers. I don’t know when someone want’s to use this. I think this option is used very rare. For me it has a use case for service only.

With this configuration no scheduler will be chosen, because you din’t specify any. You have to define your schedulers you want to use first. The scheduler selector is only for switching between them.
You go with an input select. And the current value of this input has to match a part of the firiendly name of a scheduler defined in the scheduler field.

The names of the dropdown items must contain some parts of the names of the defined schedulers, e.g.:

  • Heating scheduler
  • Holiday

Hope that makes sense. :wink:

Please don’t kill the messenger, but how do I remove the TRV’s from the Home App? I don’t see how to do that if I go to the TRVs in Home App. The only thing that comes to mind is remove the Tado Bridge from Home app and then re-pair it again?

It’s been a while, however I seem to remember I followed these steps (maybe a couple of times) to get the TRVs into HomeKit in HA.


Remember what you don’t want are the TRVs to appear in the Apple Home App otherwise they won’t appear in HA and you will have to start again, something I’m sure I had to do.