Aeon Labs Home Energy Meter polling interval issue

First off, I’m really enjoying HA and I’m grateful for the communities hard work and support on this project!

Now my question:
I’ve installed the Aeon Labs HEM and have it working with my zstick. I can see everything correctly in HA, however the power and energy values only ever seem to update when I restart HA. The rest of my zwave devices poll fine, including a multisensor 6. In my configuration file I have played with various polling interval values and nothing seems to change with the HEM. I also have polling intensity set to 1 for each sensor.

Am I missing something here? Do I need to tweak the config in open zwave cp like I did for the multisensor?

Not sure it matters, but I’m using the AIO HA version on an RP3. HEM is the US version with 2 clamps.

Thanks in advance!

I have the aeon labs smart energy switch, had the same problem with values not updating until I restarted. I set the following under zwave -> customize and my polling interval is 30000:
sensor.aeotec_smart_energy_switch_power_54: polling_intensity: 1 sensor.aeotec_smart_energy_switch_previous_reading_54: polling_intensity: 1 sensor.aeotec_smart_energy_switch_energy_54: polling_intensity: 1
There’s two spaces before each polling_intensity, idk how to get those to show up in the post.

That worked for me, hope that helps!

@brett5150: Have you tried updating the HEM’s firmware?

I own both a Aeon Labs Home Energy Meter and an Aeon Labs Smart Energy Switch. I was having difficulty getting either to report regularly until I tried the polling_intensity: 1 trick. That fixed it for the Switch but not the HEM.

Digging around, I found this thread which mentioned changing some parameters. I set parameter 101 to 6 (report information) and 111 to 10 (frequency, in seconds). I tried that via the OpenZWave Control Panel but had no luck with the device taking the configuration. OZWCP would send the configuration command but the device would not show any updates.

Finally, I updated the firmware. You can find the most recent firmware for the HEM at They have different versions of the firmware depending on which device, region, number of clamps, etc. I updated my v1 HEM to the US frequency 200A firmware

I then removed the device from my network and reattached it…and…voilà, it worked! I believe the firmware update is what was key here and not the configuration changes, but those may be needed as well.

Good luck!

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Thanks for the suggestions. It has been working pretty well lately so I’m not sure I’m going to mess with it lol. I changed a bunch of the parameters trying different things based on what I could find on various forums and finally arrived at a combination that worked for me.


I seem to be running in to a problem related to this that is driving me nuts.

I have an Aeon Labs energy reader hooked up to read the power being used by my washing machine and dryer to aid in automations and notifications. Whenever Home Assistant starts up it pulls perfect readings from the device, but then they never update again, ever. Restarting home assistant causes a new perfect reading, but only once, and then there is no update ever again.

I thought I could fix this with polling (obviously the device can be polled because starting home-assistant pulls the correct reading every single time) however I just can’t seem to get it to poll again without restarting home assistant.

      usb_path: /dev/zwave
      polling_interval: 10000
           polling_intensity: 1

The device has many sensors (sensor.aeotec_dsb09104_home_energy_meter_power and numbered 2-6, as well as interval, energy, etc) I also tried the friendly name sensor.washer_and_dryer, but that didn’t change anything either.

I also looked at the firmware update linked above, but the link above just takes me to the help section and there’s no mention of firmware updates anywhere. I also tried setting parameters 101 and 111, however there’s no evidence that the updates actually took on the device.

Anyone able to point me in the right direction? restarting home assistant every few seconds to get a new value is obviously not a practical solution!