🔥 Advanced Heating Control

Did you add a schedule selector but no scheduler? Without your configuration I can’t solve your issue.

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aaah your right, my mistake :sweat_smile:

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@panhans Is it possible to enable hysteresis with this blueprint? I want to avoid short cycling where possible.

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Hi Panhans,

thanks for this blueprint, using it with pleasure already quite some time :-).

It looks like in one of the latest versions something broke the window closure detection or trigger.
Opening a window seems to work fine, temperature is lowered. But when closing the window (and I checked, HA is seeing it as closed), it doesn’t change back the temperature to either eco or comfort temperature (depening on schedule).

When I then start the Automation manually it sees it as closed and sets the correct temperature.

Is it possible that there is an issue with the trigger and hopefully can be fixed?

Could you give me more context? Most triggers ect. have durations before changes get executed.

The window detection is working with scenes now. The states of the thermostats get stored in a scene. After closing the window the scene will be applied so the state before opening the window will be recovered. If e.g. a schedule changed heating conditions during airing the scene will be destroyed and after closing the window there is a fallback to the evaluated temperature.

I just had a idea why this could happen. If the window is open and climates turned off and the window gets closed and open again for a short duration the scene is overwritten with the off states. In this case, the thermostats are restored with the off scene.

Thanks for reporting. I will improve the logic and fix that issue.

I’d just pushed an update in order to prevent recreate the scene when window closes and opens again during airing. Feel free to update, test and give some feedback if the issue still exists for you.

Hello panhans, thank you for the great blueprint!
I was able to set up almost everything succesfully. However, i’m still having trouble with the physical temperature change. No matter what i’m trying, the temperature always jumps back to the comfort value shortly after changing it via the valve or the app. Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you for the very fast response!
I just imported 4.3.10 and restarted automation. Will monitor and update ASAP.

Really appreciate the effort you put in this blueprint! It’s just brilliant :+1:

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Could you share your automation configuration in yaml?

Unfortunately with version 4.3.10 the issue is not resolved.
Any idea how this can be fixed?

@panhans : with the new 4.3.11 i got several errors, that the havc mode isn’t supported!!

> Fehler: „extra keys not allowed @ data['actions']. Got [{'if': [{'condition': 'template', 'value_template': "{{ trigger.id in ['hastart'] }}"}], 'then': [{'delay': {'seconds': 10}}]}, {'if': [{'condition': 'template', 'value_template': '{{ valves_unsupported | count > 0 }}'}], 'then': [{'action': 'system_log.write', 'data': {'level': 'warning', 'logger': 'blueprints.panhans.heatingcontrol', 'message': "AHC - Your selected hvac mode {{ input_hvac_mode }} isn't support by some of your climate entities: {{ valves_unsupported | join(', ') }}\n"}}]}, ...
> extra keys not allowed @ data['conditions']. Got [{'condition': 'template', 'value_template': '{{ not scene_creation_block }}'}, {'condition': 'or', 'conditions': [{'condition': 'template', 'value_template': '{{ is_warning }}'}, {'condition': 'template', 'value_template': '{{ calibration_number | count > 0 }}'}, {'condition': 'template', 'value_template': '{{ calibration_tado | count > 0 }}'}, {'condition': 'template', 'value_template': '{{ changes | count > 0 and not is_temp_change_by_thermostat }}'}, {'condition': 'template', 'value_templ...
> required key not provided @ data['action']. Got None
> required key not provided @ data['trigger'][0]['platform']. Got None“.

If i try to change the havc-mode i got the following message: Message malformed: required key not provided @ data[‘trigger’][0][‘platform’]

Could you disable your AHC automation an create this script. (Create new and switch to yaml mode in the upper right corner) Don’t forget to edit your climate entities at the beginning. Save it and run it.
What does it do?

  1. set climate to heat and 22°C
  2. wait 10s
  3. create a scene with climate entities
  4. set climates to off
  5. wait 10s
  6. restore scene

You can watch at your climate entities. At the end they should be set to heat and 22°C again.
If scene restore doesn’t work for your climates I will add an tweak to avoid this feature and force the fallback values again.

alias: Thermostate Scene Test Script
  - variables:
        - climate.thermostat
        - climate.thermostat2
  - action: climate.set_hvac_mode
    metadata: {}
      hvac_mode: heat
      entity_id: "{{ climates }}"
  - action: climate.set_temperature
    metadata: {}
      temperature: 22
      entity_id: "{{ climates }}"
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 10
      milliseconds: 0
  - action: scene.create
    metadata: {}
      snapshot_entities: "{{ climates }}"
      scene_id: thermostat_scene_test
  - action: climate.set_hvac_mode
    metadata: {}
      hvac_mode: "off"
      entity_id: "{{ climates }}"
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 10
      milliseconds: 0
  - action: scene.turn_on
    metadata: {}
      entity_id: scene.thermostat_scene_test
description: ""

Did you already update your home assistant to version 2024.10. ? If yes, could you share a trace log?

a few seconds ago ia saw that the min version for AHC 4.3.11 is 2024.10. I just updated from 2024.9 and now its working again :slight_smile:

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I made a very simply configuration just to test the physical state change, but still not working. Here my configuration:

alias: Heizung Schlafzimmer
description: ""
  path: panhans/heating_control.yaml
      - climate.heizung_schlafzimmer
    input_temperature_minimum_static: 18
    input_temperature_comfort_static: 21
      hours: 0
      minutes: 5
      seconds: 0
    input_frost_protection_temp: 15
      - physical_temperature_change
      - reset_temperature
      - schedule.heizung_schlafzimmer
    input_presence_sensor: binary_sensor.anwesenheit

Could you add entities for comfort and eco temperature? With reset temperature enabled the temperature will be reset if the presence sensor switch its state. I would recommend to disable this tweak and use schedule adjustments to reset the temperature e.g. at night.

Yes that makes sense and was also my original plan. However, the problem with the physical temperature change still remains also if I deactivate the reset feature

Could you trigger the physical change, wait until the reset kicks in and download and share the trace log? (more info in the initial post of this thread)


thanks for the great Blueprint. I’m currently testing it in one room before applying it to others, replacing existing manual automations. I’m currently struggling with the external calibration thermometer.

I’ve Aqara SRTS-A01 aka E1 Thermostats and I add an external Thermometer Aqara WSDCGQ12LM. Both are connected through Zigbee2Mqtt. If I’m correct the blueprint should set the sensor property of the E1 to external and the external_temperature_input to the value provided by the Thermometer. If done manually the local_temperature of the Thermostat returns the value of the external Thermometer. That is not the case with the Blueprint. Are my assumptions wrong or is the Blueprint broken/incompatible with the E1 Thermostats?

I did what you asked. Somehome 3 traces were created shortly after another so I uploaded them all here:


And here the third one: