Advice how to load sensor info from Plugwise Anna thermostat web interface XML

To add to CoMPaTech’s note, we are planning to support the two Anna’s (legacy and present), the Adam, and the Smiles P1 v2 and v3 with one HA-component. The idea is to have a Plugwise-platform plugwise: under you place the IP-adresses of you various types of Smiles, and then the component detects the types present and automatically creates the relevant entities in HA.

would any of you know how to add the Anna climate (climate.kantoor in this case) entity to cloud: and have google assistant respond to: “Hey Google, turn on Kantoor to 20 degrees Celsius”

not sure if this available?:

First I think you will need to expose the climate domain to google:

  project_id: some_id
  service_account: !include SERVICE_ACCOUNT.JSON
  report_state: true
    - script
    - switch
    - light
    - group
    - media_player
    - climate

Update: yes this works, I now see my thermostat in Google Home and can say: “Ok Google, set the temperature in the living room to 20 degrees”. And next the set temp changes to 20 on my Anna :slight_smile:

Update: we have received the requested data, thanks!

Hi, we need help from someone with a legacy Anna (firmware 1.8).

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yes, thanks! I’ve added my climate entity to cloud: (using Nabucasa) and it works just perfectly!

kinda cool indeed. Especially since the Plugwise itself isn’t supporting Google Home (as far as I can see)

Just to give everyone here a little heads-up and an update on what’s happening. @bouwew and me have been able to get things going on a platform component. It’s almost ready to have the community pick up on this and get cracking so we know if it works as intended. Meanwhile we have a couple of people testing various hardware and setups so we can pick up early feedback.

We are hoping we can upstream this soon (where soon is a variable time of measurement, since we overhauled the original ‘anna-ha’ (HA component) and ‘haanna’ (python module) completely.

The new custom_component (indeed, we’re starting from scratch) will be also availble through HACS as a manual added repository. Once installed you no longer have (or can) configure it through the configuration.yaml file, you just add it as an integration!

Once release into the wild it should support the below hardware.

  • (legacy) Anna and recent Anna’s
  • Adam (v2.5 and up)
  • (legacyP1v2 and P1v3

We haven’t tested adding in other languages than English and Dutch :slight_smile: Dutch screenshots below

Adding the integration is as simple entering your IP-address and Smile-ID (knocks on wood). Have multiple devices? E.g. an Adam climate system and a Smile P1 for energy monitoring, add them one after another :slight_smile:
Schermafbeelding 2020-03-27 om 19.30.43
Schermafbeelding 2020-03-29 om 20.29.05

Ending up with a nice couple of entities for further use in your Lovelace frontend

Again after some testing by some people we know have legacy hardware and we’re asked we’ll cross our fingers and enlighten all of you with the url to the beta custom_component.

Benefits of this new component, for those who like details, amongst others it:

  • Works asynchronously (
  • Has support for Smile P1 (gas & energy meters)
  • Has more sensors available, our current approach needed more than just ‘climate’
  • Has support for Adam devices including the (new!) plugs!
  • Easy to configure (and remove) through integrations
  • Aimed to be less data-hungry in terms of network connectivity to your Smile (partially because of the async, partially because of improvements to our code)
  • Other things we already forgot we added/wrote :stuck_out_tongue:

Depending on the Plugwise Smile devices/categories you have available you’ll get ‘climate’, ‘water_heater’, ‘sensor’ and ‘switch’ available as entities within your Home Assistant setup.

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cool, happy to test. Better give us that url then :wink:

@Mariusthvdb see my message please.

Hi guys,

My Anna thermostat has been updated to firmware version 4.0.15.
The home assistant plugwise plugin fails to get the current status from Anna.
Control still works (changing scenes is what I mostly use).

My question to @bouwew or @CoMPaTech is now: Will the new plugin work with the latest firmware? Do you need me to upload a new xml?

Let me know if you need any information from me.
I hope to check out the new plugin soon, as the old one is now no longer working.

Thanks in advance!

Ouch, almost all work done and a new version comes out … well, that’s life I guess.

If you can get us your XMLs that would be nice, I’ll send you a PM

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Hi there,

See that you guys still on the front working on integration of anna and ha! :+1:

As of june 2019 i was a happy user of anna-ha with Hassio v. 0.95.4.
Now i have updated my hassio to 0.107.7 and i get this config error:
Platform error climate.anna - cannot import name ‘SUPPORT_HOLD_MODE’ from ‘homeassistant.components.climate.const’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/climate/

My question is:
is worth it to update from or wait till it is possible to add anna as integration?

Is the new integration now possible to use? This is not clear for me.


Update: i see this now: and have done what it said but no entity visible? Also i have updated custom_components folder from:

Hope someone can help me to get anna working again.

Hi @Kumalix ,

The Plugwise Anna is now apart of Home Assistant Core. And yes it should work.
But you will need to disable the custom_component by changing:

  - platform: plugwise-dev


  - platform: plugwise

And you can delete your plugwise-dev custom_component files.
Don’t forget to restart HA after the above change.

If that does not work, please look in Developer Tools --> Logs. If there is any error related to Plugwise, let us know.

Hi Bouwe,

tnx for your reply.
I have deleted “anna” folder from “custom_components” folder. So the folder “custom_components” folder is now empty.
This is my configuration.yaml plugwise part:

  - platform: plugwise
    name: Anna Thermostat
    password: ***********
    port: 80
    legacy_anna: true

This is the error from log, i hope you can help:

Logboekdetails ( ERROR )

Logger: homeassistant.components.climate
Source: components/plugwise/
Integration: Klimaat (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 17:35:10 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 17:35:10

plugwise: Error on device update!

Traceback (most recent call last): File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 312, in _async_add_entity await entity.async_device_update(warning=False) File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 476, in async_device_update await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.update) File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/”, line 57, in run result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/plugwise/”, line 274, in update self._selected_schema = self._api.get_active_schema_name(self._domain_objects) File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/haanna/”, line 156, in get_active_schema_name rule_id = self.get_rule_id_by_template_tag(root, locator) File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/haanna/”, line 188, in get_rule_id_by_template_tag if rule.find(“template”).attrib[“tag”] == rule_name: KeyError: ‘tag’

@Kumalix I looked at the error, it is actually very strange, the error occurs in non-legacy_anna code. So somehow the status of the legacy_anna-key in your config is not detected.
Or, it could be that the version of haanna on your system got mixed up because you were using the custom_component before.

Can you try this: change the “true” in the legacy_anna line to “True” and restart HA.

If that doesn’t work, I would prefer that you switch to the new Plugwise-beta custom_component that we will be pre-releasing in this topic during the coming days.

Hi Bouwe,

It didn’t help. Still the same error.
So i’ll be waiting for “Plugwise-beta custom_component”!


We’re in progress of making sure everyone can start using the beta component. Just some final touch-ups. Beware that it is beta and @bouwew and my time might not fit your ‘it doesnt work need urgent fix now’-statement :slight_smile: So as a headsup, when available, read the documentation on the link that we will share shortly and start preparing:

  • You are not using Anna or Adam yet in HA: make yourself familiair with HACS if you have that installed you’ll be able to add the component in mere seconds
  • You are using the HA component: prepare HACS as per above, note that you’ll have to remove your current plugwise config by removing those lines from you configuration.yaml
  • You are using the downloaded version of the old Anna-HA or bouwes repositories, you’ll have to remove that custom component and remove the plugwise config from your configuration.yaml. You can decide to either download the component yourself or go the HACS-way indicated above.

The new custom_component is configured through the web-interface as shown a couple of posts up. We can’t urge you enough to read the README file that is included in the repository and obviously help eachother to get things up and running. Current things we - based on input of fellow owners testing - support are (v as in firmare major version): Adam v2/v3, Anna v1/v3/v4 and P1 v2/v3.

The link to the component will be made in another topic and crossposted here to get attention of everyone. And as we want to push through to get the current (Anna-only) main Home-Assistant updated we’ll not be including our repo in HACS, that will remain a manual action.

So here goes: version 0.1.0. Make sure your README it :slight_smile:

:champagne: :crossed_fingers:

If you have plugwise circle or stealth plugs, see [this topic](This is about Plugwise Smile and plugs - if you are looking for the Plugwise circle/stealth see this topic)

On behalf of @bouwew and myself big thanks to @riemers and @Tane for their support and all our testers over the last week who dealt our typos and challenges.


to get temp
{{value_json.waardes.temperatuur }}

or change you script to remove the waardes leaving only … then extract temp as you primary variable and the other as json_attributes

Announcement made through new topic, please leave any questions on the custom_component there and file issues at

And another set of nice updates is ready for you, check the new topic for our 0.2.0 announcement.