Advice how to load sensor info from Plugwise Anna thermostat web interface XML

I checked online but can’t find anything on upgrading firmware of Anna?

Hope some can help!?:grimacing:

In the webinterfase i can check for new firmware but after check it sais ana is up to date.
But it isn’t? old hardware?

I have a snippet containing the XML of my Anna, with firmware 1.8.20 available at

Bit busy atm, so I won’t be able to look into this issue until the weekend.

Tnx, will have a look at that one to see how it works. Not even sure why I have 3.1.5 as the website from plugwise even indicates 1.8?

Weird :face_with_monocle:

It is not so weird, there are 2 version of the Anna thermostat.
Both CoMPaTech and me have a “new” one, firmware version 3.1.5.
And plamola and you have an “old” one, firmware version 1.8.20.

Found the issue with the 1.8.20. If the schedule is the active rule, the code fails, because the schedule does not have an icon.
The name of the icon is used as the name of the preset.

@CoMPaTech Any change you can you get me the 3.1.5. XML?

I can use it to compare and find out what preset name is used for the scheduled rule and implement similar behavior in the legacy variant.

Here you go:

For those of you tracking, Kevin just merged a couple of changes. haanna is now at 0.90 (@Kumalix that would be the fix you’re looking for from @plamola). If you just download the latest files from it should also install the latest version of that dependency.

Integrating into HASS will take some time, we’ll first all have to get out of the way

Don’t forget that anna is nice, but there is also an adam. Should name it ‘generic’ so it can include both in the future. It is still on my list to get the adam with more devices (including multiple valves , floor heating valves and more sensors / lisa’s) so that i can share the information about it. When i played with it, it looked like just more of the same (as in interate through a loop etc) i’ll keep an eye on this topic too.

@riemers Good suggestion and point taken, when the climate-1.0 dust settles I’ll rework my current changes to plugwise climate! In that way all components (Tom/Lisa/Adam/Anna/Smile/…) can find their way into it.

i do have an adam and a thermostat + lisa, if you need the xml output of these ones i can also supply those.

Hi There,

Because of my SD card crash had to rebuild everything.
Just installed Anna in HASS en this time works perfect!

Thanks a lot everybody!
big :+1:

Good to hear everything works ok … you might want to hold-on to .95 as .96 is going to change a lot of things climate wise and I’m not testing with the beta’s yet (just waiting for release).

Heads-up, as promised it does break on 0.96 - good news, it’s already fixed, but we require another person to test. Not merging yet, if someone wants to test please update your custom_components/anne/ using anna/ PR #11

See - as said, I’ll push the merge button once I have confirmation beside myself testing it.

Thanks to doublechecking by @bouwew - PR is merged … happy updating anna/!

@riemers I hope to free up enough time this weekend to merge everything into the pending upstream component, renaming where due to make sure your devices are in as well

Would be great, if you need any examples or information from what i have (have the adam + lisa + thermostat) no floor heating thermostats yet, or multiple. Still ongoing thing.

Also a small note, since its zigbee and open standard. Can you not use a zigbee receiver and read/update from the zigbee bus instead?

We have another update to the anna component, already merged so just pick up the latest code (especially if you run 0.96 or higher).

@riemers I wondered how it communicated, I’m assuming my Smile and Lisa use zigbee as well to interact. I don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t be possible! I have your pastes/snippets available, just need to make time to get grips on it (and then renaming the thing to plugwise obviously :P)

It does use open zigbee protocol. There is a whole document about it. Although i would stil prefer the api since it integrates nicely if you have a proper integration.

If you need more information, just let me know. I think having more then 1 thermostat and more then 1 lisa would help to see how the array is build up. If you need that i’ll order some more.

To anyone who’s anxious for getting schedule-stuff into your Anna - please use the regular updated version of anna-ha as indicated above. I’m well aware that I committed two PRs for adding the functionality but it’s still early days. @bouwew should be able to test these when time allows, if you want to have a go as well please carefully read the notices placed in the PRs. (And yes that does mean modifying files again as the haanna part had to be updated (obvious, right).

For those anxious, it’s going to be hot in this part of Europe this week anyway, so no hurry to set your heating-schedules, but as you might want to have something to look at, this is where we got now. (And yes, the anna-component PR will get updates, so don’t bank on the screenshots to be final).

Off: pressing the schedule button (left below)

On: (pressing the power button gets back to previous screenshot (right lower)

State information: (attributes are subject to (be) change(d))

Detailed information on the state-card (clicking the right top dots): and yes you can rename the presets!

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