🔥 Advanced Heating Control

You are a star! gotto take a look at that article!

Thanks a million!

I just added this text in my test automation:

- time: "07:00"
  temp: "21"
- time: "16:00"
  temp: "19"
- time: "19:00"
  temp: "20.5"
- time: "23:00"
  temp: "19"
- time: "23:59"
  temp: "18.5"

I just restarted the automation and the new target was not picked up by the automation. I guess, the new target will sync right when the next time event occurs. Will take a look at this tomorrow morning :slight_smile:

If this worked, would it not be easy to send a text input through the frontend? Apologies if I’m oversimplifying the whole thing :slight_smile:

I’ll consider creating an automation for this. Will keep it as a B Plan for the time being.

I just tested it and at least with my current configuration, party mode did start heating my home with winter mode set to off. I will try to figure out how to get some logs for this.

Ok. I now understand the use case. I agree: It only seems to make sense for maintenance purposes.

It does make sense!!! thanks!!!

Party Mode reset takes the static temp, is it possible to use there the Input reset temp Instant the static one?

You need to have allocated a zone controller to an SRV to get it to show the Auto option, ie the SRV needs to have the ability to call for heat independently of any other SRV or thermostat. These are both in the Homekit integration. The top two cannot call for heat independently as they are part of a larger room with other SRVs that is under the control of a wireless thermostat, the one on the bottom is showing an SRV that can call for heat independently of any other device.

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Atm values are stupidly time triggered and temperature will only be set when current time matches the timestamp of an item. This whole construct needs more love. I will focus on that if everything else is implemented.

I don’t know if this will work because the selector is a special object selector and not just a stupid text field. I remember having problems parsing a text into an object since the jinja support also is some kind of limited.
But personally I am not a fan of passing everything by an additional entity since this imho is something that you adjust once during setup and maybe never touch it again.

Thanks for reporting. I will test this issue in my test environment soon. Maybe there’s a new bug caused by the new features.

It would be possible but there is just one way since automation can’t persist values. The state of the current temperature can be stored by creating a temporary scene but this won’t survive any restarts. I will put this on my list, but only if party ends.

Updated v4:

  • party now only works if winter mode is enabled if defined
  • weather/outside temp sensor is separated from winter mode now
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Thanks Dave

Thanks for such a detailed explanation. May I ask, whether you can group the two SRV above to be part of the larger zone right in the Home app, or can you do that only in the Tado app?


"Updated v4:

  • party now only works if winter mode is enabled if defined
  • weather/outside temp sensor is separated from winter mode now"

Hi panhans!

In V4 alpha 12, an entity must be set in winter mode otherwise the automation cannot be saved - can you please fix this?

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Thanks for reporting. Fixed now.

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Ooh! That’s a good question. I’ve not tried creating a group of multiple SRVs in Home Assistant.

Theoretically, there’s no reason why you couldn’t create a group, BUT, I’m not sure if you could assign it to a zone controller like you can in the Tado app. Remember, if it’s not assigned to a zone controller, it can’t call for heat.

Ive got an Error for some Thermostats in my Home Assistant log:

Logger: homeassistant.components.mqtt.number
Source: components/mqtt/number.py:194
Integration: MQTT (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 30. Dezember 2023 um 09:39:06 (1830 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:33:27

Invalid value for number.thermostat_lennox_local_temperature_calibration: -417752678.0 (range -5.0 - 5.0)
Invalid value for number.thermostat_malea_local_temperature_calibration: -419430399.6 (range -5.0 - 5.0)
Invalid value for number.thermostat_bad_ug_local_temperature_calibration: -348966092.6 (range -5.0 - 5.0)
Invalid value for number.thermostat_hauswirtschaftsraum_local_temperature_calibration: -424463564.6 (range -5.0 - 5.0)
Invalid value for number.thermostat_bad_og_local_temperature_calibration: -409364069.6 (range -5.0 - 5.0)

It ist from A Heating Control Blueprint?

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Will set up direct local HomeKit integration for Tado as soon as I can and give it a try. I understand that you group the SRVs in the tado app, but aside from that every operation is managed by Home Assistant, right?
When you say zone controller, do you mean a room?


Hi David,

In my test TRV I keep seeing the system seems to keep active, even though the target temperature 19.5 is already below the current temperature 20.7,

as apposed to how a TRV still managed by Tado Cloud appears on the front end.

Could you confirm the circuit is fully closed in your case, when enabling the setting above?


Hi @kitus

This is how it works for me when my current room temperature is 20 c°. But if I want it to be 22, then I set 22 c° as the comfort temperature. The thermostat then opens completely and shows 30 c° because I am using the aggressive mode. Once the 22 c° is reached, the thermostat and the thermostat in Home Assistant are set to 22 c°. the thermostat valve closes more. If the temperature rises to over 22.5 c° without the heater heating any more, the thermostat and the thermostat in the home assistant are set to the minimum temperature (in my case 5 c°) and the thermostat valve closes completely.

Wow that’s high amount of errors. On my github repo somebody opened an issue with this but never got feedback again.
I use zha and never faced with it.

Could you put this to your configuration.yaml

  default: warning
    blueprints.panhans.heatingcontrol: debug

After restarting home assistant there will be some mor detailed log entries. You have to click on load full log and then simply search for offset_new.
Would be great if you post some log entries here. I don’t know if this is some rounding or casting issue or maybe an issue related to z2m.

2024-01-02 20:56:26.695 DEBUG (MainThread) [blueprints.panhans.heatingcontrol] Calibration:   
  offset_old: 1.1   
  offset_new: 1   
  step: 0.1  
  diff: 0.10000000000000009  
  delta: 0.5 full_rounding: "True"
2024-01-02 20:56:26.697 DEBUG (MainThread) [blueprints.panhans.heatingcontrol] >>>  
  - active_scheduler: None  
  - mode: heat  
  - temperature: 17.0  
  - set_comfort: True  
  - is_frost_protection: False  
  - is_person_based: False  
  - is_anybody_home: False  
  - is_presence_sensor_defined: True  
  - is_presence_scheduler_defined False  
  - state_presence_sensor: True  
  - state_presence_scheduler: False  
  - is_presence_on: True  
  - is_scheduled_heating: False  
  - state_scheduler: False  
  - is_scheduled_heating_on: False  
  - valves_off_mode: ['climate.thermostat_bad_og']  
  - valves_without_off_mode: []  
  - valves_tado: []  
  - input_frost_protection_duration: {'days': 0, 'hours': 0, 'minutes': 0, 'seconds': 0}

this is a general question about Blueprints, but also has to do with this Blueprint :wink:

Is it possible to use version 3 and the test version V4 at the same time?
When I import the 4 version, HA always wants to overwrite the V3.

did you happen to have time to look into this?

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The v4 test version points to another file named different to v3. There shouldn’t be a problem to test it beside. Maybe you’d import v4 already?