Advice on system-setup

Would like to ask the experts advice on how to best setup my HomeAssistant instance.

I have a PC running as server, with Windows 10 Pro. I have two SSD’s in raid for storage. On the system I currently run HASSIO in a Virtual Box. The PC has 8GB currently, to be extended to 16.

Modules of HASSIO I want to use are Mosquitto, Grafana, Influx, NodeRed and some typical components (mediaplayer and such). Later on want to extend with blue tooth (xiaomi) and zigbee. Got a spare PI which I intend to use for bluetooth.

Further to that, I have a Synology station running. I use this for storage and DNS.

How would you experts advise to setup the system?

  • What storage do you advice to use
  • What setup, VirtualBox, something different?
  • How much RAM for this purpose?

Typically, I would like to request, with these assets available, how would you configure your homeassistant setup? Understand it’s a bit generic questions, but want to make sure I get the essentials right.

My 2c: Bad choice of server OS. No way to reliably stop it restarting after security updates.

What would you advice as OS?

Is there a way to run drives raid in, e.g., Ubuntu? To be honest, at this moment the security restarting is not so much a problem yet.

PS, the interface with the PC is touchscreen monitor.

Of course. RAID (md-raid/mdadm) has been a part of Linux distros for a LOOOOONG time.