Advice for building a load-cell bed sensor under a non-stabdard bed with no 3d printer


I would like to build a load-cell bed occupancy sensor like in this guide but on my bed, each horizontal pair of legs (it has 4) is connected by a wooden bar so I don’t have 4 separate legs but two of these bars.

Could I also just align the load cells like in the guide but on each corner of each bar?

Also, I plan to use this load cell amplifier and 4 of these load cells
Sorry for the German links…
I already have an M5Stack Atom lite ESP32 module, so I went with the M5 module because I am not that good at soldering.

My Questions are:

  1. Does the positioning, how I planned it, work for such a bed?
  2. How can I mount the cells without a 3D printer?
  3. Do these load cells and the amplifier I linked work with ESPHome?

Best regards

If you only want bed presence this is a lot simpler:

Where would I mount such an FSR?

That is explained in the topic.