🔥 Advanced Heating Control

Oh, yes you’re right. I think I’d copied the code from the wrong system. Will update it soon.

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Wait a sec. The template sensor is fine. Could you update the blueprint?

Edit: nope, Error still available

I don’t get these errors in my setup. Since there is only the event trigger for this sensor it is always existent. Is there another trigger in your template sensor? Maybe an indentation error? II personally have one yaml file per sensor so I am aware of those kind of issues.

My tempalte.yaml looks like this: trigger: #Advanced Heating Control (States) - Weiterer Eintrag bei binary_sen - Pastebin.com

when this is the wrong methode please net me know, than i try to change
Normally i have each sensor type splitted in a serperate yaml

Yep, that’s the reason. You need to setup your sensors like this:

- trigger:
    name: "Sensor based on this trigger"
    name: "A second sensor based on this trigger"

- trigger:
    name: "A sensor for a 2nd trigger"
    name: "Just another sensor"
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Ah okay, thanks.
Understand it now :+1:t2:

It looks like that the hvac mode is “heat_cool” instead of “heat”

Ah ok. Never saw that mode before. I will add this to the settings and implement a warning if the mode that is selected isn’t supported.

that would be nice :slight_smile:

It’s supported now. I also blocked temp/mode changes if the hvac mode is not supporty by a climate entity but the warning. was already implemented. In your logs should be a warning that your selected hvac mode doesn’t support that specific climate entity.

could it be that there is something wrong with the version number?
the old one was 4.3.4 and now its 4.2.5!?!

4.3 was wrong. 4.2.5 is the correct version. My mistake, sorry.

:D…first tests seems to work :slight_smile: thx

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I wanna startup my Climate Season now, but it does not work.
Did you see anything in the trace? for me it looks good

Thanks for the great work! I was finally able to automate my heating and cooling in my whole home with all the options in this automation.

I do have an extra feature request if it is possible. For the AC too stay clean of mould it needs to get rid of condensation water that remains after cooling. Normally when the AC stops cooling you have to set it to ventilate for about 5 to 10 min.

I think to get this working the next features would be required:

-Automatic ventilation mode for X minutes after modes goes from cooling to off: hvac_modes fan_only FOR x minutes AFTER hvac_modes: cool > hvac_modes off
-I think a minutes slider input in automation for ventilator mode should be enough (no helper);
-This will only work if Tweaks settings “Off instead of Eco” OR “Min Instead Of Off” is used.
-Not required for heating mode on HVAC
-Some protection/time-out for cooling during this ventilation time might be required.

Awesome if you could implement this if you can find the time. Otherwise thank for all the great work so far!

Maybe this is the problem:

"input_mode_outside_temperature": "sensor.penthouse_realfeel_temperature",
"input_mode_outside_temperature_threshold": 15,

It needs to be inverted for cooling. ATM the automation only starts if the temperature is lower than your defined threshold.

Thanks for your request. First: it’s hard to tell if the AC will be off for the next 5-10 minutes especially if someone work with presence sensors. I would stay with a simpler solution like a certain time where the AC will be set to ventilate.

ah okay, i will try again.

@Arvideo Point 1 - Normally all AC’s do this automatically, when you havnt disabled it

I just pushed a fixed for your issue. The outside temperature logic is inverted for hvac mode cool now.

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I’m so sorry if this has been asked previously, I’ve tried reading this post but as it’s quite a large post I may have missed the answer to my question.

I’d like to be able to set different schedules for different rooms/TRV’s. So for example room#1 is active at 7PM-9PM and room#2 is active from 9PM to 10PM

I have created individual schedules in HA for this but I’m unsure where or how I assign those to each room. I do have the TRV’s assigned correctly the the rooms in HA but I’m unsure if that’s the intended config, or if I need to duplicate automations and use one for each room?